Chapter 26

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Trying to get free Hayley pov Climbing up the ladder, Hayley kicked Claw in the head, as she tried to hurry up the ladder, Claw grabbed her leg, "b***h if you try that again,"  I'll kill you right here, Hayley just only rolled her eyes, she smirked, "where did your friend go?" Claw looked around just as Travis walked through the tunnel, Claw smirked at her "Now let's get going," they all climbed the ladder, Hayley had to open the hatch before she could go any further, when she pushed it open, Claw pushed her through it, they came into a room full of photos on the wall, she noticed a door, then another in the far left. Which door would set her free,she didn't know but she will find out soon enough, but she was a bit curious, she wondered who Claw was working for, was she for herself or for someone she turned her head high as she began to speak,  "So Claw" Who are you really working for, you couldn't just out of the blue say, "hey I'm going after the queen, and make her into wax," Claw looked at her like she was crazy, "come on it's at least you can do before you kill me, you think I'll be able to say anything when I'm dead, Claw shook her head,making her hair slap her face with each shake,that left dirt marks on her face, Hayley just had to say something. Because it was looking a little gross to her,  "You know" I bet if you wash your hair you would look alot better and maybe feel better and smell better, that earned a slap to her face from Claw, Hayely touched her cheek with her fingertips. Then in return slapped the s**t out of Claw.  Then smirked. The harder you hit me. The harder I'm going to hit you. Fair is fair my dear. Claw growled grabbing her face. Leaving a large bruise on her face. Claw did now like the idea. But she was game. A slap for a slap. A punch for a punch and so on. It was like a game. Who will come out the winner. And she knew she would. Or thought she would. Claw took a look around. And saw the chains hanging from the wall. She grabbed Hayleys hands chaining her in the chains,  Claw pov Smirking knowing she was in chains now. She started to hit Hayley in the stomach. Punching her everywhere.  Now that your chained b***h. Lets see how you can hit back. What she didn't remember, she forgot to chain her legs. With one swift kick. Hayley kicked her right in the face. Knocking her back against the wall. Knocking down one of the glass pictures that was on the wall, the glass frame fell, hitting Claw on the head, glass fell everywhere, little tiny glass was stuck in her hair, she walked towards Hayley stepping on the glass cutting her feet, she was leaving bloody footprints as she walked towards her,  "You know," when my rogue queen asked me to rid of you, I thought this was going to be boring and fast, I would simply just snap your neck, and that would be it, I would be the next Alpha Queen, but your a lot tougher than we thought you were, suddenly she knew she had said to much, she turned the. Looked back at Hayley kicking her in the head, Hayley growled kicking her back in the stomach,  "I'm alot stronger and tougher then you think I am b***h" I was trained by my father, I was trained by the toughest warrior there was, so go ahead and beat me, I'll get my ass back up, and tell you more, and when your done, make sure I won't get back up, because I'll be coming for you b***h, Claw rolled her eyes  "Do you know how many I had put down,' that had said that to me,many to many, some I felt sorry for when they pleaded for their lives, begging me to set them free, no one had to know, but I would know, I would torture, that's my favorite, hearing them scream in pain, watching them cough up blood, makes my blood boil with happiness, when the museum closes Mrs Queen, it's going to be game on, I'm going to torture you, beat you, until you beg for me to kill you, so where going to wait right here until this building closes, and then in going to get you, walking over pulling Hayley's hair making her neck go back, maybe my friend would like a little taste, looking over at him, his eyes widen, licking his lips. Walking over to Hayley, he leaned down. Licking her neck all the way to her chestThen, looking back up, licking his lips once more, I say I wanna another taste Claw. Grinning grabbing her legs, spreading them wide apart, Claw rolled her eyes,  "Just let me know when you're done" I'll be in the next room, by then this place will be closed and then I can have my fun, she turned walking through another door. Shutting it behind her. She was thinking to herself, we need to get this over with before the queen finds out she's still alive, 
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