Chapter #4: New Blood

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As Keiji walked back into the hospital foyer now, he noticed all was not as calm as he had left it. In fact, he realized his entire team was trying to talk to the public and explain the situation – with varying degrees of success. Upon his entrance into the room, the team broke from their respective conversations and reconvened with Keiji. “Keiji, your going to have to do something about the public,” Duke said. “Once you left, they started getting anxious as to what would happen next and started asking questions. We weren’t sure what you wanted to do, so we made sure to keep everything a secret. However, people are catching on, and it might be high time to tell them the truth…” “I wholly agree Duke,” Keiji said. “I just needed a moment to get my head on straight. Here’s the plan. I’ll address everyone and tell them the truth about what’s happening. The way I see it, there’s no point in keeping the New Mecha Warriors secret anymore because Fox is gone. And we could use any help they could provide us.” “Whatever happens you have our support mate,” Ricky said. “Let’s hope the truth wins,” Hella said. “Let’s hope,” Keiji said. As many other people were intently looking onward at them, Keiji went to the front of the room. He took a deep breath, and just made sure not to keep anything from them anymore. “Hello, everyone. My name is Keiji. I am sure you are all in shock and wondering what’s going to happen next – to which I will inform what’s to happen. That man, the one we let go, his name was Stryker. What he said to you all is true. Myself and my comrades are a secret society in Mecha Station called the New Mecha Warriors. However, that’s the extent of his truths. He lied to you all about us being a threat to you. In fact, we answer directly to President Fox. The reason you have not heard about us sooner, is because our secrecy was meant to enforce the safety of you all. In other words, not knowing about us has kept you all safer. However, with the cat out of the bag now, I find it more prudent to let you all into this secret world of ours – because Stryker is the real threat. He hails from Zeta station, and will stop at nothing to fully control and subdue our home. If anybody is willing to help, speak up now…” There was a long silence, ensuing Keiji’s speech. Many of the public looked confused and skeptical. However, there was 2 people who looked at Keiji with solid eyes of determination. One of them, a long black-haired woman, spoke up. “So many of these truths have been thrown around today, yet we really don’t know who to believe….” she said. Another man, who was standing beside her, joined in. “How can we know that you, the New Mecha Warriors, are telling the truth?” he said. “Because remember, we weren’t the ones holding you hostage with guns,” Keiji responded. “But you let them go? Are to assume that you’re in league with Stryker and his goons?” said the woman. “No, that was because news of Fox’s capture had reached our ears. Stryker had another team to capture Fox while preoccupying us here at the hospital. It was a bait and switch,” Keiji said. The man who was standing next to the woman, softened just a bit. “If you really are who you say you are, you would do anything to keep Fox safe,” said the man. “Yes,” Keiji said. “That settles it, I’ll help you. My name is George, and I’m a nurse here at the hospital. If you all ever need medical attention, I can provide it,” George said. The woman who had responded first, looked at George and shook her head. “If he’s going then I’m going too,” she said. “My name is Hita, and I’m a communications specialist here on the station….I can monitor station wide comms and flag items of importance.” Keiji smiled. Hella had been right, the truth had won out. With a comm’s specialist and a nurse temporarily added to the team, they would have much more reach and adaptability with catching Stryker. “Thank you for your help,” Keiji said. To the rest of the public, he said, “Everyone else, remain here for the Mecha Station Police, we shall call them to take care of the rest of you.” Keiji waved George and Hita over to where his team were standing and together, they all left the hospital.
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