1 - Enlisting Mira’s Help

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Mira     I was surprised to hear my great aunt’s voice come through our mind link, asking me to meet her at the cave.  It was extremely rare for Andrea to make an appearance at the Pine Tree Pack, since this is where her beloved James was viciously murdered by her oldest daughter’s fated mate.     However, I was intrigued by her sudden visit, so I agreed to meet her there and rushed out of the pack house right away.  I had already unlocked several special abilities, including the Ability of Speed and Agility, so I pulled my power to the forefront and ran to the cave at my all-time top speed.     Five minutes later, I sprinted through the cave’s large entrance and down the narrow corridor until it opened back up, revealing my great aunt Andrea, my second cousin Bethany, my third cousin Jameson and his mate Savannah, who was holding a newborn pup.  Stunned to see all of them, I stopped dead in my tracks and breathlessly asked, “What’s going on?”     “Hello, darling.  Thanks for getting here so quickly.  I’m afraid there is a matter of great urgency, and your presence could make the difference,” Andrea informed me with a sheepish smile on her face.     “What matter are you speaking of?” I questioned with uncertainty.     “Savannah has a destiny to fulfill, and she needs all the help she can get.  We plan to travel overseas and help her overthrow King Derek.  The Moon Goddess told us that you will be the key to her success,” Andrea explained, as I searched her eyes for honesty or deception.     After what my mum went through when she was carrying me, I grew up with my guard up at all times.  I trusted only a few werewolves and liked even less than that.       Most considered me a loner by nature, but I was never alone.  I always had both of my werewolf souls with me at all times.  Actually, to be more precise, I had my werewolf soul and my morphed sister’s werewolf soul.     This fact about me, led to my constant worrying about whether I would end up finding one or two mates.  The past few years, I have not left the Pine Tree Pack’s territory, unless I was visiting the Eagle Moon Pack, simply because I didn’t want to deal with two mates, if that was my fate.     However, I have found myself often thinking about what it would be like to find a mate, and I’ve been heavily considering the possibility of leaving in search of him.  I wasn’t sure where I would start, but Andrea was offering me a chance to travel.  In doing so, I would most likely find one. Savannah     Mira stayed silent for almost a full minute after Andrea told her about the Moon Goddess saying she was the key to my success.  I thought for sure, she was gonna say no to helping us, but she did the exact opposite and asked, “What can I do to help?  I really don’t see how I can possibly be the key, but who am I to question the Moon Goddess.”     I was quick to beam a smile at the pretty hybrid while gushing, “Thank you so much, Mira!  You have no idea how much this means to me!”     “Just don’t make me regret it,” Mira mumbled with warning in her uniquely gorgeous eyes.  It wasn’t often I met somebody with two different colored eyes, but there she was, standing beautiful with one gold eye and one baby blue eye.     In addition to that, Mira had long, brown hair that fell to her butt, and she had full, pouty lips that any guy would enjoy kissing.  I was honestly surprised she wasn’t mated yet.  Surely, the males at the Pine Tree Pack must see the same beautiful she-wolf I was looking at.     “I feel you, Mira.  The Moon Goddess said that you, me and our newborn pup will all be the key to Savannah’s success.  It didn’t make sense to me either,” Jameson anxiously admitted.     I could feel the vast array of emotions through our mind link, letting me know how worried he was, so I reached over and squeezed Jameson’s hand while tiredly mumbling, “Everything will be okay.  We will do this together, and we will be smart about it.”     “I know, my love.  I’m just worried about taking little Jake with us,” Jameson commented with a forced smile.     “So, where do we start?” I heard Mira ask Andrea.     “First, you will need to train with all of us.  We will do the training on the Eagle Moon Pack’s territory, and it is mandatory for anybody who wants to join us,” Andrea explained.     “What exactly is the training for?” Mira questioned with her curiosity beginning to peak.     “Vampires.  We will no doubt run into a lot of them, and we need to be prepared for the inevitable,” Andrea answered in all seriousness.     “Vampires, you say.  Hum… that could be fun,” Mira remarked as an evil smirk appeared on her face.     “I don’t know if I’d call them fun.  More like cunning, unpredictable, fearless, unbelievably strong, and so very manipulative,” Andrea commented.     “Exactly!  That’s why I will enjoy taking them out,” Mira cockily drawled, earning a chuckle from Jameson and a smile from me, then she curiously asked, “When does this training begin?”      Andrea was quick to answer, “One week from today.”     “You can definitely count me in!  Just let me know when I need to be there,” Mira assured us, before exchanging goodbyes and leaving us at the cave.     Once she was gone, Bethany asked, “Who’s ready to go home?”     “Me!” I exclaimed a split second later.     This time, it was Bethany who teleported us back, but she didn’t take us back to her house.  Instead, I opened my eyes to see the living room I share with my mate.  Delighted to be home, I gave Bethany and Andrea a one-armed hug, then I rushed to the bathroom.     After taking the time to clean Jacob, I carried him to the nursery and dressed him in a cute, light gray sleeper decorated with little brown teddy bears.  Once he was dressed and wrapped in a blanket, I sat down on the rocking chair, then I helped him latch onto me, so he could enjoy his first round of breastmilk.     Jameson talked with his mum and grandmum for a few minutes, then he joined us in the nursery.  While lying on the floor and gazing up at me, Jameson affectionately mumbled, “Our pup is so adorable.  I can’t believe he’s finally here.”     “If I weren’t holding him, I wouldn’t believe it either,” I softly murmured, while rubbing my fingertip over Jacob’s rosy cheek. Zoey     I was at the waterfall, painting, when Savannah mind linked gushing, ‘He’s here!  Our little guy came into the world a few hours ago!  I can’t wait for you to meet him!  He’s so cute!’     ‘Congratulations! Just a few short weeks, and I’ll be able to meet him,’ I linked back.     ‘Are you still thinking about teaming up with us?’ she asked a second later.     ‘Hell yeah!  I wouldn’t miss this opportunity for nothing!  Who else has agreed to help?’ I enthusiastically responded.     ‘So far, it will be me, Jameson, our pup, you, Andrea, Jesse, Jace, Mira, Anton, Coralanna, Zavian, and Isabella,’ Savannah listed in response.     ‘You can also add Zane to the list.  He already said if I’m going, he’s going,’ I informed my friend.     ‘Sweet!  Believe it or not, Sebastian and Esmerelda are also thinking about joining us,’ she happily replied.     ‘That is awesome!  Esmerelda will kick some vampire ass!’ I responded, not hiding my excitement.     ‘I was thinking the same thing,’ Savannah agreed, then she apologetically remarked, ‘I wish I could be there for your birthday, but I totally plan to make it up to you.’     ‘No worries!  I will be seeing you the following week, so don’t sweat it!  You have enough on your plate right now,’ I insisted, not wanting Savannah to feel bad.     ‘I’m so glad I’ll have my bestie with me on this adventure we’re preparing for.  I wish I could talk longer, but I need to get back to the little guy,’ she informed me.     ‘Give that little guy a kiss on the cheek from his aunty Zoey,’ I cheerfully replied.     ‘Will do!  Talk soon,” Savannah rushed to say before cutting the link.     I stood there in a daze for a few minutes, thinking about what it would be like to have a pup or cub of my own, then I shook that thought away.  Now wasn’t the time to be thinking about those things.  Now was the time to be thinking about the mission ahead of us.
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