Chapter nine, Date night this isn't a test is it

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Darryl POV As the night continued, he laid there holding her tightly, he was listening to the wind blowing outside, then suddenly thunder, then lightening, the rain began to pour down, he could hear the rain hitting the windows in the bedroom, she whimpered in her sleep, then started to stir in her sleep, he laid there so not to bother her, she turned facing his chest, her fingers tracing down his chest then stopped as he heard her sleep once more, when he finally got to sleep, it was so peaceful, holding her to him, he was in a deep sleep now, he started to dream, he was up in a tree looking for something, but wasn't sure what it was, and then he saw light, he had to squint his eyes because the light was so bright, before he knew it he was standing on the ground. And the moon goddess was standing beside him, he jumped startled, what does a moon goddess have to say to him, he raised his right eyebrow, "what do you need of me?" He asked she shook her head, nothing my child, just here to talk, her father thinks she's being to hard on you, he wants me to give you the next test she is going to make you do, so it will be easier for you, he shook his head no, "if these test were made to be easy, then any man could had done then with ease, I do not want to know, besides being a King isn't easy, I know this by watching and learning, and I'm not going to take the easy road here, she's worth it to me,  Just as he said this Logan and Layla appeared beside him, he turned to them, "You know she misses you so much, sometimes I think she's going to lose it, but she's a strong woman just like you Layla she nodded, we liked what you said, and we know your telling the truth, "And we approve of you being king," now all you have to do is get her approval, I know she pissed you off, but I'm the one that wrote these rules, just incase anything happen to us, Son I know you can do this, just don't let the power get to your head, because we have ways to fix that, and it won't be pretty, Darryl nodded, I know those ways. I've seen it, you showed me by making others go down because of that, so yeah I know, they both nodded, "You just take care of her ok, he nodded, as they vanished, he looked at the moon goddess, "Anything you want to add?" Shaking her head no she said, "only this,"  "Good luck" then she was gone, a few minutes later he woke up, it was daylight, he wondered what time it was, he turned and saw she was already gone, there was a note on the pillow, Take the day off, move your things in here, were going somewhere today, so dress nice, p.s, I heard what you said last night," I love you to,"  He smiled wide thinking, she loves me too, his heart thumped faster, he got out of bed, he didn't shower yet. He left to go to his room and packed everything up two guards came in and helped him, it took three trips to get everything up in the room, including his dressers, his couch. All his clothes, and his computer chair and desk, he said thanks to his buddies, as they left. He hung everything up and and everything away, he put the couch near the window, his desk on the other side and his dresser on the ride side of the wall, he was finally done, and it was getting late, he hurried to shower, washing his body, hair and so on, he turned the water off, dried off and walked into the bedroom, he decided on a button up dark blue shirt, and dress pants, brushed his shoulder length hair he put on his shoes and he was done, when he walked down stairs Hayley bead already dressed and ready, she was wearing a strapless dark blue dress with a small slit in the right side, her shoes matched, her long dark hair was laying over her shoulders, she was wearing hoop earrings and a necklace, she looked beautiful, he held out his arm and she took it, they both left together, they were just driving around until Hayley told him to drive down a dirt road, then down another path. He did what she asked him to do,  Hayley POV She knew she's been giving him test after test, tonight was a break from everything, she wanted to show him something, she told him a little ways more. Then stopped at a cliff, he shut the car off, and they both Seth there for awhile, she turned to him smiling, "See the stars," there so beautiful tonight, he nodded wondering why they were here, she got out of the car, he followed her, "I use to come here by myself, I use to watch the bears hunt for fish, and the deer run and play, sometimes in would hear Werecats, there always around, just not seen, he nodded as he listened to her, I brought my mom here once, she loved it, we set and counted the stars but there's just to many, she chuckled softly, she turned to him as she took a few steps closer to him, "Want to dance?" He smirked, "there's no music" she giggled, we can make our own music, he turned wrapping his arms around her waist, she held his neck, as they swayed back in forth to the he crickets and the frogs croaking, there was a few calls from the owls, and maybe a bear roaring, they were having so much fun that they forgot about the time, they danced and talked, he even told her about his travels trying to find a mate and the people he met along the way, she sat there listening to him just like he did with her, by the time they got done talking it was one in the morning, they got back into the car and drove home,  As the night continued, she knew there will be more test tomorrow, he will have to hunt down a werecat, she knew a few and already talk, she said she will let him capture her, but it won't be easy for him, she told her good, that's the plan, they walked up the flight of stairs to there room, she saw the couch and chuckled. "I'm glad you put that in here. If I get mad at you, you'll be sleeping on, he chuckled, "I already know love," they changed out of there clothes, she only wore his boxers, she were night shorts and a night shirt, they got in bed and she let out a loud yawn, before he knew it she was fast asleep, he chuckled and kissed her lips softly,  he wondered to himself, was tonight a test, he wasn't sure. But he'll find out tomorrow, he laid down holding her close to his chest, and fell asleep, thinking how much fun they had tonight. He hoped to make more happy memories with her 
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