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It had been approximately two years since Rebecca had discovered her true nationality. As she liked to say, my blonde, almond-eyed friend insisted that she was a real Asian woman living in the wrong country. What was at least funny was, for some reason, Asian people were on the rise, and she had become addicted to Korean dramas and convinced herself that there was only one kind of man who was good and that unfortunately, they did not reside in Brazil, she had completely changed her way of dressing and makeup. Which I was loath to admit I liked better than the purple eyeshadow and red lipstick she usually wore. I sigh it was just a phase for sure, that neither when she was convinced, that she would lose her virginity to the drummer of a band, that I sang, neither I nor his girlfriend liked the idea. It was Saturday night, but after her move we were stuck at home, watching some dorama, I missed when we went to parties, but did not comment on the opportunity to be together was great, even if, I hated it was all very cartoonish and unreal, but my friend sighed in the corners, for a simple squeeze of evil that only happened on average after the episode 5, kisses always between the 13 and 16, wondered how many centuries it took to have s*x scenes. - this Oppa, and so perfect- she says. - Of course," I say, rolling my eyes, "that man had the beauty of an amoeba and a personality as forgettable as that one. But still, I smile in agreement. - I have something to tell you! - she says and an exciting smile appears on his face, I met a guy. I smile, happy we would finally stop it, who was this guy who deserved the world. - It was about time! Finally, you will stop with this obsession. - I say pointing to the tv. She stares at me coldly. My blood freezes from the way she stares back at me, I know I must have done something wrong. - not an obsession, you should understand," she says hurt. And we wash again. - Ok, I'm sorry - I say trying to sound as sincere as possible. - His name is lee yong - I let out the air I didn't know I was holding. - We've been together for six months, and I'm going to Korea to live with him! I feel the ground opening under my feet, not that it's the first time Rebecca's been in a relationship, but it's the first time she's left me for a guy. - where did she meet him - I ask automatically. - on a website for people who want to learn to speak Korean. We fell in love and I'm leaving! - You haven't even seen him in person and you're going to change countries for him - she stands up with her face transfigured in hatred. - support me, or get out of my life - for a moment I don't recognize the monster in front of me, no that thing couldn't be my friend. - if you, if you want to jump off a bridge, I should also support you - I question her. - It's not the same thing. - She spits the words at me. - seriously, both things are a free fall to the ground - she snorts. - your parents, do they know? - she stares at me. - everyone knows! - Wow, that hurt. - So, what do you want my blessing for? - she says nothing for a moment. - I want, support, I love you, I need you to stand by me in this - she knows the power, who has over me knows that there is nothing I wouldn't do for her, I lost this discussion before it even started, and of that, we both know. - When? - I whisper. - in a month, don't worry, I'll call you every day, I'll visit you every college vacation, and you'll see me," I smile knowing that they are probably just lip service, "when she gets on that plane her life will no longer have room for me, and I love her too much to be selfish. - All right - I lie. - Lua ?- she looks at me. - What? - I look at her. - I love you - she declares. - I know - me too - from the bottom of my soul, me too. The days passed quickly and it was early spring, and my friend, who used to be quiet, had turned into a cheerful woman, smiling at nothing and constantly in a good mood, which worried me, because things never end well when your happiness depends on someone else. I didn't want to tell her my suspicions, she wouldn't even listen. We decided to go for a walk in the square, there weren't many people there, which was unusual because it was Sunday, and usually families came here! - Look, they cut the grass - she says pointing to the low grass, it was true that was a rare event there. - yes, - I say with my voice hoarser than usual, I didn't know how to behave around her anymore, it was as if she was a brainless alien. - do you like this dress? - she says clearly, looking for a subject. - Yes. Have you lost weight? -I say already knowing the answer. - Yes, -she answers cautiously- I wanted to lose a few pounds a while ago -she lies. She did it, probably, to get into the beauty standards of this other country, she didn't realize? What he was doing to her, she was leaving her life for him, what did he think of that? Did he encourage her? Would he also give up something for her? The phone rings and the sound of Taylor Swift's singing style take me out of my thoughts. - It's him - she says with a shout. - of course, it is - I shout, she ignores it and answers, luckily since neither of us speaks Korean her boyfriend spoke fluent English, and Rebecca and I took years of classes sponsored by her parents, we didn't stop still at home, it was their way of setting limits for us, good to put them on her, but they ended up setting mine too because she had threatened not to show up if I didn't go too. amen to my friend's stubbornness. - Oppa, I'm in the square- she says with a honeyed tone, her face closes when I guess he replied. - Yes, I'll come," she says automatically, "with a friend," she stares at me in apprehension. She dials desperately and puts the phone on speakerphone. - say something - she says in a tone of remarkable desperation. - Hello, good afternoon," I say with exhilaration, and the hairs on the back of my neck bristle in response. - Hello - a husky male voice answers - what are you doing in a square, alone? He asks me and I feel like answering (it's none of your business) but I take a deep breath, what catches my attention is his sober and emotionless tone, she did not see that? Only I suspected her boyfriend, not even her brothers shared my doubts. - I wanted to get some air, and I asked Rebecca to come with me - I lie and he seems to understand. - Of course - he says in a bored tone - I get worried, there are so many dangers for women alone! He says in a cold tone, but malicious, something is explicit in his words, I can't help thinking that somehow that was a threat. - Oppa, I'm going home - my friend, replies like a castrated animal. I open my mouth to disagree but she shuts me up with a look! - yes, you are - the answers abruptly. - and of course, she has to hide, right? - I say pinning him and her eyes widen - so that you feel safe. He laughs at the other end of the line strangely and the phone is muted my friend frowns at me and leaves without saying a word I try to follow. but she says. - It's okay. Really," she smiles awkwardly, "see you tomorrow," she says. She left that same day without telling me why. She took the first plane she saw and left without saying a single word to me.
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