The Sense of Betrayal

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Phoebe was upset and sad about what she just have read. “Cledwyn’s father is mad! How can he do this to Lady Naia!? He really is Cledwyn’s father, without a single doubt. Both of them take risks, abuses their powers, and trying to do somethings that are so bad.” She quickly grabs her pen and starts writing back to Andrei.  ‘Greetings, Andrei! I have received your letter. Yes, I am having a quiet peaceful vacation even though it’s literally the second day of the winter break. Just some walking around my hometown earlier and stayed the whole day in our inn yesterday. Anyway, I am quite surprised by this news. I normally receive bad news about the king, but this is just insane. What happened to the court trial after that event? Did the case already concluded?’ Phoebe rereads the letter as she confirms that he didn’t say anything about the trial after the incident. “For a meanwhile, I am just gonna assume they didn’t. This letter is full of bad news in general. And seems this falling on the ground, dead, is a bit familiar—oh wait, that is how I died at the first time.”  Speaking of her death, she didn’t mostly pay attention to why and how she died. She ignored investigating her death. She has read some articles on books and newspapers issued after her death, but most of them said that she had a mysterious illness, which is dodgy for publishers who are trusted to bring facts.  There was no time to be sidetracked on things, she continued writing on the paper her questions and her opinions.  ‘Anyway, that death was a bit… Suspicious. Do you already know the autopsy and the reason for death? If so, please let me know. If only I can hop on a horse and ride my way there to be involved like I always do or even just ditch a ride on a cart bus. But I can’t, my conscience is already telling me to stay here with my family, who missed me so much. I need to stay here for the whole winter break, a side of me doesn’t mind it, but another side of me wants me to go over there and witness everything unfold.  I wish you guys are okay there, besides the fact that another problem has arisen, I hope sir Bermin and Lady Naia are okay, especially the lady. You too, Andrei, I hope you are fine. Send my regards to the archduke and the lady and say I am excited to meet your aunt too if we can. Your friend, Phoebe.’ She drew a smiley face just beside the last paragraph. To save her time, she wrote a letter to Belle too, talking about the letter she received even though she knows that Andrei will be telling this to her too. She took the opportunity also to stay in touch with her.  “Hey, Bastien, could you accompany me to the postal office?” She approached his brother on his room who is reading a book. “Hey, sis! Sure, what will you do?” He went out of the room and closed the door behind him. “I will send these letters to my friends.”  “Alright, do you have your money?” She nods as they decided to go. They board a cart bus and went to their destination. As they arrived, Phoebe went in and bought some envelopes to put her letters in and right the addresses and the names of her recipients on the back of it. She then gave it to a service clerk and left as she was done.  In just a day, since Phoebe made in a VIM, the letters was delivered to their respective recipients. Andrei received the letter and it was chaos before he can even take it into his hands. “ “I am sorry, but Phoebe of Mires is banned in this castle. The queen said not to receive any letters or even permit her to go here.” One of the guards said as a mail carrier arrived in the gate of the castle, delivering a letter from Phoebe to Prince Andrei.  Luckily, Andrei was wandering around the courtyard as he saw the mail carrier was stopped from his tracks. He approached them, “What’s the problem here?” The guards were spooked and can’t tell nor explain why is the mail carrier was there. “It’s nothing, Pri—”  “Your highness! A letter from Phoebe of Mires.” He handed the letter as one of the guards pushed him, “We said it’s not allowed—” He was stopped as the prince stood between them. “What not allowed? This is a message for me, not you. So stop making decisions for me.” He grabbed the letter from the mail carrier’s hands.  “But your highness, the queen told us not to let you get in contact with miss Phoebe.” Andrei chuckled, “Is she here?” The guards shook their heads, “Then don’t obey that, I am the one who is standing in front of you, my life, my rules, not my life, queen’s rules.” Andrei walked away and tossed some tips to the mail carrier.  The guards were frozen in shock and they were confused about what to do or say. They all decided just to let the prince, and hope this will not be known by the queen, or else they will be screwed to her, and that’s bad news. Before Andrei entered the castle, another mail carrier arrived. The guards don’t have a choice but to inform the prince. “A letter from Belle of Lalonde, your highness.” Said another mail carrier.  “Thank you.” He gave him a tip also as he went into the castle and read the letters. The first one was Phoebe’s, he was expecting her reaction, just the good old craving of getting involved in situations. He understood her situation with her family, he will include it in his letter later. After that, he set that aside and he opened the other enveloped letter and read Belle’s written letter.  ‘Hi, Andrei! As soon as I received and read your letter, I have been writing this since I can’t really afford the VIM stuff that these postal offices have. Anyway, that’s so tragic. Yeah, really my reaction, don’t laugh! I am not sarcastic or anything. If I could’ve just put my emotions in this paper, I would.  I know Cledwyn is bad, he is super egoistic. I don’t think anyone can compete with him. But, I didn’t know his dad is just like that bad! I can’t even think of that, but I guess it happened. I hope your aunt is okay, and your uncle is all calm, I am afraid of these heart attacks these days. I’ll talk about why later, let’s discuss first this damned event.  If ever sir Claro would be dismissed and even jailed, or even executed, that’s the worst thing that could happen to him, it would impact Cledwyn and Cledaire badly. Didn’t he think about his reputation, his life, and his family? He is against the wife of an ARCHDUKE. Archduke, an archduke! I don’t know what’s with this hereditary craziness in Cledwyn’s family, but all I know is this should be put to stop. They are already damaging people’s lives, I am waiting for Cledaire’s and Lady Ledimine’s debut, or did they do it already? Anyway, I am fine, my vacation is fine, I guess? What’s not fine is my father having a heart attack, this is the reason you have been waiting for. Please pray for his health, I am in the hospital while writing this. And you too, take care of yourself there and also the archduke. My father and the archduke has the same age, I will not be wondering if they will end up in the same situation. Belle.’ The letter ended with Belle’s name and a heart beside it. She doodled also her face and her reaction, a sentence saying, ‘THIS IS MY REACTION, DON’T LAUGH!’ with a curly arrow pointing at the poorly drew face with its mouth agape and its eyes are wide.  Andrei giggled from his concerning mood, but he came back to that. He decided to write back to them, he grabbed some parchment and his scribing tools. He started writing his letter to them, each was unique and personalized. Andrei changes his mood so often while writing, from serious to laughing, depending on the context of what he writes.  It was the first time he will use the service of his new messenger. He folded the letters and called Jerome, his messenger. “Please deliver this to Phoebe of Mires, she is in Mires right now, in the Tranquil Mottram Inn.” He gave folded paper labeled “Phoebe”. “And this is for Belle of Lalonde, she is in Lalonde right now. She is in Pingrey Housing Area and her street is on Sycamore.”  “Didn’t the queen banned you from talking to them? Or haven’t you know it yet, your highness?” Jerome asked, looking at him and back at the papers. He groaned, “You too? I am your boss, okay? You are my own personal messenger. What I say is what you do, is that clear? And, I am not saying this to my mother that you disobeyed her petty command, why did she even make this rule, she thought she is gonna stop me. She is just overreacting on things, alright?”  “But, you—” Andrei glares at him, which pushed the messenger to just obey, “Y-yes, your highness, it will be sent right away. You have my service.” He left the room and walked to the hallway. He was looking at the papers. “Why did even the queen banned him from talking to these girls? Doesn’t she want to let her son have his choices? And he is lucky that he got two girls at once!” He looked around while he walks, “I mean, I hope the prince doesn’t mind…”  He opened Andrei’s letter to Phoebe and sneakily read the letter for her. “Dear Phoebe…” He started to read it as he walks out of the castle and onto his carriage. “These teenagers talk like some spy investigators, damn!” He continued reading as he boards his new messenger special carriage.  His eyes widen as he reads more. He suddenly opens the letter for Belle and reads it too. “This is some treason stuff…” He whispered to himself. He looked around and finally looks at the castle. “Should I?”  He remembered what the archduke said to him, “If something suspicious happened, say to me, not the king. I’ll handle it more carefully than my brother, I don’t want him collapsing on the ground. If Andrei is sending suspicious messages, say it right away to me, and bring me proofs.” The messenger knew what he will do as he whipped the horse with its crop and went on his way.  “Archduke, archduke!” He exclaimed as he arrived at the mansion. He knocked on the door, seconds later, someone responded and opened the door. It was the lady. “Oh, good afternoon, l-lady Naia.”  She smiled as she looks at him, “Why are you in rush? Aren’t you Andrei’s messenger? What happened? Did something happened to the prince?” He shook his head, “No, madam. The prince and his friends are planning something. Or not planning, just talking about the king that is considered treason!”  The lady was a bit confused, but she remembered what her husband said to her. She acted shock, which is a little bit late. “I-I am sorry… This is just awful, let me see.” The messenger gave her the letters as she opens them. She acted like she was reading it, which she avoids so Andrei has his own privacy with his friends.  “I’ll tell Bermin about this, he is in his office right now.” “What about I go there and tell him, lady Naia? So he could act fast.” The lady shook her head, “No, you might create a scandal in his office. Just deliver those letters so the prince would not be suspicious of you.”  The messenger nods as he boards his carriage, he looked at the letters and thinks, “I should tell the king also… The lady didn’t act fast!”
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