Chapter 1-2

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“And what is this” came a cold voice with an accent in front of me. I think it’s Italian and I mean proper not second generation yet still have an accent as they speak it at home. I looked up to see F standing in front of me holding my notepad. I had no reason to lie so I told him the truth. “It’s a tally of how many women have tried it on with all your friends.” He raised his eyebrow at me “care to elaborate.” “Well, it isn’t half obvious who is in your group, and you all arrived together. I have given you each a letter and marked down each time one of you has been hit on, that I have seen at least. A is your friend and obviously the boss. R is for the guy at the rope, B1 and B2 are the guys at the Bar. D is for the guy at the door and T is for the guy at the table over there.” “Why A?” “Because he is a very good looking man, so A is for Adonis”. I tried not to blush but probably failed. “Didn’t I get a letter?” his demeanour had relaxed a bit now and there was almost a smirk on his face. Almost! “Sorry I grouped you in with A. Apologises if you’re offended. Did you want me to split the tally between you?” “Why do you think the women were after him?” “Because they were either looking straight at him or had been trying to get his attention before they tried to get past the Robe guy.” He looked down at the notepad and ripped out the part with the tallies and walked off without a word. Oops! I suppose it was kind of obvious that I was watching. Oh well, I think I will just order some drinks to my room tomorrow night and work from there. I finished putting my stuff away and was about to walk out when F was suddenly in front of me again. This time with a smirk on his face. “A would like to speak to you. This way” he made sure to exaggerate the A then motioned for me to go to the private area. I really had to hold back the smile when he said A like that. Oh crap! Who have I offended! I didn’t know what to say so I just nodded to him and walked towards the room. Rope Guard was quick to move the rope and the curtain out of the way for us. I could feel the eyes on me from the moment I left my table to when I entered the area. I kept my back straight and tried not to show how intimidated and uncomfortable I felt. I certainly didn’t miss the death stares from some of the women, sorry most of the women in the room as they sized me up. There was less now as most had given up, but there was about half left. Oh, I know they would be wondering how a plain person like me in my cheap Target jeans and top is getting to go into the room. Honestly I would rather not be but I couldn’t really say no. Well, I could, but I didn’t have the guts to. The area was the same as in the bar with booth seating around the outside, but this time only up the back with 2 tables and a couple of chairs to make it more private. Walking into the room, I looked over to see the Adonis watching my every move. His eyes were indeed ice blue-grey colour that were mesmerizing. I had to make sure I didn’t stop and stare. I politely smiled and made my way over to him. I went straight into corporate mode, balancing my laptop bag on my left shoulder and leaned in with my right hand out to shake. “Hi, I’m Kate” yep real smooth. He studied my hand for a second before standing up and shaking my hand. “Landon” he simply replied coldly before sitting back down motioning for me to take a seat in front of him. I put my bag down against the chair and sat down. He pushed the tally towards me and raised an eyebrow. I shrugged my shoulders. “Why not? It kept me entertained while I finished my work.” “What do you do?” “EA for a Telecommunications company. Here for the week for their Sales Conference.” “Where are you from?” “Melbourne. So, where are you from? Your accent is very strong.” He studied me for a moment “Malta”. He then looked over my shoulder to someone and spoke in what I guess is Italian. “You’re staying in the hotel?” He seemed more relaxed now as he asked this. “Yes, the company booked and paid for our rooms for the conference”. As soon as I finished replying, a drink appeared beside me and not just any drink but a Bailey’s, which is what I had been drinking before. I turned to see F “Thank you, that’s very kind. Sorry I didn’t get your name.” He smirked “Lorenzo” and nodded before walking away. He seemed a lot more relaxed as well. They must have thought I was spying on them or something. I took a sip. “So I’m guessing you are staying in the hotel as well. Do all the women come and knock on your door or just annoy you down here? You certainly are very popular.” Yep couldn’t help myself. His eyebrows went up again as he continued to study me before speaking. I couldn’t help but get lost in his eyes. They had a touch of warmness to them now from the cold look before, but he was still very calculated with everything he did and said. “Everyone knows better than to come to my door.” “Fair enough” I tried to act unfazed by his short replies as I took a sip of my drink. “I haven’t had a chance to tour Italy, what’s it like?” “Beautiful. You grew up in the country?” so he is a man of many words. “I have been told before it’s extremely obvious I didn’t grow up in the city but I didn’t realise you could tell within a few sentences” I couldn’t help the small laugh that fell out of my mouth, I really don’t know how it is that obvious that I’m an old country girl. We sat in silence for a moment as I thought of what else to ask, as well as I was in a trance looking into his eyes. They held you and made your brain turn into mush. They were the eyes of a very guarded man, someone who doesn’t trust easily, if not at all and I would take a guess and say someone who has been through a lot of pain. “You en…” I was cut off by his phone ringing. He looked at who was calling before looking back up at me. “I have to take this” was all he said before he got up and walked out. Well I guess that is the end of the conversation then! I wasn’t going to be the weird desperate woman that waited around to see if he came back, plus I needed some sleep before tomorrow so I got up and grabbed my bag. Rope guard was still there and so was Door guard from what I could see. Lorenzo and the others must have gone with Landon. Not a name I would have guessed! Rope Guard moved the curtain and rope for me to leave. I thanked him and wished him a good night as I headed back to my room. There were still some of the women sitting around, probably still hoping Landon would come back so they could have another go. I smiled and walked out with a “have a good night” to the door guard, who nodded in reply. Halfway to the elevator, I heard my name being called out. I turned to see 2 of the Melbourne sales staff, Louis and BK, coming towards me. “Hey drunkards, back so early? Good boys!” I laughed. “Yeah party pooper BK said we should get some sleep”, Louis slurred as we started to walk together. “Well it is only a Monday so you can pace yourself just a little, can’t you?” “You have to come out with us tomorrow night” BK chimed in as he was helping hold Louis still as we waited for the elevator. “I’ll see how I’m going. Any issues I need to know about?” “Nah, Frankie picked up this weird looking guy though it was so funny. Don’t know if she is going to show up tomorrow.” “Great, I will put a reminder on my phone to call her in the morning.” The elevator got to my floor first so I laughed and bid them a good night. Louis was half comatose up against the back wall. I know him though, he would still be there bright and early tomorrow, just with a good coffee or 3!
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