Welcome to NewYork

1920 Words
Rose “Rose!!” I turned to the left, still feeling slightly dizzy after the hell of a plane ride I’d just had. I was a little happy that I wasn’t suffering through morning sickness during the first eight weeks of my pregnancy, there was no sign of me being acquainted with the toilet seat, but the plane ride changed that. Because, as it happens this little Ryan’s Xerox threw a tantrum in the middle of the sky when I was already a bit queasy about travelling in a plane for the first time. I hate Ryan Johnson! “Rose! Rose!” I spotted Arjun waving his hands in the crowd, a huge smile almost splitting his face in two halves. “He looks a little unhinged,” Michael commented from my side. I elbowed him in the ribs. “He’s happy to see me.” “And, of course, you knew that that’s why you informed him.” He remarked. I gave him a look as we reached Arjun who was almost bursting with the excitement. He hugged me so tightly that I couldn’t breathe and his spicy cologne almost made me gag. “Welcome to New York!!!" He loosened his hold and then almost shrieked, "You are here! I can’t believe it, you’re here. And, thank god, you are. Finally, he’ll listen to me—” “Arjun, you didn’t tell him that I was here, did you?” I asked a little urgently, grabbing his arm to have his attention. “No, not yet.” He answered. And, when he looked at my face, he asked, “You don’t want me to tell him. But, why?” He looked confused and a little bewildered, he turned to Michael who just shrugged. “No, I don’t want you tell him. Not right now. And, please just wait before you ask any other questions.” “Fine, let’s go.” When we reached the East exit of the airport, Arjun suddenly turned around and started to go in the opposite direction. “s**t! Not here.” “What happened?” I asked, looking at the crowd gathered on the East gate. “Media and paparazzi, they descend on the airport like a herd of vultures.” Arjun muttered, his voice laced with disgust. “It’s called committee.” Michael said, looking a bit amused. “What?” Arjun asked, his eyes still focused on the group of people scattered around the exit. “It’s not herd, but a committee of vultures.” Michael replied. Arjun gave him a dirty look that clearly said what he thought of Michael correcting his grammar. “Anyways, we’ll go from the other side, you don't want to be seen with me after the last comment Ryan gave and the news is already circulating around that he has a wife from India that he was keeping a secret. I still don’t understand how it came out and made the f*****g news since last evening.” Oh, but I could want that. And, what if I want that…. “But, the last time I saw him on the news he was being linked with some model or actress,” I said, waving my hand trying to appear uncaring but the bite in my voice gave away my emotions. And, Arjun turned to face me, “Oh, Rose, it’s not what you think. You must've gotten the wrong conclusion, he was talking—” “Save it, Arjun.” I held up my hand. “I’d like to hear all these excuses from the man himself.” He gave me one last searching look and then turned away and we followed behind him.   Ryan The pain exploded, jarring my head to the side as the opponent kicked me with his feet. This one was agile, dancing on his feet as he circled me. I had already fought with one before him, but I won that match too quickly for my liking and I could still see the image of her sitting with Michael, holding his hand while her head was on his shoulder. The image fuelled my anger and, although, I could still feel the white sparks behind my eyes I rushed forward tackling my opponent to the ground.  I got two well packed punches before his legs scissored and he threw me away. My whole body screamed in pain, but I shook it off and stood up. The world swayed around me as I held up my fists to fend off his next attack. “Oh, golden boy, are you hurt?” The d**k taunted me as his fist came toward my face. Not f*****g happening. My hips twisted on their own accord and the bastard’s fist sailed on, missing my face, but just grazing my chin. I clenched my teeth, and an involuntary groan left me as I charged forward. My fist shot out and I punched him on the side of his stomach, where his kidney would get the brunt of my strength. I smiled, showing my teeth as he doubled over. I was aware of the blood tricking down my temple and I tasted it at the corner of my lips, too. But, I didn’t care, it was too much better than to think that she was there without me. And, with Michael. “But, you and I always had similar tastes. And, everything is fair in love and war.” I remembered the words Michael had said to me the first time we had met in his club. And, he had kissed Rose in front of my f*****g eyes. I wondered what he’d be doing now. By coming back here and leaving her behind, despite the fact that according to me for all purposes she was my wife, I wasn’t really sure that Michael would take that into consideration. I wouldn’t, if it was me left with a broken version of Rose. I’d have done anything to comfort her, to make her happy and to make her mine. In fact, I did… until I let her go. I didn't see the next blow as it came. The blow landed square in the middle of my chest, my lungs wheezed with the pain and the lack of oxygen as my legs gave out from under me. I held up my hand, I was done for tonight, or if god will take mercy on me then may be for the next day too.   Rose “Are you sure?” Michael asked, once again. I picked up the robe that was left for me as I made my way to the bathroom. “Yup.” I let the word pop out of my mouth. The truth was, I really wasn’t sure. And, I was a f*****g mess. My insides were wound so tightly that the simple act of breathing was difficult. I shut the door behind me and looked in the mirror, for the first time seeing my body with critical eyes. Cataloguing my shortcomings. “You..” The director had laughed. Then turning to his crew he'd said, “This almost size eight is here to shoot the 'End of Summer'.” Some of them laughed with him and some of them looked at me with sympathy in their eyes, except the assistant director and his assistant who had talked to me and knew my identity. They weren’t smiling, in fact, they almost looked afraid. And, me… I was amused. At that moment I wasn’t embarrassed of how I looked, I knew I was beautiful. I had heard ‘him’ say it hundreds of times and I had believed him. “Unfortunately, I don’t see any other model waiting here to complete this shoot.” I had said, taking a seat that he’d stood up from. The seat which had 'Director' written on it. I had watched fascinated how he’d sputtered, his face going red, as I sat down on his chair. It tells us something about human nature that how the power is the most important for some of us, that how the slightest insult or challenge against that power provokes a person. “How dare you sit in my chair? Who are you?” “Sir—” his assistant tried to talk to him, but he wasn’t listening. “How did she get in?” He barked. Now, the people were a little reserved about showing their hostility, seeing that I wasn’t budging. I crossed my legs, getting comfortable, and then turning to the assistant director, I enquired, “Mr. Thomas, is it?” When he nodded his head, I asked, “How would you like to have a promotion?” “Ma’am??” He didn’t believe me. Poor man. “What the f**k!!” The director yelled. He took few steps toward me, I saw the anger generated from humiliation in his eyes. “Call the security, and throw her out!!” I arched one brow at him and still looking at him, I directed my words to Mr. Thomas. “You wouldn’t be having any problems with me doing this shoot, Mr. Thomas. Would you?” “No, ma’am, of course, not.” “Good.” I turned to his secretary. “Make sure I get his resignation before the shoot is finished.” “Bu- But, who gave you any right to do this? Who the f**k are you?!!” The director raged, behind me as I stood up and made my way to the trailer. I turned around and as calmly and as sweetly as I can, I replied, “Oh, silly me… didn’t I tell you my name? Mrs. Ryan Johnson.” By the time I had made my way inside the trailer, away from all the furious whispers and comments, every single person on the beach, which was reserved for the shooting, knew about my status. Now, as I looked in the mirror, I conceded that I wasn’t stick thin like the models I’ve seen on billboard and magazines. I didn’t even come close to them, all the more, I had even put on some weight after my last visit to the hospital. But, I want to do it. Just to piss him off, and I knew it would piss him off. I wish I could see his face when he gets this news. I hadn’t told Arjun about it, because I was sure that he’d try to stop me from doing it. And, I wanted him to be as surprised and shocked from this news as his best friend was going to be. Even, Michael was little reluctant to accept my decision. But, I’m doing this for me. I’m doing this to show him that he had granted me this power and now I’m using it like he used it to his advantage, every single day of his life. HERE IT COMES.... FOR WHAT YOU'VE BEEN WAITING...!!! EXCITED??
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