Chapter 4

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"You rang?" I said a little too sarcastically, an older man looked up at me from behind a desk. He slightly lifted his eye brow at me for barging into the room, I looked back to see a few of kids from the camp busy writing in books, "Please come in," he said "thank you for knocking"  "Knock it off Porta," I said folding my arms over my chest "You called for me, why?"  "Your bulldog," he said getting up “I don’t recall ever having a dog” I smiled as I leaned my hands on his desk, he waved his hand towards the door to say that we should talk outside the busy classroom. I walked out the door first, Porta hot on my heels. "He questioned my third in command, as my second, you should be more on your game with those under you" “By ‘he’ you mean?” I asked, playing dumb. Porta’s face changed to a lovely shade of pink “Good lord, Devin” he snapped at me "Oh, right, He didn't question him, he made a valid point, and I did step in before it got ugly."  "Well the boy that came in, Grandville I believe, is a skilled mechanic, we haven't had one of those come by since your father." The man's name somehow sparked a memory but I wasn't exactly sure why. "Grandville?" I asked, "Did he give a last name?" I saw a spark of delight in Porta’s eyes which he quickly pushed down before continuing "Is that all you got from what I said to you?" he asked shaking his head, "Your father was one of our finest, and as much as I have tried to be the father figure you needed..." "Which I wish you wouldn't " I cut in but he carried on talking as though I hadn't spoken.  "I still expect you to do your job as second in command, find out what the boy knows about the surrounding camps, get him introduced to the rest of camp, watch him, I will not tolerate spies in this camp." I started to walk off after making a solute motion with my fingers "Oh, and Zoni, this is your bulldog's second strike" he said as he walked back into the class. As the door closed behind him I stuck my tongue out at the door. Letting out an audible sigh and pushing my hair out my face. I made my way to the medical center trying to figure out where the hell I had heard that name before. Granville,  very obviously not in passing, it wasn’t a common name, It was starting to irritate me so much that I half-ran into the building. Dr. Green was sitting in front of a computer looking frustrated. As  I walked up to her I noticed that she looked like she had been crying. She looked up at me, her eyes wide  "I'm sorry," she said quickly standing up "Sorry for what?" I asked confused, she looked down at her feet  "Assuming you had been bitten, I should have known better" she was twisting her hands and fingers as she tried to avoid eye contact with me, I cleared my throat forcing her to look up. "What are you talking about, I would have done the same thing, it's your job"  "But Porter- " she started ah, now I get is  "Is an ass that has a higher than thou complex" I said rolling my eyes. "I'm actually here  to speak to the man that came in" "Grandville?" she asked " He's in recovery I don't even think he is awake yet" she started walking towards a door, stopping when I didn't make a move, she tilted her head towards the door telling me to follow. I wiggled my nose and started following  "Removing the knife wasn't that hard, it didn't puncher any vital parts, however, I think the guy had taken quite a few substances to stop the pain, his blood was very thin and practically almost bled out. We are going to have to do a blood day soon, we had to to use four and a half bags during the operation, and another after we finally got him closed up"  "How did you get his name?" I asked nodding at all the things she was telling me.  "Driver license," she said holding up her clip board and lifting a few papers before handing me the card.  Grandville Black,  I stared at the face in the picture  "It can't be" I whispered  "Problem?" "What was the last name of the man that was bitten that killed my father" "I don't recall, unfortunately, why?" "This is his son, I'm sure of it, he went missing a few days before doomsday, we all assumed that he had been killed" I started walking faster not realizing that Dr. Green had stopped. I  turned back to give her a questioning look when she pointed at a door  "Oh," I said under my breath, I opened the door a little too quickly and basically fell in through the door  "You always did know how to make an entrance" came a man's voice I looked up to see him sitting up in the bed. I stoop up straight looking at him carefully. His long black hair was in need of a wash, but it was his piercing yellow-green eyes that confirmed everything that was going through my mind. He smiled when my eyes went wide  "It's you" was all I could manage to get out, my breath catching in my throat. "Told you I'd find you," he said wincing a bit when he moved, I moved towards the bed, remembering the message I had gotten the day before the world all went to s**t.  "Leave us," I said, waiting until the door closed before I moved again. I walked up to the bed looking at the man that was in front of me. Without realizing what I was doing my lips were on his, my hands in his hair as I pulled him even closer. He let out a groan which brought me back to my senses. I pulled away and looked at him, my hand flying across his face.  "you disappeared!" I hissed, he rubbed his face almost laughing as I scowled at him "Okay I deserved that" he said trying to keep a straight face "you knew! you knew what was on the way all you could bother to say was 'I'll find you'? " I shouted  "Zoni clam down" he now looked serious and lifted his hands in the air as if reaching towards me "No, don't... don't tell me to calm down. we all thought you were dead. I thought you were dead, I had to get over that fact" he made a move to sit up more,  "Stop," I said putting my hand up, I stared at him, touching his face "it's you" I whispered, he nodded against my hand putting his own over mine  "The doctor will inform me when you are ready to move around" I suddenly pulled my hand away from him, and backed away, making my way to the door and opening it, I looked back at him my heart squeezing as I forced myself out the room. I backed away from the door that was now closed, my back hitting the opposite wall, I felt tears spilling from my eyes and running down my face. I wiped them away angrily.  I looked up the roof and took a steadying breath before making my way down the hall. I eventually got to the front of the building where Dr. Green was behind the computer again. I cleared my throat making her jump "Ah, so let me know when he is ready to be put to work," I said speaking quickly "And confirm the date for the blood day by end of tomorrow as well so previsions can be made” I didn't wait for an answer and walked out of the building.  The sun had disagreed and I was met with darkness as I got outside. I looked up at the sky the stars were twinkling brightly. "Think this is funny do you? You have a good f*****g laugh, are you?" I said up to the sky. If there was a God he was having a good f*****g laugh at this.
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