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“What do you mean by you’re not my mother?” I asked. She didn’t answer me. I waited for the answer. We just stared intensely at each other. My patience was beginning to itch. “You can't just drop that information and not say anything”. I hated the fact that my voice was still calm. I should sound furious because that was what I felt. How is it even possible that the woman standing in front of me is not my mom? I know we looked nothing alike. To be honest, that used to be weird to me. My Dad is blonde with green eyes and she had light brown hair and brown eyes. I, on the other hand, had black hair in a Bob haircut and hazel eyes. My skin is even whiter than theirs. "I need to make dinner". She said fixing her gaze on the floor. Is she serious? I thought. We slumped into silence again. I aligned my legs with the foot of the door making sure that the door space was covered with my body. "You're not leaving this room", I threatened, "until you explain". "You're not making this easy, Wiberly". She looked at me this time. "I shouldn't! You announced out of the blue that you're not my mom and when I ask for an explanation, you're quiet!" I was relieved that my voice finally expressed my anger. Just as she opened her mouth, the car's honk blared in. Due to the distraction, she squeezed out of the room. Fake mom had escaped the questions all thanks to my Dad. Fake mom? Really? I face palmed myself before heading downstairs too. "Hey kiddo!" Dad said as he sees me. I hugged him hoping that it wasn't weird. "Just because you're turning eighteen doesn't mean you can't hug your old man". He said with a smile. I couldn't help but laugh. My thoughts went wild again. He definitely knows that she's not my mother. "What did your mother make for dinner?" He asked pulling me out of my thoughts. "It still very early. She just started". I replied plainly. "Well, that gives you plenty of time to pack up", he said, "your mother told you right?" That word put me on edge not to mention that my blood was boiling. "Oh, she told me something", I tried to hide the sass in my tone as I later said, "I'm going to my room". I didn't waste time running up to my room. I crashed into the soft mattress. I need to talk to my best friends. The best friend remedy as usual. I tucked the stray hair behind my ears while settling in my reading desk. I opened my laptop to Skype call them. I did send them a warning text. After three rings, Helen picked. "Howdy!" Helen yelled. "You're crazy weird". I said with a small smile. "Whatever. Bill told me about the extra holiday week". "Yeah. I'm going to Gold coast". "Alameda?! That's super cool!" "Maybe" my voice was flat. "Are you kidding? It's amazing and don't forget that it has one of the best seaviews in the city. I wish I could come with!" Before I could answer, Bill joined in. "What up mamas?" He greeted. "I can't believe that the crazy weird ones had to be mine". I was laughing now. I changed the settings to split screen so that I would see them equally. "You're lucky to have us!" They both complained. They.both laughed since it was totally weird that they said it together. We talked about a lot of things. Actually, Helen and Bill did the talking. I just answered when needed and gave slight nods when needed. I was wondering in my thoughts. If they could keep this secret for so long, what others are there? I thought. "Will!" the screaming broke my consentration. They were both giving me that look that said 'spill your guts out now'. I sighed heavily. "If your parents have been keeping this major secret", I started, "and you find out, shouldn't they give some reason?" "Like totally! They owe you that much". Helen answered first. "I'm with Helen on this". Bill shrugged, "but what's this juicy secret?" "You guys are not gonna believe it", I leaned closer to my screen as if someone else was in the room. "Dinner!" I heard from Helen's video box. The same happened to Bill and I was in line. After telling them that we'll talk later, I ended the call. I closed the device and braced myself for the most awkward dinner ever. I took my steps slowly. No one would dare hurry me at this point. Dad took his seat at the head of the table. I sat at his right and fake Mom on his left. And yes, I'm sticking to fake mom. I poured myself some juice first. I needed a moist throat for this. "Why didn't you tell me?" I piped up suddenly. They both turned their heads to me. Fake Mom dropped the fork and strangely needed to check the chicken in the oven. "What're you talking about?" Dad asked. "Don't act like you weren't expecting this one day". I still took little sips. "First of all, I do not appreciate your tone, young lady". Dad warned, "and second of all , you need to be specific". I wore a smirk. "Specific, huh?" I trained my eyes on fake mom, "how about, that woman over there isn't my mother". I faces Dad again and asked, "what do you have to say about that?" He looked at her. She had a look of appproval. He exhaled deeply. "We would have prefered it if you didn't call us Mom and Dad", he stared at the table, "but that was how your parents wanted it. We can't tell you the rest here". What bothered me was his use of 'parents'. "You're not my Dad either?" it was supposed to be a statement but my voice was trembling. "I'm sorry, kiddo". Was all he said. I could feel the tears building in my eyes. "My life is all a lie", I said in a small voice, "I can't believe you'd do this to me". "Wiberly..." was the only word I opportunied them to say as I matched to my room. I slammed the door so hard, I was almost sure that a ceiling board fell out. I emptied the contents of my eyes into my pillow. I definitely understand why people get emotional after finding out things like this. The blow from the shock hurts!
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