Chapter three

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Kara walked alone into Canterbury High. Jaie and her friends were waiting for her. ‘What happened to you last night, Kara, we waited for you?’ ‘I’m sorry I thought you’d gone.’ ‘Did Kai walk you home?’ ‘No Seb.’ ‘His lacky. What did he want?’ ‘To be friends.’ ‘I hope you told him where to go, Kara. He's just like Kai and all of them. He’ll pull you into their gang and drag you down to their level.’ ‘He seemed okay.’ ‘Trust us Kara. You’ll end up in s**t and you won’t be able to get yourself out of it.’ ‘I will.’ ‘You won’t,. They're trouble with a capital T. Everyone’s scared of them, even the teachers. How do you think they get away with everything?’ ‘Luck.’ ‘Listen to yourself, Kara, people like that live in fear. The teachers don’t say anything because they know how to twist the truth.’ ‘I’ll be careful guys.’ The bell rang. ‘You need to be more than careful Kara.’ They all walked into the school, Kara hoping she knew what she was doing, even speaking to this guy. Kara walked out of her lesson. He pulled her into the walkway in between the classrooms, his blue eyes illuminated in hers, ‘Seb.’ ‘I missed you this morning.’ ‘Well, I guess you found me.’ ‘I guess I did. So are you meeting your friends?’ ‘I’m supposed to be.’ ‘Guess they’ll wait for you.’ ‘I suppose.’ He smiled. Pressing his lips on hers, kissing her, kissing her hungrily, his tongue slipping into her mouth, kissing her harder and harder. Kai watched angrily how could he do this. He knew his intentions. He moved away. ‘I’ll see you later, okay.’ ‘Okay.’ He turned and walked away. She stood confused. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. What if Kai or her friends caught on? She walked away. ‘What the f**k is your game Seb?’ ‘I ain’t got one.’ ‘You knew the score and you’re down her f*****g neck.’ ‘I like her, you have Tara. There’s no need to be greedy Kai ones enough for anyone.’ ‘I want her to join us, she can’t do that with you.’ ‘Why not makes no dif.’ ‘It makes plenty.’ ‘I like her. I ain’t backing down just cause you want to make her like you.’ ‘So we deal. I’ll let you see her. To get to know her she may talk to you.’ ‘She barely trusts me, Kai. She already thinks I’m gonna come running back to you.’ ‘Make it as if you are not, make her believe you’re really interested.’ ‘Then what?’ ‘You give her up to me so she can be one of us.’ ‘Isn’t there any other way?’ ‘No there is not.’ ‘Fine.’ ‘So we have a deal.’ ‘We do.’ He smiled evilly, his eyes dark and hollow. Jaie looked at Kara. ‘You okay Kara.’ ‘Yeah I’m fine.’ ‘So Seb collar you at break.’ ‘We spoke.’ ‘Be careful of him, Kara. He could be doing it to get you to break, so he can get it back to Kai.’ ‘I know he said he wasn’t.’ ‘I wouldn’t believe anything that they say, Kara, trust me. Seb was like you till he made friends with Kai.’ ‘How do you know?’ ‘My brother was friends with him, he and Jed pulled Seb in. He was no saint, but he was not them until he was welcomed into their gang.’ ‘There were more of them?’ ‘There was they all got separated into different schools. Now there is only him, Kai, Jed and Tara left out of all of them once the principal was done with them. Now he’s even scared of them. I don’t know what they have on him, but it’s enough for them not to get expelled.’ ‘Oh.’ ‘Just be careful, Kara, they're not like you and me. They know nothing else than to bully and put fear into you.’ ‘I will.’ The bell rang and they went in for registration and their final two lessons. Kara Jaie and their friends walked out of school. Kai whistled at them. Seb looked over at her and smiled, winking at her. She returned his smile as they walked away. ~ Kara met Jaie and her friends outside the high school. ‘So what are your plans this weekend, Kara, do you fancy doing something?’ ‘I can’t sorry I’m busy.’ ‘Sure. Maybe next weekend.’ ‘Sure.’ The bell rang and they walked into the school. She couldn’t tell them she’d agreed to meet Seb. He pushed her against the wall, looking into her green eyes. ‘So are we still cool for tomorrow.’ ‘I don’t know Seb. I don’t think this is such a good idea, me and you.’ ‘You been talking to your friends?’ ‘No.’ ‘I’m not Kai Kara, I’m me, just give me a chance and I’ll prove to you I’m not him.’ She looked at him. ‘I don’t know Seb.’ ‘Ignore everyone else, okay? I like you and if you didn’t like me you’d’ve told me to f**k off by now.’ ‘You didn’t ever give me much chance to.’ ‘Well, you have it now. Tell me to do one right now and I won’t bother you again.’ She looked at him. Could she say something that cruel? She often wishes she had in the past. When she wasn’t where she is now and with her friends in L.A. ‘See you can’t.’ He pressed his lips on hers, kissing her hungrily with his tongue. He moved away. ‘I’ll take you out, then we can go back to mine and get to know each other okay.’ ‘Okay.’ He smiled quickly, kissing her. ‘I have to go. Meet me by the gates at eleven, okay.’ ‘Okay.’ ~ Kara and Seb sat on his bed, their legs lying across it. He looked at her curling her hair in his fingers. ‘So tell me a little about yourself, Kara.’ ‘Like what?’ She asked nervously. ‘You know where I come from. There’s not much more.’ ‘Did you have many friends?’ ‘A few.’ ‘Only a few. I find it hard to believe an outgoing chick like you.’ ‘I had a lot okay, I just chose to hang with a few.’ He smiled. ‘Bet you had a few boyfriends whilst you were there.’ ‘Only one.’ ‘I find that hard to believe.’ ‘Well, it’s true.’ ‘So what happened with him? You break up or something.’ ‘Yeah.’ ‘Was your mom's new job the only reason you left L.A. to come here?’ ‘What’s with the twenty questions Seb, you sound like a cop?’ ‘Just interested. I’d like to get to know you okay.’ ‘Fine. I got expelled.’ ‘How?’ ‘I’d rather not talk about it.’ ‘Sure.’ ‘So I guess you’d like to know about me.’ ‘I guess.’ ‘I met Kai and Jed in year seven. Most of their friends were in our year and above they introduced themselves at break. No one would go near them then either. They asked me to join them. We’ve been friends ever since we lost a few because of the head. Wanker thought he was doing it for the best, and doubts that very much it’s just us four now. Tara began the following year. Kai pulled her in and they’ve been together ever since. Talk about finding a rock in a hard place. She’s nothing like you. She had a mouth and a half. It took Kai a long time to c***k her, but he did.’ ‘So is that why you wanted to see me so you could c***k me too?’ ‘If I want to, which I’m not. I’m not doing a very good job of it, am I?’ ‘I guess you’re not.’ He leaned forward. ‘I really like you, Kara. I hope in time you can trust me to open up to me.’ ‘Maybe.’ He smiled, pressing his lips on hers, kissing her. * ‘So what did she say?’ He turned. ‘Kai.’ ‘Well.’ ‘Not much, just what you already knew.’ ‘What .’ ‘That she got expelled.’ ‘Did she say why?’ ‘No, she clammed up.’ ‘Keep digging Seb, I want her with us.’ ‘I’ll try.’ ‘Monday Seb.’ ‘Kai.’ Kai walked away, he wasn’t sure if this was such a good idea. He liked her really liked her. She’d hate him for sure if she found out he was doing any of this for Kai. He turned jogging away. What had she done? She wasn’t the best at getting out of things. She just hoped he wasn’t like Kai. She walked away.
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