Chapter 8 will these test ever end

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Tesha POV As Tesha stood there, she was thinking to herself, "she is going to kill me when I do this, but this is one of the big ones, "Here we go," she tried to keep a calm look on herself, she spoke trying to keep her voice steady, "Hi Darryl" please go into my office, "I'll be there in a few minutes" he nodded as he walked into her office, he closed the door but decided to open it back up, he set down in the chair, he was fiddling with his hands, when someone walked into the room shutting the door behind them, he looked up, his eyes wide, that wasn't Tesha, this was some other woman that was wearing clothes that showed off her every curve and places that shouldn't be shown, she looked at him, smiling a flirty smile she set in a chair across from him, crossing her legs, her dress slid off her leg that was crossed, she smirked as her fingers moved over her leg slowly, Darryl looked away from her, he pretended to look at a picture on the wall, as his interlocked his hands moving his thumbs in circles, what he didn't know, Hayley was standing at the door trying not to laugh as the woman linked her telling her everything he was doing, Tesha came up her eyes wide.  "You're not mad?" She shook her head no, we need to find out if he will, if he does he will never be king, she nodded, as they stood at the door, Hayley knew she had to leave, as she linked the woman that she's leaving and go for it, she closed the link and told Tesha she was leaving, she walked away, she didn't want to be near the door if anything did happen, Darryl was still sitting there looking around the room, he was wondering what was taking Tesha so long, he started to get up, and leave when the woman stood in front of him, "Where are you going?" She pressed up against him, he moved away, taking a step back, as she took a step forward, he was starting to get pissed but he remind calm, "excuse me but I need to get going,"  she smirked, "Why are you leaving so soon," her hand ran down his arm gently," she pressed against him once more" he was tired of her games, he wanted to leave. He reminded to be polite. "Can you move so I can leave," she smirked once more, as she tried to kiss him, this was the last straw for him. He grabbed her by the throat pushing her toward the door opening the door throwing her out, "I said move b***h, I am the queens mate you stupid w***e, " do you think I would want you,?" He stopped when he saw Tesha standing there, his anger subsided, I'm sorry Tesha but I must go can we do this some other time, this b***h just pissed me off, and I am in no mood for test right now, he stopped talking when he saw her face, he rolled his eyes, "This was the test wasn't it," she nodded yes, he growled, I'm going to get this woman, he walked away not even giving the woman a second glance, he wanted to find Hayley, he was pissed off, he matched right to her room where he smelled her scent, he didn't bother knocking, he opened the door walking in the room slamming it shut,  Hayley POV I knew he was going to pissed but not this pissed, she felt him walked by up the stairs with so much anger, she knew he had past the test but there is yet so many more, the next one is right now, will he as he didn't even bother knocking and walked right in slamming the door making her jump as a lamp fell to the floor, he stared at her with love and anger in his eyes, "HOW DARE YOU NOT KNOCK FIRST!" He looked a her like she was crazy, "HOW DARE YOU TEST ME LIKE THIS," IF I WANTED TO SLEEP AROUND I WOULD HAD YEARS AGO," WHEN I FOUND OUT YOU WAS MY MATE," he was trying to calm down, you know I could had anyone, but no I waited, this is gone to far, whatever this next test is, it better be worth it, I'm damn serious,  next time you try to get me to cheat. I will leave and I won't look back. He walked toward her, as she backed up, "Oh no" "you will not back up from me," I want my prize, she looked stunned she wasn't ready for this, he grabbed her, kissing her passionately, he growled into the kiss. "Do not ever tempt me again like this. Breaking the kiss. He turned walking out the door. She was a little stunned, not only did he pass one, he actually passed three today, one he was tempted but did not want, seconds he yelled but did not hit, third he kissed but did not forced her to mate. She sighed as she tried to calm her heart,  Darryl POV, I was so mad at her. But when I looked into her eyes, I just couldn't stay mad at her, didn't she realize how much I love her, I would go across the world and back for this woman, I wonder what she would do for me, he sighed as he stormed out the door to his job, his job today was guarding the cells, he rolled his eyes as he knew he would smell death blood rotten eggs of rogues, sometimes he felt like he would gag from the smell, he finally got there when he walked down the long steps down a hallway, he started to smell the stench of death and blood. He heard the cries of being tortured for answers, he even heard Ted begging to be set free, he shook his head, maybe he will talk to Hayley and see if she would get some help to clean the cells of death and blood, but only once a year, so people would fear the cells, they must fear coming here, because coming here means torture, blood, and death, we will see, he stayed at his station until the next change of guards, when he walked out it was night, you never know what time it is when you go inside, and come out, all you want is to shower to get the stench off of you, he walked into his room and was surprised to see a platter of food on his bed. He knew it was just placed there not too long ago. It was still warm to the touch. He took a hot shower dried and put on sweatpants, he began to eat his sweet potatoes ham and two rolls, he ate all of it,  He didn't realize there was a note until he looked down to see if,  I'm sorry come to my room and sleep beside me,  he sighed, as he got up and put on a shirt, he walked to the flight up steps and got in bed beside her. She was already asleep. He kissed her head whispering in her ear.  I love you Hayley, he laid down it didn't take much until he fell asleep, what he didn't know she was still awake, she smiled as his arm went around her holding her tightly, 
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