Home sweet home

1214 Words
Arfa  I breath in the air around me before letting it out with a huge smile on my face, finally! I'm back home. I dragged my suit case behind me heading towards the baggage claim, I load my box on the stroller before successfully passing the custom and making my way out. I heard my name being called and I turn around to find my elder brothers Aslam, Mansur, Khalil and Bilal. I head towards them and gave them a big hug ,it's been a while since I've been home. "I've missed you so much, what's been up with you?"  "nothing, I've just wanted to come back home and be with you guys." I reply with a sigh. "Is it just me or did you grow taller" they laughed at me while i shook my head with a gummy smile  Arriving home, my parents where there to welcome me and give all the attention I usually get. I really wanted to meet my elder sister, she got married 2 years ago so of course she lives with her husband and it's too late to visit. I'll have to wait until tomorrow, it was draining but Also nice to see my family again, the last thing I thought of before I went to bed was how I wished only good things would happen from now on.  ******** Waking up at home was a very fulfilling feeling, she missed beign in her room. She turned to see her mom coming in, and smiled at her. She considered her mom to be one of the bravest people she'd ever met, her mom had gone through so much. She had lost the love of her life at a young age, raised them for a while before she had met my dad who had lost his wife too and got married eventually. After they got together, i and my elder brother Bilal were born from them. My elder sister Salma and Aslam came from her mom's first marriage, while Khalil and Mansur came from her dad's first marriage. Others from outside might think they'd hate each other but if you weren't told or aware of their history you'd think they came from the same parents. "sleepy head, wake up its 11am." "uh mama I'm exhausted" I whined  "how have you been?" she sat beside me and started playing with my hair  "I'm good, nothing but the usual"  "how is Musab by the way?"  You might be asking, who is Musab? Well he's the guy I've been dating for 2 years, we met at school. He attended his sister's graduation while I was there for a friend, we ended up hitting it off and started dating not long after. Lately though things been boring between us, so I decided to end it with him.  "we broke up" I saw lowly knowing my mom wouldn't be happy about that  "for gods sake arfa! What is it again? He was a really nice boy with a good job and he's so responsible." she smack my head and I hissed lightly "ow, mama it wasn't working out. He was too clingy and I felt like he was rushing me" she glared at me before shaking her head  "he's the 12th guy you've dated in 5 years, I thought he'd be different because you've been dating for a while." I could see the disappointment on her face, I guess she liked him.  "I know but I promise the next guy I date will be someone I'm serious about." she sighs and nod  "I hope so, you're not a kid anymore. By the way Salma is on her way here, she called me about an hour ago to tell me" I sat up quickly before running into the bathroom to brush my teeth, I couldn't wait to meet her and her cute little daughter.  After freshing up I came out of the bathroom to find ya Salma talking to mama with Aisha on her lap gurgling, immediately she saw me she hand her baby to mama before pulling me into her arms. I hugged her tight feeling tears in my eyes, I've missed her so so much.  "look at you, you look good" I laugh at her batting my eyelashes  "I mean it's me so it's not surprising" I grabbed Aisha from mama who started laughing at me and grabbed my face with her wet hands, I laugh and kiss her cheek. "she's so big, the last time I saw her she was a new born baby."  "uhuh I'm sure" mama glared at me before leaving the room "what's up with her?" I turn to ask my sister "she's still angry about you and Musab." I roll my eyes at her answer "she doesn't understand, I just don't like him anymore" "hmm that's the same thing you said about that mudassir guy, poor boy he came bawling to mama begging that she talk some sense into you." "yeah, God he was so annoying" "I actually saw him not long ago, he personally came to invite us to his wedding, he married a very pretty girl" "oh really did you go?" "really? After what you did to him? I'm pretty sure his family will eat us alive, so no we didn't go" I laugh at the comic look on her face. We talked a bit more before my door opened and in came ya mansur, Bilal and Khalil. "look who we have here? You really came here without even checking up on us cause your best friend is Back?" we laugh at their petty attitude "give me my wife, she's been eyeing me since I came in" ya mansur joked while taking Aisha from me The door opened and in came ya ashraf "oh wow it's surprising, I was just about to ask ya mansur where his twin was." ya aslam and ya mansur were close, you couldn't see one and not the other, they were born the same day but hours apart. Even though they came from different mothers people referred to them as twins. "hm we don't go out together anymore" ya mansur said "at least to certain places" "why is that?" they all burst into laughter except me, Bilal was happy to fill me in "so your elder brother traveled and when he was coming back he decided to stop by his girlfriends house to say hi before coming home, as usual ya Aslam was with him so when they arrived he followed ya mansur in. Now since the girl saw him she completely forgot mansur and was all over Aslam and when they decided to leave she collected his number saying it'll be good to keep in touch, it's safe to say ya mansur broke up with her after that" "I really thought cause I was fair and he was dark I'd get more attention but boy was I wrong, so now I'm taking precautions" I laugh at his pain, it was hilarious. After that we got talking and caught up to what we've missed, we laughed and had fun. Eventually everyone went ahead to go do what they had going on, I on the other hand started unpacking with a smile on my face glad I was home with family around. 
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