5. Dinner together...

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"Playing a mobile game..." Chris replied in an unbelievable calm voice... I couldn't even understand how he could sound so calm like that. He was standing in front of the whole class and about to get scolded... Also, how dare he to say he was playing a mobile game. Why can't he just lie? "What did you say right now?" the lecturer asked again. His face has become red like a tomato. He is really pissed off... "I was playing a mobile game..." Chris again said. He sounded so confident about what he was saying. "You..." the lecturer was about to say something, but he paused. I think he understood he should not lose his temper in front of all his students. "Do you think playing mobile games is what you should do in the lecture." he then asked. "I don't think like that. But I had nothing to do." Chris said. He was talking openly, just like he talks to one of his buddies. "Nothing to do? You are in a lecture, you have to listen to the lecture, that's what you are supposed to do." the lecturer said. He was trying so hard to control himself... "I know that, Sir. But I can't understand even a single thing you said, the lecture is boring... That's why I ask you to let me go, but you refused that. So what can I do? I can't sleep in the daytime, so I played a mobile game..." Chris said casually... The lecturer's face distorted with unbearable anger... His lips began to tremble... I don't know if Chris is being honest, or he is just showing off that he is even above the lecturers... However, he is going to get into big trouble, there is no doubt in that. The lecturer was silent for a few seconds, he must be thinking about what he should do now. Everyone was looking at him and Chris. Chris was just standing there as nothing has happened. "You just insulted a lecturer. Do you know how serious is that? I can even get you suspended for the whole semester, then you will be batch missed."The lecturer said. "I didn’t insult you, sir. I just told the truth." Chris said calmly. Chris you are making him angrier. Just apologize, you idiot... "You are too much. I have never seen a student who thinks so highly of him. You know who I am? I am a Ph.D. holder, also a senior charted accountant. Who you are, just a troubled student. " The lecturer yelled. " I am not thinking highly of me, sir. I know you are a highly qualified accountant, but I don't think you are a good lecturer. Everyone in this room felt how boring your lecture is. You didn’t explain anything, you just talked to the board and wrote equations. " I was startled by Chris's reply. I think not just me, everyone got shocked. I have seen many students who play games, surfing the internet, and doing all sorts of irrelevant things in the lecture. But this is the first time I saw a student accepted what he did and directly tell the lecturer the reason for his act. What he said was totally right, we all felt that, and deep inside, I think everyone wishes they could do what Chris just did. But no one dares to do so... So, Chris is kind of a hero, isn't he? But for the lecturer, Chris is the devil! "What is your name?" the lecturer asked. "C. Fernandez," Chris said. He still looks so calm and confident about what he did. Fernandez! An uncommon surname in our country. Maybe his dad is from another country, I think that's the reason for his hot tanned skin... "I am not going to leave this easily. Go to the Dean's office right now. I will teach you a good lesson. " the lecturer yelled... Without any hesitation, Chris left the lecture hall. "Sorry, students for the inconvenience that occurred. There are people like him who waste other people's valuable time. He just ruined this lecture for me and all of you. I am not in a mood to continue the lecture now. Let's do the lecture next week. " the lecturer said. I know everyone, including me, was very happy because the lecture ended soon. But for giving us this pleasure, Chris had to sacrifice... What if the lecturer actually made him suspended for the whole semester? "What are we going to do now? Shall we go to the library?" Jeff asked when we were leaving the lecture hall... "Mmm... No, Jeff. I have to get a few documents signed by the dean. I will get it done. After that, I will call you." I said. I actually had to get a few documents signed, but more than that, I want to go to the Dean's office because our lecturer asked Chris to go there. I was so curious about what will happen. ********************************* When I go to the dean's office, Chris was there in the waiting area. He was still doing something from his phone. God! How can he be so cool about everything? If I was asked to go to the Dean's office as a punishment, I will be crying... I took a seat a bit away from him... He still didn't see me. "Why are you here?" the dean's personal assistant asked me. I got totally startled by her question. Meantime, Chris also looked in my direction. I even forgot why I came here. "I asked why are you here?" the personal assistant asked again. "I... I want to meet Dean... Need to get a few documents signed..." I managed to say. "Please go sit in the line..." she said, showing me the seat next to Chris. What the hell? Only Chris and I were there. So why she asked me to sit next to him? However, I didn't want to argue. I went and took the seat next to him. "You were not at the bus stop today," he said as soon as I sat. What! So, he looked for me! Yey!!!! He looked for me!!!! "I... I came early..." I said. "You were not in the balcony either." then he said, making me want to jump and dance... I didn't see you either... I almost said. So he was also looking at our balcony from his room! How nice!!! My heart was filled with joy... "I don't have anything to do on the balcony," I said, pretending like I don't care. "Really? Did you lose interest in our house so quickly? Well... That's good, I was afraid you will buy our house." he said, laughing. What a joke! Scolding my self for coming here, I frowned at him... That made him laugh even more... "What you did to come here?" then he asked. "Why you think everyone comes to the Dean's office has done some bad thing?" I asked annoyingly. "Do you think what I did was bad?" he then asked concernedly. I don't know how to answer him... "You shouldn't have talked to a lecturer like that," I said thoughtfully. "Weren't you sleeping in the lecture?" then he asked, making me shocked. So, he had observed even that. "Yes, but..." I was trying to tell... "So, you were also feeling the lecture is boring as hell... Not just you, everyone felt the same. But you all were afraid, to tell the truth, because you don't want to be in trouble. Also, none of you wanted to add a black mark to your names... So you all chose to just ignore it, but I can't do that. We are spending money on every word he teaches us, so he is bound to teach us right!" he said, making a fist... I looked down. What he said was true... I actually feel ashamed of myself... "I first tried to leave because I don't want to disturb any of you. But he didn't allow me. Then I wanted so much to stand up and tell him how bad he is at lecturing. But I didn't want to make a scene, so I just played a game peacefully. However, when he asked me, I couldn't hold it anymore..." he said again. "Chris, go in..." the private assistant said at that moment. " I am not afraid, to tell the truth, I am always in trouble, and I don't give a s**t about it. Also, I don't have a big name to maintain... " he said firmly, standing up from where he sat... I was staring at the way he went... I don't truly understand this guy... One day he beats someone, the next day he gets into an argument with a lecturer...I don't know why beat those guys, maybe there is a fair reason, maybe not...However, today, he had a valid reason, and he was so bold to act like that. So my confusion about him still remains. Is he a good guy or a bad guy? After a few minutes, Chris came out... He looked so relaxed, he smiled as he saw me. "What happened?" the personal assistant asked the exact thing I wanted to ask. "Nothing..." he simply said. "Didn't you get suspended?" that just slipped from me. God!!! "Why? Were you looking forward to getting me suspended?" he asked with the same smile. Why, Emma? Why the fu** you can't control your mouth? "I... I didn't mean like that." I said, avoiding his sharp eyes. "I didn't get suspended. He just asked me not to go to the lecture if I find it boring." Chris said, laughing... What? How can that be possible? Indeed he told the truth, but he insulted a lecturer in front of all the students. So how can he get away with it, without getting any punishments? This is impossible!!! I thought, looking at his carefree laugh... ******************************* The next day, I didn't see Chris at all, not even at his house or university. He didn't come to any of the lectures as usual. His buddies were at the canteen during lunch, but he was not there. I spend some time near the football court as well, but he was not there either. After going home, I kept on looking at his house but couldn't see him... By the next day, I started to miss him badly... It is just one day I haven't seen him, but I felt some unfamiliar loneliness in my heart... As soon as I got up, I went to the balcony... Yes, giving up maintaining my standards, I went to the balcony to see him... But I couldn't see him... I went to the bus stop and stayed there for a long time, I actually wait there until three buses left... When it was so close to the lecture starting time, I took a bus and went to university. That day also I couldn't see him at all at the university. What has happened to him? Did he lie to me about not getting suspended? I wish I had someone to ask about him... However, as I said earlier, Jeff wants me to come with him to a competition. He has two of his friends also on the team. We four got together in the study area and had a discussion on the competition. Therefore, we got late when we leave university. Jeff offered to drive me home, and I agreed. On our way home, we were just talking about random things. "Shall we get dinner together? " he asked out of blue, making me shocked. "What?" like an i***t, I asked. "Don't get me wrong, Em... I am hungry, and I know a nice restaurant nearby, so I thought of getting dinner there. It would be nice if you can join me..." he explained. Well... Mom called me in the evening and told me that she and dad are going to a dinner party. Even if I go home, I have to eat alone. So, why not eat with him. Anyway, I was feeling so hungry too... "Sure, let's go..." I agreed. "Nice... Then it would be a treat from me to welcome you to our university!" he said happily. **************************** Just as Jeff said, it was a nice restaurant. It was small but looked so cozy... "Food here is just great..." Jeff said while we go through the menu... I ordered a pasta, and Jeff ordered a lasagna. We ordered fresh juices until we get our food... "I am so glad you came to our university, Em..." Jeff said happily... "I am also glad to be here, Jeff..." I replied, smiling. Of course, I am happy to be here... I got an awesome friend like you! Also, I got to meet Chris, though I still don't know what I really feel about him... While we were talking like this, two guys went passing our table to the table next to us... I didn't see their faces, also, I didn't pay much attention to them... Jeff was showing me a document from his phone. Since we both were reading it at the same time, our heads were so close... I could even hear he breathes...I could smell the nice fragrance of his cologne... Honestly speaking, being that close to him distracted me from paying my full attention to the document... He suddenly turned his head, and his lips literally touched my ear... Without even knowing, I also turned my head, and we both were looking at each other's eyes... My whole body trembled... My heart was beating so fast...I was totally stunned... At the same time, something dropped to the floor, making a huge sound... Waking up from that dreamy moment, I turned my head towards where that sound came... That sound came from the table next to us, and can you believe, Chris was there, staring at me with a lot of anger in his eyes!!! ********************** Dear all, Thank you very much for reading my story... Love you all
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