6. Blue Dress...

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Chris's eyes were filled with anger... His face has got reddened... He was staring at me without even blinking... You were nowhere to be seen for two days, and now, you staring at me like this? What is wrong with you, Chris? Why you look angry? Is it because I am here with Jeff, but that is none of your business... Then a waiter came to their table... Then only I saw the broken pieces of a plate near their table... "Sorry, the plate was dropped. Please, add the cost to our bill." the other guy who was at that table with Cris said. But Chris was still looking at me. "Em..." with Jeff's voice, I turned around to look at him. "You got scared?" he asked worriedly. "No..." I tried to smile. "These kinds of things are pretty normal when Chris is around," Jeff said, releasing a sigh... At the same time, we received our ordered food. So without saying anything, I smiled again and started eating. It was so damn hard to not look at Chris... But I tried my best... Jeff was talking about the competition and the welcome party to our junior batch. I was looking at him all the time, pretending I concentrate... But actually, I was super nervous thinking if that plate just got dropped or Chris intentionally dropped it. After we finish our meal, Jeff paid the bill, leaving a generous tip to the waiter. When we about to stand up, "I can take you home." Chris's voice raised. He has come near to our table. I looked at Jeff nervously. "I took her to dinner, so I must take her home..." Jeff said coolly. "You can go home directly from here. Since I am anyway going near to her house, I can take her..." Chris said. "Thank you for the offer... But I will take her home." Jeff said firmly and stood up. The volume of his voice raised, and it got the attention of the people in nearby tables... I also stood up quickly, but I couldn't take even a step forward as Chris was right in front of me. "Chris, let her go..." Jeff said nervously. "Come with me," he said, looking deep into my eyes... After having dinner with Jeff, I don't think going home with Chris is the right thing to do. I was anyway going home with Jeff before we stop for dinner. "Thank you for the offer, Chris... But I will go with Jeff..." I said in a low voice. Chris's face got darkened... But without protesting to what I said, he moved from my way and walked out of the restaurant... I was startled. Honestly speaking, I didn't expect him to leave immediately like that. Deep down me, I wished he would try more and make me agree to go with him. "Let's go..." Jeff said, gently touching my shoulder... I walked behind him, scolding my self... Going with Chris is not the right thing, but that is what I truly wanted. ******************************** Our drive to my home was a quiet one. Both Jeff and I were attached to our own thoughts... When he stopped the car in front of my house, I got out. He opened the shutter and looked at me. "Sorry for what happened, Em... I shouldn't have tried to argue with him. I made you uncomfortable, right." he asked sadly. "No!!!" I said quickly. Actually, if anyone should apologize, it must be Chris, not Jeff... I was fascinated to see how caring Jeff really is. He is a real gentleman. "You don't have to apologize, Jeff... Let's forget what happened." I said. "I should have let him take you home without making a scene... But I was afraid..." he said concernedly. Afraid! Why is he afraid to let me come with Chris. "Jeff, why you were afraid to let me come with him?" I couldn't resist the curiosity. He moved his eyes away from mine... He spent a few seconds blankly staring at the steering wheel... "I don't want to talk bad about other people... You will understand soon why I didn't want to let you come with him this late in the night..." he then said. I felt my heart started to ache with his words... You don't want to talk badly about him, what bad you have to tell about him? Other than going around beating guys and getting into arguments with lecturers, is he into more bad things? If yes, what are those? "Go in..." Jeff said, pulling me out of my thoughts. I nodded... "Good night, Jeff. Thank you for the dinner, and for giving me a lift." I said. "Good night, Em..." he replied. I opened the gate and went inside... Jeff stayed until I close the gate... ***************************** After getting a wash and wore my comfy PJs, I went to my room window to get my daily dose of observing Chris's house... To my surprise, I saw someone was there in the balcony I saw Chris the other day... This must be him... I opened my window a bit to get a good view... Yes, it was him... He was keeping his hands on the railing and looking at the sky... He was wearing a track bottom and a white T-shirt. He looked handsome as always... But the way he was looking at the sky, made me think he is not happy... I wanted to take a good look at him. Without thinking twice, I ran to the balcony... He didn't even see me coming there... He was just staring at the sky... He is sad, there is no doubt... Is he sad because I didn't come with him? No, that can't be the reason. That simple incident can't make him this miserable... I looked a the sky, it was pretty dark... No moon, only a few stars were there... Nothing fascinating looking in to. He stayed in his balcony like that for a few minutes more, and I stayed in my balcony, staring at him and thinking about what might be his true personality. Jeff's words were echoing in my mind, and I felt like I was in the fire, thinking about all the bad things he possibly engages with. Jeff said he can't let me come with Chris this late in the night, is that because he rapes girls? What the fu** I am thinking? I don't think he is that kind of person. On the other hand, he doesn't want to force a girl to fulfill his needs, any girl would willingly sleep with him. God! Does he sleep with other girls? Even the thought of him making love with other girls gave me a piercing pain in my heart... I don't know what will happen to me if I found out he actually sleeps with other girls. I just hope I can get rid of my interest in him, or I can get answers for all the questions coming to my mind. I don't know how long I was there staring at his handsome face and thinking about him... Finally, when he was about to leave the balcony, he turned to the direction of our house and then only he saw me... This time, I didn't run away. I kept on looking at him... But without even smiling with me, he left the balcony and closed the french window that was opened to the balcony... He is really angry with me, right? But if I came with him leaving Jeff, it is not decent... After all, Chris is not someone who pays any attention to the decency of his actions, so I am actually a fool to think he would understand this. I stayed a few more minutes in the balcony, thinking he would return. But he didn't... So, I went back to my room and started working on an assignment... It was so damn hard to focus on the work as my mind was totally occupied with the thoughts of Chris. Believe me, this is the first time a guy could take the first position in my mind and put my studies down to the second place... ********************************* The next day was a Saturday... I went to do some shopping with mom. Mom wanted to buy some stuff for home, and I wanted to get a new dress to wear for the welcome party of our junior batch. I recently got a desire to dress nicely, I mean not to look hot but not to look nerdy either... Think you can guess the reason! However, my mom was so happy to even hear I want to get a new dress. She is a woman who always dresses elegantly, so she finds it really irritating to see me look like a mess... We went to a big mall close to our university. After buying stuff for home, we went to a few clothes shops. But none of them had anything that could catch my mind. Mom was showing me many outfits that she thinks beautiful, but they were not into my taste... She bought a few dresses for her, but I didn't get anything... "Aren't you going to buy anything, Emma? We went to like a hundred shops now." she finally said a bit angrily. I think she is fed up with walking... "There are no beautiful clothes, mom," I said. "There are beautiful clothes, Emma. You don't even know what is beautiful and what is not. Now even my legs hurt." she scolded me. "Okay, mommy... This is the final shop we are going to, if I don't find anything match with my concept of beauty, let's go home." I said, putting my arm around her shoulder... "Okay... Okay... Hurry up." she said, faking a frown at me. As soon as we went to that shop, my eyes halt near a blue color dress. This is the dress I was looking for... I literally ran to that dress... It was a bit big for me if I get one size down then it would be perfect. I asked from a sales girl for my size, but her answer was this is the only piece left in this design... Why, God, don't you want to let me look beautiful at least for a day? "If you want this so much, then buy it, We can alter it..." mom said. Then she had to go out as she got a call from her office... I was holding the dress and thinking about what I should do now? I have fallen in love with this dress... What should I do now? While I was thinking like this, I saw someone look exactly like Chris in the cashier area. God! it is not someone who looks like him, it is him! He was also looking at me, but as soon as he understood I saw him, he looked away... I just put the dress on the rack and went to him. He actually saw me coming to him, but he quickly left the shop. "Chris!" I called him, like an i***t, drawing other people's unwanted attention. But he didn't even look back... What the fu** is wrong with him? Why he acts like he doesn't even know me? How could he be this angry for what happened last night? I wish I could run behind him and ask him why he acts like this, but I don't want to make my self a fool in front of all these people, including my mom. Thank God, she was on a call when I called his name, else, I would have to answer a thousand and one questions. Scolding Chris with all the bad words I knew, I came back to where I left the dress... God, you must be playing a trick on me! A girl was having my dress on her hands and checking it out. "Excuse me..." I said, going to that girl. "Yes..." she said. "I was about to buy this dress, I just left it here because I wanted to talk to one of my friends," I said politely. "So..." she asked. Are you that dumb, girl? I am asking you to give me my dress back! I just hope I could say these to her face! "So... I want to buy this dress..." I gathered up courage and said. "Oh! Sorry... I am going to buy this dress, it is exactly my size. You can ask for another piece..." she said. "Actually, this is the only piece left..." I said. Else why would I bother to ask you, girl "Oh! Then it is your loss, dear... This is a nice dress..." she said. What a mean girl? Are you contesting for the mean girl of the year competition? Or do you think it is okay to make me hurt because I look like a nerd? But what can I do? I was ready to beg her if she gives me this dress. Shopping is not something I enjoy much. I was fed up with searching for dresses... "You have selected a few more dresses as well. But this is the only dress I like after going to like a hundred shops." I said desperately. "Sorry, dear... I like this dress so much..." she simply said and walked towards the cashier... You mean bit**! I just wanted to slap her over makeup face... "What happened? Aren't you going to buy that dress?" mom asked, coming towards me. "No, mom... I don't like it much...Let's go home." I said... "Really, Emma? So, you are not going to buy a dress? " she asked disappointedly. "No, mom... I will wear something I already have." I replied. "I don't know what's wrong with you, child, we waste all this time just for nothing. " mom was complaining all the way home... After coming home, I was exhausted both physically and mentally. I wanted to take a hot bath and hit the bed as soon as possible. Fu** you, Chris! You are the reason for this disappointment! I hate you!!!! I had climbed two to three steps to go to my room when one of our maids ran to me holding a parcel... "What is this?" I asked. "A man delivered this parcel for you, ma'am..." she said. I took the parcel and checked it, thinking about what it is. I haven't ordered anything as well... There was not even a name written on the parcel... "Are you sure this is for me?" I asked. "Yes, ma'am, that man asked to give it to little miss..." the maid said confidently. "Okay... Thank you, Bartha..." I said and climbed the rest of the steps to go to my room. What is this parcel? Who has sent this? I was so curious. If mom saw this, she won't even let me take this inside home... I quickly unwrapped the parcel. Jesus!!! Inside the box it was the exact blue dress, that mean girl steel from me short ago...  
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