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Aiden's POV How the hell did she mind-link me? We did not complete the mate-bond, and she did not even accept me yet. What is my mate? Is she stronger than I thought? Why did she let me know she is okay and that I must not worry about her? I was in the meeting when she mind-linked me. I was stunned. Confused. My grandfather had to clear his throat to make me come back to reality. If she thinks I will stop looking for her, she is making a mistake. Why am I so obsessed with her? She is average looking, but she did not sound like the scrawny young wolf I first met at her pack when I just talked to her.  I have so many questions and no answers to them. Who or what is my mate? I don't know. My wolf is excited and is running circles in my head. "She is strong, and she is ours!" He says. "Shut up, we first have to find her," I say to him, and he is not happy about that, but that is a fact we will have to face. "What is wrong with you today?" My grandfather asks me. "Someone mind-linked me during the meeting, and I lost a bit of my concentration," I say. "Trouble?" He asks. "You may call it that, grandpa," I say. "Ah, a woman then. Did you find your fated mate?" He asks. "Kind off," I say and tells him what had happened and that I plan on going to look for her, but now I am confused as I think her appearance might have changed. My grandfather laughs. "It happens. Let me tell you the story about the first Queen. She was poor and the first King, though she was not good enough for him as she was not strong and had no wolf. When he saw her, he fell in love and accepted her instead of rejecting her. She got her wolf, and she was strong. Her appearance changed, and she became one of the strongest Queens the Kingdom has known. Her eyes and hair also changed. Her eyes became golden, and her hair white as snow. The Moon Goddess touched her. They said as she almost died the day he found her," My grandfather tells me. I look at my grandfather. "My mate almost died the night I found her. Could it be that the Moon Goddess touched her as well?" I ask him. "You should ask your grandmother about all those things. She is the one that read all those books. I only heard the story from her," He says and smiles. I know he does not believe it, but hell, it could happen. I make a mental note to ask my grandmother about it. As we get home, my grandmother is waiting for us. She has made my favourite meal. I wonder why she feels guilty as she only makes me my favourite meal when she feels guilty or when it is my birthday and today is not my birthday. I look at her, and I smell the air. I swear I smell the faint smell of my mate on my grandmother. Is she hiding something from me? "Hi, grandmother. What is the occasion?" I ask. "Nothing just felt like treating my favourite grandson," She says. "I am your only grandson," I say dryly. "Well, I can still treat you, can't I," She says. "Hmm, you are feeling guilty about something," My grandfather says for the side. "Exactly, what I thought," I say as we look at my grandmother, who is nervously pulling at her dress. "You two got me. I have to tell you something," Lana says. "I am waiting, Grandma," I say, my arm folded, and I see my grandpa do the same. "That night you found your mate, I saved her and took her to the first Queen's cabin," She says. I feel my heart skip a beat. "Where is she? Is she still there?" I ask, and my wolf jumps up and down, and I want to run to the first Queen's cabin. "When I went there this morning, she was gone," My grandmother says, and I feel my heart drop to my feet. "What do you mean she was gone, grandma?" I ask. I feel like crying, and my wolf howls in my head. "She was just gone. She left. I try to trace her scent, but I could not," My grandmother says. She looks like crying. "Grandma, tell me everything since you found her, and why did you go there?" I ask. "Well, something told me to follow you. You know how I believe in the things you and your grandfather does not believe in, so I followed you, and when you left, I saw her pack dragging her into the wilderness and start beating her up. She did not once cry out or begged them to stop. After they left her to die in peace, she crawled to a stream, and that is where I found her. I picked her up and carried her to the first Queen's cabin. I heard you shouting up and accepting her, but I was afraid to turn around as I was afraid to run in border control of her old pack, so I kept walking as she passed out, and I was scared she would die. When I got to the cabin, she started to heal, and when she opened her eyes, she has changed. She was stronger and not so scrawny anymore. She was beautiful and stronger. I wanted to go and call you, but she begged me not to do that. She said she first wants to prove herself to you and be worthy of you. So when I was gone today to go to the town, she disappeared. I wanted to tell you, but I promised her, and I think she went outside and saw the castle and knew she was too close to you, so she ran away," My grandmother tells her story, and I don't know if I should believe her or not. She can not look me in the eye, and I don't know if it is because she feels guilty for not telling me my mate was a few miles away from me or because she knows where my mate is, but I also know my grandmother if she knows where she is she will close up like a book and not say another word. So maybe my chances will be better to watch my grandmother and see if she goes somewhere and lead me to my mate. I decide not to ask anymore. "She is beautiful," My grandmother says, and I wonder if my grandmother is telling me the whole truth, suspecting my grandmother again for not telling us the whole truth. I say nothing, though and undertake to have eyes on my grandmother all the time. Somewhere, somehow she will slip up. The next few weeks, I watch my grandmother, but she goes on with her normal routine, and I am starting to doubt my feeling that my grandmother was not telling us the whole truth, but still, I tell my men always to keep an eye on grandma, just in case. That is when the rogue attack begins.No one sees the rogue that is attacking them. They start calling the rogue a ghost. First, the rogue attacked the small pack but never killed the woman and children, only the alphas, betas and the warriors. No one has seen the rogue, though. Then one night, the rogue attacks a big pack, and she killed the alpha, his beta, his luna and a lot of his warriors, but some survivors saw her. They said she had hair as black as the night and purple eyes. "It must be a powerful she-wolf, but why only attack the packs that live by the rule of the wolf? Maybe her pack did with her as my Queen's pack did to here, and now the rogue has a grudge against those packs," I say to my grandparents, who are sitting with me at the dinner table. I am baffled. Before my men and I can get to the pack to help them, the attack is over, and there is no scent or trace of this rogue. I wonder if she has the help of witches or maybe even some of the pack members. I mention it to my grandparents, but both say it is doubtful as rogue are lone creatures and works typically alone. I nod as I know this. One thing is sure, though, this rogue is trained and trained well as an assassin. I offer to send my men to the pack she target, but they refuse my help, and I wonder why? They always think they can handle their own defence and disputes, so I only intervene when a civil pack disagrees with one of the packs that live by the rule of the wolf. I'm not too fond of the packs that live by the rule of the wolf, but I am not going to make them live otherwise, as they have the right to live as they please. They live in my kingdom, but I am not interfering with the way the Alpha runs his pack. As long as the pack members do not come and complain to me about their Alpha, I can do nothing anyway. I do not send my men out, and I will not help those who do not want my help. Alexandria's POV I trained hard for a couple of weeks. I was a fast learner, and the voice in my head also helped me a lot. She told me, at last, she was Selene the Moon Goddess, and she needs me to protect the kingdom and the king. She told me about my other powers, like the mind-link thing and that I can ward off magical attacks. She also told me to take wolfsbane a little bit at a time every day. At first, it hurt, but my wolf and I got used to the poison. Now she makes us take silver a little at a time every day. It hurts more than the wolfsbane, but we are getting used to it as well. I guess she wants me to be immune against attracts from wolfsbane or silver. I trained with Sofia and some other warriors, and I trained to be an assassin. I attacked the first small pack that is threatening my kingdom and my King. I took out that threat. Then another, it was easier than I thought, and the first few small packs were easy. I made sure I did not kill the woman and children. Many thanked me, and although they saw me, they never told anyone what I looked like. They hated their mates as they were not really their fated mates. They were forced into marrying someone in their pack and never had a chance to look for their fated mate in other packs. The wolves that live by the rule of the wolves are the only ones they were allowed to mix with. The she-wolves and the mostly mistreated children joined other packs, and many of them met their fated mates in those packs. Tonight I attacked a bigger pack, and I took out the alpha first, then his beta and then the luna attacked me, and I killed her. According to her pack members, she was not a good luna, but some worshipped me for my looks and the fact that I saved them. I knew my ghostly cover was blown and that from now on, the King and his men will know what I looked like. Luckily he does not know I am his mate and that my appearance has changed. I am doing it all for him and this kingdom. I will give my life to protect him and this kingdom as it is my duty. Until I meet him someday, then he will know why I do what I do. As for now, I am an assassin rogue in some eyes and a saviour in other's eyes.
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