Full Of Yearning

1492 Words
Ryan “Ryan!!” My daughter turned first, but even before I turned I knew who’s going to be there. Shaking my head at the bad luck I had, I turned around and was immediately enveloped in a hug which smelled like Chanel.  “Allison.” I greeted her. “Oh, how are you doing? I hope you’re feeling better than the last time.” She leaned forward and said on a stage whisper, “And, rest assured, I haven’t told anyone about your wife.” I clenched my jaw as I felt the small fingers tightening around my hand. And, before I could’ve said anything, my not-so innocent daughter said, “Hi, I'm Anayaah.” She deliberately looked at Alison from head to toe which prompted Alison to stand straight under her scrutiny and her hands went to her hair, nervously. I wonder where my eight year old daughter learned to have this effect on people. Sometimes, she makes me afraid. “Hello, Anayaah.” Alison said sweetly, extending her hand for my daughter to shake. Ana just looked at her hand, and then at her face, her one hand held mine and the other playing with the rubber band. Looking a little hurt Alison dropped her hand and tried to smile but couldn’t make it. “Germophobic.” My daughter, taking pity on her, muttered under her breath. And then, “Have you met my father's wife?” I almost groaned aloud. I should've never went to that party. I wanted to kill Arjun all over again for forcing me to go to that f*****g event. I didn't even remember half of it, I was so out of it that I had taken the help Alison was so ready to provide me when I couldn't even stand properly. She had told me that her escort had left her, so she'd leave with me to save the face and I had readily agreed because I wasn't sure that I could've made past all the reporters without falling on my ass and then… she had left with me in my car. And, all the way to my house Gavin had thrown me disappointed looks. I didn’t understand it at first, but when Alison didn’t tell Gavin where to drop her off and had come to my house, I had understood why I was receiving those disgusting looks. But, the news flash, half of the night, before I had passed out, I had spent telling Alison about my beautiful and feisty wife. The very next day, I had called her and had threatened her not to tell this story to anyone. It was the second time I had been this careless in the company of any woman. But, surprisingly Alison was a romantic by heart, and had promised me that she wouldn’t tell anybody anything. So that brings me to the present where Alison was now gushing about my wife to my daughter who wasn’t even sure that I had one till the few minutes before. “Oh, yes!! She’s so beautiful, and I wish I had eyes like her. They are so green with the rings of blue in them.” She said dreamily. “And, your father told me that she was different from all the other woman that your father had ever dated, and he lov—” “That’s it.” I bit out. “Nice to meet you, Alison.” I hope we never meet again. “Have a great day.” I started to turn around and disappear inside the mall. But, her next words stopped me as she asked, “So, when is she coming here? I’m so dying to know your love story.” “I don’t know, if she’d ever come back into my life.” I whispered. Looking at Alison, I smiled and said, “If she ever comes here, I’ll make sure that the whole world knows.” Ana didn't say anything after our little encounter with Alison, now she wandered around the bookstore, looking through the shelves, but I noticed that she hadn’t picked even a book. Her fingers were constantly working on the rubber band she had wrapped around her fingers, knotting and unknotting it, telling me how restless her mind was. “Didn’t you find anything worth reading, Angel?” I asked, coming behind her. “No, I’m just not in the mood now.” She replied without looking at me and started to walk out of the store. “Baby, I told to you we’d talk about it at home. Didn’t I?” I said, knowing what was going inside her genius mind. “You don’t have to, that lady already did.” She said, moving around me heading for the exit. I picked up my pace when she started to almost run away from me. “Don’t run.” I said calmly, or tried to, but still people looked at us. Some of them recognising me as they started to whisper among themselves. Ana was full on running now, and my heart almost fell out of my chest as I watched her slip on the floor. But, she caught herself and, stood there, leaning against the wall, breathing heavily. When I reached her, I dropped down on my knees in front of her so I could look into her eyes. “My Angel, you know how much Daddy loves you, don’t you?” She nodded, her lower lip wobbling but she tried so hard not to come out as weak, as she chewed on her lower lip. “I promise, I’ll tell you everything. Please, stop looking at me like I hurt you. Daddy can’t bear that.” I pressed a kiss on her forehead and hugged her tight to me. My phone rang at that moment, pressing another kiss on her cheek I stood up and took out my phone. I wouldn’t have picked it, but Arjun’s name flashed on the screen. “Just a minute.” I told my daughter as I accepted the call. Few minutes later after telling Arjun to f**k off because he was reminding me about my responsibilities, once again, and badgering me about firing someone for not doing their work properly in my absence, and how my neglect to the company and its employees had made them lazy that our project was on the verge of collapsing, I ended the call by telling him that he can do whatever suits him, for all I care he can fire everyone. When I was off the phone, and turned to look at my daughter, her eyes were transfixed across the mall. Her face was full of longing and her grey eyes were filled with yearning. When I followed her gaze, I realised that she was looking into kid’s store. It took me a moment to realize, that she wasn’t looking at a dress or pair of shoes, no, my daughter was looking at a woman who was laughing with her daughter as they tried dress after dress, standing in front of a mirror. I watched as my daughter’s throat worked and she swallowed her emotions. She was such a strong girl, my baby. I wish I could give her everything she wished for and I would, if it’d have depended on me spending my money, but it wasn’t. My daughter wanted only one thing that I wouldn’t ever be able to give her. She wanted a mother and I would never, ever, bring that woman, who had given me this beautiful girl by deceit, in my daughter’s life. “Angel?” I called. “Yes, Daddy?” She turned to me, blinking. I smiled, and said, “You know Daddy loves you.” She smiled back as she slipped her hand in mine and said, “Oh, I don’t know. You haven’t told me about your wife yet, who you supposedly love…” “Smartass..” I muttered as we made our way to the food court. “Bad word, Daddy!” She squealed, “And, now I get to have two passes.” “Two?” I asked. “Remember, you said that I could’ve anything I want? And now, this is the second one.” I was already dreading it! I HOPE YOU LOVED ANAYAAH... AND, JUST HAVE PATIENCE BEFORE YOU JUDGE RYAN... I KNOW HE HURT YOU BY HURTING ROSE, BUT COME ON, EVERYONE DESERVES A SECOND CHANCE!! AND, YOU GUYS WANT IT, TOO!!!
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