Chapter 27

1111 Words
Warning graphic  Claw POV She kept thinking. If she finds out she's still alive, then she will have my head, and I like my head on my shoulders, it was rough enough not to shower, she wouldn't let her. She knew she stunk, but if she showered, then she would get in trouble because she would be clean without permission, she took a look around at the many knives she had laid out, one was a pair of pliers so she could pull out her teeth, she loved that part, seeing the blood drip down there mouths, the way she did it, she !are sure she heard there screams,pulling out two at a time, while they tried to pull away, but it only made it worse for them, there there was the clippers to cut the toes off one by one or two or three at a time, she tried to stop thinking about it, she wondered what was going on in the other room, she linked him.  "Are you done with her yet?" He growled no I'm not shut the hell up," let me have my fun before you do, before she heard anything, she shut the link off and set back to relax, she had a feeling this was going to be a long night.  Jared POV I really didn't want to do this to the queen, but I had to play my part. I was called the crippler, I could f**k a woman so hard she wouldn't be able to move for weeks, I would stick it in her holes, pleasuring her so deep, that she wouldn't even be able to scream, I chained her. Legs apart, careful not to get kicked, I grabbed my knife, cutting her dress away, then her black lacy panties, I took them, smelling them, growing. At the pleasurable smell, hearing her pleading for me not to do this, only turned me on more, kneeling down, my tongue flicked her clit, teasing it. Making it hard his tongue circled around her entrance, she growled trying to move from him,  You f*****g bastard, my mate my king, will have your f*****g head for this," he smirked. Not before I have my way with you w***e,"  she tried linking to Darryl, she wasn't sure if she was to far away now, "Darryl please find me, she's got this bastard all over me, I'm begging you to come find me please,  she didn't hear anything, it was like there was no link between them, there was just silence, tears falling down her face, as she felt his tongue slide inside of her, tonguing her, claiming her p***y for himself, then he stood up on his feet, he saw the fear in her eyes, as she screamed out no! His large hard c**k was out he had his hand stroking it, making it harder, precum was dripping from the head, he couldn't stand her screaming, he punched her as hard as he could knocking her out, he hit her a few more times, watching the blood drip from her mouth and nose. That's what he liked. Seeing it dripping from her body, he ripped the rest of her dress off of her, exposing her round plump breast, he shoved his large thick c**k inside of her, he was watching himself making her bleed, he bit down on her n*****s sucking on them hard,  Darryl POV,  We finally made it, I smelled her scent strongly, I tried linking her, but heard nothing back, the doors were locked, I didn't care I kicked the doors in, glass shattering everywhere, where is my f*****g mate, Ron ra. In after him so did the warriors and guards, "Find her now," I want her f*****g found before something happens to her," "he tried linking again, "Love we're here baby," where are you?" I can't hear you but I can smell your scent," he knew something was wrong, he started running to a door where her scent kept getting stronger,  Jared POV Jared. Kept hitting her as  he f****d her, he bit into her breast making her bleed, he was almost done but he held back, he pulled out of her walking behind her,pulling her ass up in the air,he wanted to hear her screams, he leaned down. Licking her ass,making it moist, he fingered it loving the tightness, he pulled back lifting her assa little more,then slammed his c**k deep inside her ass Making her. Wake up and scream!, He pulled her hair making her head pull back, "Your my w***e b***h, say it now, your my w***e, tears came down her face, as he grunted in her ear, he pulled out of her, walking back in front, punching her,"say it b***h, "say your my w***e" shaking her head as she bled from her mouth and nose,she spat blood at his face, before he could hit her again, he heard screams coming from the other door,  he turned knocking her out. This king what the f**k was that. He put himself back into his pants, walking to the door, before he could open it, the door came down on him,  Darryl POV I ran right smack into the door knocking it down, I stood there hearing that awful smelling nasty looking woman scream, Ron ran inside "Grab that b***h" Ron grabbed her, before she could grab one of the knives, he smelled Hayley's scent stronger know, he turned looking at the other closed door, he ran at it knocking it down, the door went down hard, he looked down at the man, then his eyes slowly started looking up, he saw Hayley, beaten bruised and blood all over her, he walked closer,seeing the blood drip down from her face and in between her legs, all he saw was red, her breast was bleeding from the bites. He was angry Jared climbed from under the door, he looked over at Darryl, then at Hayley, he tried to run, but Darryl grabbed him,  "You nasty son of a b***h," he started beating Jared hitting him over and over again, he fell limp to the ground as he tried to crawl away, He heard Claw scream, please don't he's my mate,  she was lying, but she thought she could save him, but she thought wrong, Darryl stepped on his back grabbing his head, ripping it off his shoulders. He ran back over, breaking the chains from Hayley, take that b***h back to Charlie's pack, throw her in the deepest darkest cell, I'm taking her to his pack doctors, I'm linking him now, he hurried Hayley out the door back into the car, linking Charlie,  letting him know to get his pack doctors ready. He needed a female, he linked back, all is ready, hurry 
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