Back at it Again

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The couple Archduke Bermin and Lady Naia once more suit up for another court session where they will settle everything. This time Bermin is looking a lot more nervous and concern, since the last one didn’t go that well.  The lady comforted him while they are just inches away from their carriage. “Bermin, everything will go well this time. Just don’t stress yourself.” The lady fixed his attire at its front while making him comfortable. “I don’t know, Naia… I might request another judge.”  The lady looks up to her husband and kisses his cheek, “We don’t need to, look, just go with the flow and fight what is right, alright? We will win this.” Bermin hugged his wife as he escorted her up to the carriage and went in himself after. “John, to the court please,” he said, hoping it will be the last time to say that for this matter.  Minutes later, they arrived at the familiar place, the facade of the court gives a chilling vibe onto Bermin. He escorted his lady out of the carriage as they went in the building with her clinging on his right side. It was like they weren’t going in a court session for personal issues, but they wish they weren’t.  There was no holding back, even this case is really serious and even when you are falsely accused of this, you’ll meet your fate. It was good for Claro that he was privileged and has the right amount of power to plead to hear him in a court session and might received a lighter punishment or else he will be rotting under the ground now, being poured by his family’s tears.  The couple entered the courtroom that they will be using this day. Some others are already there, but they ignored some of them for now. They don’t want a fight so early this day. Bermin and his lady companion sat on the seats just across Claro who is smirking, which is unsettling for Bermin. “Why is that man smirking? I could pull his mouth out of his face if he continues that.” Bermin whispered to his wife which made him shush. “Don’t mind him.” “But that smirk means something sinister, Naia. I don’t know what magic would they pull under their sleeves, whatever it is, I may and will not like it.”  The lady looks at him and holds his shoulder lightly, “It’s fine, my love. Don’t worry about it, if something happens suspiciously, you can handle that. You are the archduke, they might fold their knees when you get angry.” Naia giggles but her husband sighs.  “If they ditched this court session they will really get something. But, I don’t really know what they will do, an evil person is cunning enough to perform new tricks you wouldn’t be expecting and brush you off from your seat.” Bermin’s forehead wrinkled while he was thinking.  “Love, just think of hopeful thoughts. Whatever will happen, we will always find a way to get through it, okay?” She held his hand and intertwined their fingers, she squeezed it a little to comfort him. He just sighed and flashed a small smile.  Minutes later, the judge finally arrived on the court and started their session. They caught up on what was gonna happen last time. “Since the witness that the side of the victim has… Passed away…” He paused for a minute to think what is better and sounded more professional to say rather than ‘dead’.  “The investigators are investigating that matter and the family has already raised a case for it. You can ask them to attend the court session for that. Anyway, since he is dead and we only gathered a few, but seem a certain amount to at least conclude something, we are moving on with Claro’s witness, Trading Councilor Lindberg, please rise and state what you witnessed, promising you will say the truth under the name of Eshecaea and the honor of the god of justice, Adale.”  A man with a thick chin beard stood and face the whole court, his physique was like Lincoln’s, which made him stand out from the crowd. “I, Trading Councilor Lindberg of Hastey, will say the truth under the name of Eshecaea and the honor of the god of justice, Adale.” A raspy voice emerged from him, the judge let him start at his own pace.  “I am one of the trading councilors, and also I am one of Claro’s friends. We are childhood friends to be precise. I am devastated when he was accused of something I never thought he would do, and I am standing behind that opinion with dignity. He has a wife and two loving children. He was the viscount of Hastey before, and had a good reputation. He was promoted alongside me because the king knows he is a good man.” Bermin raised his eyebrow while he is watching him, standing tall and mighty, with his hands on his back. “Him harassing Lady Naia, the wife of Archduke Bermin, is not true, and will never be. The archduke is our leader, and we will not hurt his lady nor harm her. Even, we will protect her, because she is the wife of the leader.”  “What point are you proving here, I am sorry to interrupt—” Bermin was cut by the judge, “Silence. Mr. Lindberg, you may continue.” The archduke falls back to his seat and sighs, he remained silent until he can talk. “I am proving Claro’s innocence. Anyway, the lady is known to be sensitive, fragile, and most of all, privileged.”Naiawas confused and didn’t know what he is pointing at this time, but she doesn’t like where she thinks this is going. “That time in the office, it was busy. And I get the lady was tired, she has been doing a lot of work and business trips. When she entered the room, she may be mistaken she was harassed. Claro maybe escorting her out of the room and was mistaken that she was harassed—”  “That’s not true! I remembered everything vividly and I don’t even what to remember it. You don’t say that it’s my fault!” Naia suddenly stood and shouted across the room. “Silence. Order in the court!” Bermin pulled him down, the lady was severely offended.  “No, you silence yourselves! I didn’t know you were this petty and so down to win this session. You blame a victim for what she went through, that it’s her fault. Are you hearing yourselves!?” She was slightly standing, since Bermin is holding her in her waist, stopping her from anything she might want to do.  “Lady Naia, please take your seat and calm yourself down, this is not the way to deal with this thing.” The judge pleaded. “She is angry because I am right and it hurt her ego. We’ve hit what we need to learn, your honor.”  “I am angry because you don’t know how hard it is to experience this. You don’t understand because you are a man, and not something fragile to toy with, unlike me!” Naia was furious, she can’t calm herself down. She was gripping on the seat front walls in front of her. “Now you are stereotyping things, lady. I am a person who sympathizes a lot. I wish I could have my sympathy to you, but your burden is not true. You didn’t got harassed, you just imagined everything. Claro is being nice to you, and you paid that by bringing him to court. Unfortunately, that’s all I can say, your honor. I have said my side and will not explain more because I believe that I explained everything I need to explain and things I have presented to you.” He took a seat as Bermin managed to pull Naia gently back to her seat. He comforted him as the lady calmed down. She is trying not to cry by the looks of her twitching eyes and tired face.  The couple doesn’t know what will happen next, Bermin held her hand and intertwined their fingers to comfort the lady.  Naia wants to just bury her face on her husband’s chest, but she needs to remain in her posture. She doesn’t want to show the court her softest side and her clingy attitude to Bermin. Minutes of silence later, the judge cleared his throat. “After those statements and unfortunately, fights and misunderstanding. I have come with a decision basing on what I observed with your actions and your statements. This may anger a party, but that’s just the way it is.” The judge fixed his position on his seat as everyone has racing hearts and minds who pray the gods above their hopes and wishes, hoping that they will be heard.  “In this court session, in the 24th of December on the current year, it has been concluded that Law Councilor Claro of Hastey is guilty of the accusation of harassment on Lady  Naia of Gumpel, and according to the Laws of Eshecaea, this case is heavy and the defendant will be punished by a life-long imprisonment and will be dismissed on his work.”  The couple and all of the people in the court who were on their side cheered. Claro was shocked and confused, his fist clenched but his wife calmed him down. The guards approached him as they grabbed his hands and held them tightly. “I didn’t do that! I swear to god Alvi. I didn’t do any of the accusations of Lady Naia! Let go of me, I didn’t deserve this. No!”  He was struggling as the guards pulled him out of the courtroom, it was a triumph for the couple, they weren’t expecting something would go the way Claro didn’t expect.  Naia hugged her husband as they all celebrated. They went out of the courtroom with smiles on their faces and high hopes in their hearts. On the other hand, Lady Ledimine followed where the guards are taking his husband. She was pleading to let him go but the law is not on their side this time. She pities her poor husband as they went to the jail of Enoch, which is not far from there. The noble couple who won the case went home happy as they celebrated by having some food for everyone who attended the court session and even gave the surrounding neighbors some of it.  “Justice is served,” Bermin said as he toasts with others and drank his wine. “And also the food, eat up everyone!” Naia said as the maids started serving some of the food to them and starting to eat.  While they were at it, a knock on the door was heard. Bermin decided to answer it and in surprise, it was the king with his two sons. “My brother! I am glad you won your case. And, it seems there’s a celebration here.”  “Come in, Dougal, come in.” Bermin flashed a smile as the royal family went in the mansion. “I am glad you won the case, uncle,” Andrei commented as they travel the halls to the dining room where the celebration is in. The royal family celebrated with them as they ate the food that was served and Bermin let himself celebrate with his own brother, who seemingly didn’t do anything to save his underling. “I am glad that person is already in jail and rot there for the rest of his life.”  “I am glad you didn’t protect your very own promoted staff.” The king laughed, “Am I gonna put him first than my very own sister-in-law? She was the one who is violated, and I hate perverts, you know that, Bermin. I am so regretful to promote him, I think I don’t really know him that much. And, it’s his fault that he will be a shameful councilor of his time and will be a shame to his family.”  Bermin just nods as he was still suspicious about him. The celebration ended at night as Andrei let himself be left there and the rest of the royal family went home. As they went home, the king went to another place, now dressing differently, and it seems not his style at all.  “My king!”
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