Chapter Thirty: Storm

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       The drive to see the doctor that the MC had on their payroll only took five minutes, but it felt like an eternity to me and the boys. Crisa hadn’t moved or made a sound since she passed out and we were all worried about her. The only thing keeping us somewhat calm was the fact that she was still breathing. As soon as we arrived Chris jumped out and opened the tailgate for us to get out. I let Thane hold Crisa while I jumped down. I turned around and picked her up and he jumped down. They all followed me into the building where we met the doctor.       She rushed me to set her on the bed and kicked everyone, but her nurse out of the room. The logical part of my brain knew that she needed the space to work on her, but the irrational side didn’t want to leave her side. Getting her the best care right now is what won out as we all walked out to the waiting area without protesting. I knew Tara was a good doctor and Crisa was in the best place for treatment, but I hated that she even had to be in this situation to begin with.       It had been an hour since we got here and Thane was sitting in a chair with his head in his hands while I paced the room. Chris and Tyler left to go pick up Thane’s girlfriend and stop by to see how clean up was going. When we heard a door open we both turned towards the door expecting news only to find Zanthus and Xander coming in with a girl I hadn’t met yet. Luckily Tara came out of the room right after the trio showed up so we would finally get some news.      Tara told us that she had lost a lot of blood due to a large gash in her side and she was able to stitch it up while making sure there wasn’t any other internal damage, but due to the blood loss she didn’t know when Crisa would be waking up. There was a bed set up in Crisa’s room so one of us could stay in there with her and Tara setup some beds in other rooms for everyone that wanted to stay. Thane and I decided to take turns sleeping and sitting next to Crisa waiting for her to wake up. Thane wanted to sit with her first so I went and laid down trying to get some sleep. My body was exhausted, but my mind wouldn’t let me sleep. I could hear Thane talking to Crisa and asking her to wake up saying it was his fault for not protecting her.       Logically we both knew that it wasn’t our fault, but we couldn’t help it. We blamed ourselves because we loved her and we couldn’t stop harm from coming to her. Before I fell asleep I could hear Thane say, “I think Storm is good for you. You both need to stop being stubborn and admit that you love each other. He’s the one that brought you here and wouldn’t let any one else carry you. If you guys don’t give it a shot I’m going to kick both of your asses. So hurry up and wake up for us. Everyone is here and waiting.”
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