Chapter Eighty-Five: Crisa

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I was so happy that my uncle was here and I could tell him in person about the twins that I didn’t even realize that Thane and the kids had brought the grills out. I called them over and said, “thank you guys for pulling out the grills. I would like you guys to meet my uncle Zanthus. Uncle these are Stormy’s friends Blake, Caleb, Trevor, Jackie, Cassie, and Tabitha. Most importantly this is Stormy.” They all politely shook his hand in greeting. When it came to Stormy he pulled her in for a hug before saying, “Benvenuto in famiglia! Sangue o no, sarai sempre una famiglia da questo giorno in poi. Devi solo chiamarmi se hai bisogno di qualcosa. (Welcome to the family! Blood or not you will always be family from this day forward. You only need to call on me if you ever need anything.)” Of course him and I were the only two that spoke Italian and I had to turn my head to hide my eyes because I was about to cry at my uncles sincerity. I knew my uncle wouldn’t want anyone else to know what he said so I sent Stormy a text telling her that we would talk about it later.     As if today couldn’t get any better I heard Xander say, “are you trying to start the party without me?” I spun around to find him standing right behind me and I threw my arms around him. My circle was complete with Zanthus and Xander here and I knew that Thane had to have something to do with them both being here. When he let me go I looked up at him and said, “I can’t believe that you are here. Today couldn’t get any better. Oh let me introduce you guys this is my best friend Xander. Xander these are Stormy’s friends Blake, Caleb, Trevor, Jackie, Cassie, and Tabitha. Most importantly this is Stormy.” Once again everyone shook hands and Xander pulled Stormy into a hug saying, “Ahora eres mi familia. Si alguna vez necesita ayuda, puede llamarme. Puede que no sea tu sangre, pero soy tu tío y siempre estaré ahí para protegerte.(You are now my family. If you ever need help you can call on me. I may not be your blood, but I am your uncle and I will always be there to protect you.)”  Having grown up with Xander and spending a lot of time with him I learned Spanish as well. Between him and my uncle I was about to be a mess of tears. Stormy once again looked confused and I just put my hand on her shoulder. These men were proud leaders and didn’t want others knowing that they had just welcomed Stormy into the family simply because I accepted her as my daughter.         I told the kids to go and start their homework as dinner would be done in about an hour. Once they ran off I asked Zanthus and Thane to go check on the food to make sure that I had enough prepped. They understood that I wanted a moment alone with Xander. They each got their private announcements and I’m glad that I would be able to have a private face to face moment with Xander to tell him before telling anyone else. I grabbed Xander’s arm a pulled him to the garage where I parked my Semi. As soon as we were seated on the couch I grabbed his hand and put it on my growing belly. He stared at his hand on my belly before looking at my face and back to his hand before saying, “no way! Really?” I laughed at his reaction and said, “it’s real. I’m pregnant. Not only am I pregnant, but I’m pregnant with twins. We were going to announce it to the family tonight and I’m so glad you are here. I’m happy that I got to sit with you and tell you privately before we told everyone else. By the way you and Zanthus need to tell your guys to work on their stealth. I’ll have pizza delivered for them and they can eat in shifts.” 
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