Chapter 5

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I was cleaning the whole night as my sleeping routine was ruined when I slept through the whole day yesterday. If I wanted it to go back to the way it was, I needed to stay awake till the evening, but now it’s three pm and I was starting to become sleepy. Luckily, I could clean the house and put everything in its place so mom wouldn’t freak out. It took me three-four hours, but at least now everything is clean. I decided to cook something fast, then do my homework after that to pass the time. I was about to head to the kitchen when the doorbell rang. I let out a sigh as I didn’t want to talk to anyone as I made my way towards the door. “Hi Maya. Are you okay?” Violet asked with a guilty expression on her face and Zara and Myles stood behind her. “Yeah, I am fine. Come in.” I told them with a sigh and let them in. At least they didn’t bring Wade with them. “We asked Wade to come as well, but he said you wouldn't want that as you said you needed time.” Myles said and I nodded my head as they were trying to read me. “Yeah, he is the last person I want to see right now.” I told them and looked at Violet with a hard expression. “Did you actually know that girl or did you just invite her out of nowhere?” I asked her sarcastically with an accusing tone and her eyes widened. “What? I didn’t invite her. Actually, I didn’t invite the rest either. I just told them about the party, but I didn’t know this girl, I wasn’t the one who told her about it.” She said and I nodded my head. “I am sorry, Maya.” She added with a guilty expression and tears filled up her eyes and my heart softened right away. “It’s okay. At least I know how much I can trust him when he is drunk, but I won’t tell you if there will be a party next time, only half an hour earlier before the party starts.” I told her with a chuckle. “Yes, that’s a good idea, we should all do that.” Zara said and Myles nodded his head in agreement, while Violet pouted but nodded as well. “We are sorry we didn’t help to clean up, but when we didn’t find you, Wade said he would stay and wait for you to come home.” Myles said and I nodded again, thinking about telling them what happened when I left, but decided against it. I will talk to mom first. They will just think that I have gone mad, and knowing Violet, the whole school will talk about it by tomorrow. “Do you guys want to watch a movie?” I asked them. A movie would be a good distraction from everything and it would keep me awake as well. “Sure,” Zara said. “Yeah. Why not?” Myles added with a smile. “Marvell time?” Violet suggested. We all liked Marvell movies, but now I wanted to watch something else, hoping I would get the answers to my questions. “What do you say about Twilight?” I asked them and they looked at me like I had grown two heads. “But you hated that movie. You didn’t even watch it with us when we went to see it in the cinema,” Zara said, and I shrugged my shoulders. “I changed my mind.” I told them and Violet started jumping from the excitement while Myles groaned. She loved that movie, but he hated it. “Alright.” Myles finally said and Zara just shrugged her shoulders. She didn’t mind what we were going to watch. I got some leftover pizza and heated it up for us, then put the movie on. Myles was asleep after ten minutes and we chuckled at his cuteness as he snored softly. After the movie, I was even more confused. I wanted to watch the next episode too, so we ended up watching the second and the third part as well. “That b*tch Victoria.” Violet said when the third part ended. “Girls, can we go now? It’s late.” Myles whined for the hundredth time, but he was right. It was almost ten pm and I was very tired. Not to mention that we have school tomorrow. “He is right, see you guys tomorrow.” I told them with a yawn. “We should do this again and watch the rest of it next weekend,” Violet said, and I nodded my head. I don’t really like this kind of movie, but this was an interesting one, especially because now I could be Jacob’s sibling or something. They were talking about one imprinted on the other. Could that be the same thing that Cora was talking about, just in other words? I shook my head from my silly thoughts. How could I compare my life to a movie when it was all made up? I let out a sigh and decided to take a shower and go to bed after that. Hopefully , mom will be here by the time I get back from school tomorrow and she will find a reasonable explanation for all of my problems. * *** * I woke up with a groan to my annoying ringtone and I was even more annoyed when I saw who was calling. “What do you want?” I asked Wade in a sleepy voice. “Hmm… good morning. I am …in front of your house. I was hoping we could still go together.” He said timidly, and I sat up with a jolt. “What?” I asked as I checked the time. “Crap, I overslept. Just go without me, I will see you at school.” I said and hung up the phone without waiting for his reply. I actually forgot to set my alarm yesterday, but I can still make it on time if I use my bike. I managed to get to school five minutes before the bell rang and I didn’t see my friends anywhere. I guess they went to their classes already. I parked my bike and walked towards the entrance when I spotted him. Wade, talking to… her, while laughing and she was touching his forearm. ‘The b**ch.’ The voice…. I mean Cora said and I have to agree with her on that one. I felt my anger rising as I got closer and closer, while I didn’t take my eyes off of her. Like a lion approaching its prey. ‘Wolf, in this case,’ Cora said and I rolled my eyes at her. The girl noticed me when I was just a few steps away. Her eyes widened and she took a step back right away. Wade noticed this and looked at my directions. “Oh, Maya. You made it.” He said nervously while he scratched the back of his neck. “Yeah. Good observation, Wade.” I told him coldly and turned back to the girl, who visibly gulped. She opened her mouth to excuse herself, but I beat her to it. “Wade, can you leave us alone for a minute? I will talk to you later.” I said without looking at him. “But…” he started and I snapped my head in his direction, feeling like I would burst with frustration, anger and jealousy. He stopped talking right away. “Right, I will see you later.” He said to me or to her. I don’t even know anymore, but either way, my heart was hurting. “We should…. The bell…” she started stuttering and I smirked at her. “Now you aren’t that brave anymore, huh? I thought you had some gut if you went after someone who was already taken. That too, at his girlfriend’s birthday party, where you weren’t even invited,” I said, and stepped even closer to her. “I was invited by Wade, he… invited me.” She said innocently and I felt anger boiling inside of me. ‘How dare he, that good for nothing boyfriend of yours…. Nobody can take us for a fool, even if he is not our mate. Our mate will be perfect, he must be.’ Cora said angrily and I ignored the last part, but she was right. Nobody can take us for a fool. “Listen here, Barbie.” I started, but she dared to cut me off. “My name is Sarah.” She said. “Did I ask your stupid name?” I hissed at her through gritted teeth and she backed off, closer to the wall. “I will tell you this just once, so listen carefully. If I see you only one more time talking to Wade or touching him… I will rip your f*cking head OFF.” I shouted the last part and it was really hard to hold myself back at that point. I hated those b**ches who didn’t respect others' relationships. She gasped and started shaking, so I let out a laugh when I reached the desired effects on her. She started crying hysterically, which I thought was a bit too much, but I enjoyed her distress and frightened expression. You messed with the wrong person, sl*t. “Now go, I don’t want to see your face.” I told her with a disgusted expression and she ran into the school like Bloody Mary was chasing her. ‘That was awesome, I knew you had it in you.’ Cora cheered and I could almost feel her jumping up and down in my mind. I don’t know what got into me, because I was never a violent person, but it felt really good to put her back in her place. I shrugged my shoulders and went to attend my class. I was already late , but I didn’t care. It was worth it. I got away with being late by ten minutes, with only a warning, so now I was sitting at my usual spot by the window and looking out of it. After a few minutes, an ambulance car arrived and I just watched it with interest. ‘Did someone get injured?’ I asked myself, but then I got my answers as I saw two people carrying a screaming and struggling girl and putting her into the ambulance van. I let out a gasp as I realised who it was. Barbie. I wonder if I scared her that much that she turned into a mad person. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and everyone turned their heads from the window, towards the door. It was the headmaster. “Sorry for bothering you, Mrs. Moore. I need to talk to Miss Davis.” He said and waved me over. “Of course,” she said, and I was already on my feet. My heart beat speeded up, thinking about getting into trouble for scaring the girl that much, but it was worth it and mom can’t blame me. I told her I was not okay. She should have come home to me.
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