Chapter 10 finding a werecat

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Ron POV  As the hours past he wondered what the next one would be, he finally got his answer from Ron, he linked him to come to his office, hecwalkwd down the long hallway, turned a corner, walked a little ways more than knocked on his office door, he heard Ron saying come in, he walked inside closing the door behind him, he set down not knowing what is next, Ron turned around in his chair facing him, I hope you enjoyed your day off, Darryl nodded, "I did thank you," Good because this one is going to be hard, you must hunt down a werecat and bring her back alive, he looked stunned, "they say no one even sees a werecat, only hears them because of humans they hide, they been killed not many live, Ron shook his head, I know of the histories of the werecat, trust me I know, but many are here, you will just have to find just one, and bring her back, when we see her, she will be set free, we won't kill her, Darryl nodded," I understand" "And when does this test began?* Ron looked at his watch, it begins now, you have eight hours to find her, and bring her back alive, Darryl got up from his chair and left he knew he didn't have much time, he tried to remember the dream he had the other night,  Darryl pov  Darryl ran out of the castle into the woods, everyone was ordered not to help, as he ran into the woods, if he was correct the tree he was sitting in was deep in the woods, he ran for a few hours and finally found the one he was sitting on in his dream, he looked around, hearing branches snap he smelled a weird scent, a scent he never smelled before, he heard a growl but when he turned around whatever it was, it was gone, he climbed up the tree holding onto the strong branches, he set there for a few minutes, watching deer run under the tree and rabbits trying to hop and get home, he saw turtles roaming around eating flowers and grass, suddenly what seemed like forever in a day, something jumped up in the tree and made the tree shake, he set there a little scared as his eyes tried not to move, he felt movement in the tree, he turned his head slowly he was shocked he was face to face with a were cat, he was thinking to himself "A f*****g leapoard, a black leapoard at that, the leapoard snarled at him, he lost balance and fell from the tree, the cat looked down at it, it linked to Hayley, he freaking fell from the tree, Hayley wanted to laugh, but didn't, karen ended the link and dropped down from the tree, walking toward Darryl, he set up thinking, all he had to do is grab it and take it to the castle,  Well here goes nothing, he got up on his knees, Karen backed up snarling at him, she swapped her claws at him digging into his arm, he growled at her as she jumped in his direction, snapping at his head, he growled grabbing her, as she scratched at his arms and chest. She didn't like being held she hated it, she made the weirdest sound as Darryl started to run toward the castle, he heard many branches and twigs breaking, he knew he was being hunted, after an hour he saw the clearing Ron and Hayley Tesha was standing outside waiting, he only had an hour left as he kept running, karen was laughing inside. As her family made him run faster, she pretended to be mad and biting at him, she bit his hand, as he screamed out in pain, saying ,"Damit stop biting me. You better be lucky I'm letting you lose after this, he finally made it and stopped in front of Ron,Tesha and Hayley, Hayley tried her best not to laugh it was pretty hard as karen was trying to get out of his grip, alright you see her,right everyone nodded, good he tossed karen to the side holding onto his bleeding arms,he turned to see what everyone was looking at, behind him stood over thirty werecats sitting behind him with a glint in their eyes, they all jumped on him licking him then they turned looking at Hayley bowing then ran off into the woods,  Darryl got up looking at the three of them then at his arms, do you see this, you think this is a joke to you, he growled he will show them, he walked up to Hayley, tossing her over his shoulders growling as she started to laugh, he went up to the bedroom into the bathroom, he cut on the cold water in the shower in put her in there leaving there. She screamed from the cold, but kept laughing. When she walked out of the bathroom she was soaking wet, he turned looking at her, and started laughing, you look like. Drown rat, she tilted her head looking in the mirror, her hair was plastered to her face, and her clothes were sticking to her. She took off her wet dress throwing at him, hitting him in the head, he let the dress fall on the floor. "it looks good on the floor," but you will look better on the bed, she looked wide eyed as he picked her up putting her on the be, he got on top of her opening her legs, he was going to tease her,he leaned kissing her passionately, his hand went to her thigh running his hand up and down slowly, he heard a soft moan come from her lips, he smirked playfully biting on her bottom lip, he knew he had past serval test already, but now isn't the time for this, he kissed her once more, his tongue playing with hers, he punched one of her n*****s, hearing her moan turned him on, but he stopped himself, he moved off of her, and walked into the bathroom, leaving her on the bed breathing hard,  Hayley POV She couldn't believe he tossed her over his shoulders, she was laughing all the way, even laughed when he put her in the shower in turned the cold water on, it was funny, but what shocked her is when he put her on the bed and him getting on top of her, she was ready, the way he kissed her turned her on more than ever, he way he ran his down her thigh and punching her n****e made soft moans come out of her mouth, her body needed him she needed him, her wolf was purring, wanting her mate, but he suddenly stopped to walk into the bathroom, didn't he want her, didn't he want to mark her as his, did he change his mind, he's not getting away that fast, she stood from the bed taking her very bra and panties off, then stormed into the bathroom. She swung the door open she saw the bandages on her arms, he wasn't wearing a shirt or pants, she was thinking this is the time, I'm making him mine for good, she made him turn to her, grabbing his hand walking him in the shower,turning on the water, she washed him, making him clean then turned the water off drying him, then leading him back to the bedroom, she pushed him on the bed sitting in top of him, her canines came out as she sank her teeth into his mark once again, he grabbed her holding her in place. Enjoying the feel of her body on top of him. 
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