Chapter 66: My Own Deceit

2120 Words
“You seem pleased, Diaz,” Alvarez remarked as his expression morphed into an irritating one. “I am most certainly not,” I replied as I tried to get out of bed, glaring at him. He let out a chuckle as he slowly got up to sit. “Sure, sure. If that’s what you want to believe.” “You better not piss me off.” “Why so?” “Because I f*****g said so,” I replied and walked towards the door. “We need to go and have dinner.” “Alright, mi amor…” he muttered as he quickly got dressed, immediately following me outside the bedroom. As soon as we both had gotten out, we found Vin frantically leaving his seat in the living room. He seemed like he really didn’t want to interact with Alvarez, so I just let him be. Meanwhile, my husband was mindlessly heading for the kitchen. He has probably realized that it’s either Vin had already cooked dinner for us…or I simply ordered food. It’s more likely for him to think that I ordered, though. Anyway, the two of us sat down and ate together at the kitchen table. He was…too silent as he ate, almost as if he couldn't hear or feel anything. Alvarez often seems like he’s spacing out, but I figured it was something normal for him. But today seems a little more different than usual. It’s like…he really is lost in his thoughts. Does he need me to pull him out of it? Or should I just leave him be in the meantime? He seems fine to me, though. Perhaps I shouldn’t disturb him… Fuck. “Alvarez,” I called. I couldn’t help it. He didn’t respond the first time I called him, so I figured it was not the best time to talk to him. That’s why I left him be for a little while. But then, after at least three minutes, I noticed he was simply spiraling his spoon on the food! He’s not even eating anymore!” “Alvarez,” I called his name again, almost as if I was simply uttering a prayer. No response again! What the hell is he thinking about that he can’t even respond to me?! Does he not hear me at all? I don’t think he’s simply ignoring me on purpose… “Hey!” I called and waved my hand in front of him. Fuck. He’s so still and silent. I tried to sit on his lap to make him look at me because he really was just staring in front of him. Is this…his first meal of the day? I don’t think he can eat any more than this… “Hey, wake the f**k up!” I told him as I shook his face a little by holding his cheeks. That’s how he finally snapped out of it. He blinked a few times and looked back at me, seemingly still in a daze. However, I didn’t let him go back to his reverie. “You’re definitely not okay…” I muttered as I traced the features of his face with my fingers. “No, no…” he mumbled under his breath as he held my waist. “Sorry about that. I’m just worried about your safety. God, I wish I could just obliterate those assholes.” I shook my head and gave him a light pat. “You’re already doing so great, Alvarez. There’s no need to be so pessimistic. We’ll be okay.” “Diaz, I don’t think you understand how much trouble we’re in now. This whole situation…is their way of declaring war.” He’s absolutely right about that. The Levistes have long declared war, but this…this is the real signal. I understand that much, but the danger we’re facing? That’s a different thing. I just can’t grasp the level of danger. It’s like there’s still something I ought to find out, something more dangerous than the threats we have been receiving. Damn it. The Levistes are influential, we both know that. Not as much as the Alvarezes, but they definitely hold a certain degree of power that’s more than what I have. That’s why I’m worried about my husband. I don’t want things to get uglier than they already have. “Hey, Diaz,” Alvarez called as he buried his face in my chest. “Trust me on this one, hmm?” I nodded. “What are you talking about? You already know I trust you, right?” He smiled and fixed my hair. “Indeed, I do. But if there’s one thing you have to know, it’s that people can do more than what you have imagined them to be able to do.” “I don’t think I fully understand what you’re saying…” I muttered as I stared down at him with furrowed brows. “What I’m saying is, there’s more to me than you don’t know. I can do much worse than I already have.” “But you won’t really try to—” “I will if they try to lay their fingers on you, mi amor.” The look in Alvarez’s eyes almost allowed me to show that I was terrified. But I didn’t want him to think that I really did fear him, so I tried to remain as calm and composed as I normally am. It’s as if the intense tension that was present during day one had returned, and we’re both trying to ignore its presence. Ah, f**k. The more we ignore it, the more it flourishes… I pursed my lips, and I saw his eyes drift from my eyes down to my lips. He shamelessly stared at it as if it would suddenly crash against his’ just because he wanted it, too. Not this again… “What’s wrong, Diaz?” he asked as the sides of his lips rose up for a sly smile. “Is there something you want?” I smiled. “I could ask you the same thing.” “Yeah.” Oh. He smiled, and that meant he was finally back on track after that terrifying look he had on his face earlier. He doesn’t seem much too tense now! And it doesn’t seem like he’ll end up drowning in his thoughts anymore. I tried so hard to suppress a smile before getting off of his lap. I really need to exercise more self-control so I don’t end up satisfying his ego all the time! He would definitely celebrate if he saw me folding because of the things he does… The two of us had finished eating immediately, so we decided to go and do something that would allow us to confirm that we weren’t backing down from Leviste’s threat. If they begin to think that we are remaining here in Alvarez’s penthouse cowering in fear, they’re bound to think that they have great control over the situation. There’s no way I would let them think that they are the ones in control of the game we are playing. We have many great pawns on our side, and no matter what, we’ll make sure to use them properly. Anyway, we’re going to a site we haven’t visited for a while now. We were both supposed to have a free schedule today, but I suggested that the two of us should do this. “Are you sure about this, Diaz? You know we don’t have to do it…” Alvarez muttered as he drove his car. “Are you worried that we would get shot while walking?” He nodded, his face contorting into displeasure at the thought. “I know I agreed that it would be a good idea, but I want you to remain safe at all costs.” “We both need to remain safe, Alvarez.” I assured him that things would be fine because Vin had dispersed his men all over the city. That man is the most meticulous person I know, and I am pretty sure that he won’t just stand knowing anything is amiss. I have seen his men work in person as well, so I am not worried at all. Things will be fine, and I’m pretty sure about that. I just have to trust everyone, including myself. Even though I’m pretty flimsy at fights and often clumsy during crucial moments, I’m pretty agile. A smile escaped from my lips as I got out of the car. Ah, finally. I feel like this is the first time I have inhaled air as fresh as this. There’s dust, though. “Diaz, we can still turn back—” “And what?” I shifted my sharp gaze at him. “Show them we’re chickens? They’d feel more powerful if we did that!” “Who cares? I will be here to protect you!” “Alvarez, you’re not always there. You need to realize that you can’t control everything,” I replied, my tone firm. I know he’s just really concerned about me and that I shouldn’t be too quick to shut him down when he’s simply doing his best to keep me safe. That was shitty of me, but I had no choice. This man has also lost his touch, and we’re not going to survive if we’re like this. We need to go back to our old ways, no matter how hideous we were. Being nice won’t really cut it. Or am I just deceiving myself again? I blinked twice as I repeated that one line inside my head. What? Was I talking about myself…? Deceiving myself? What the… “Diaz? Are you okay?” Alvarez asked again as he looked me in the eye. “Is something the matter?” I shook my head. “Just trying to strengthen my resolve.” He nodded and grabbed me by my waist. “Stay close to me at all costs, Diaz. Be as vigilant as you can.” Right. I nodded and did as he told me to, making sure that I wouldn’t cause any problems. He’s probably having a hard time monitoring his surroundings while checking the site, but he’s trying his best. Now, all I have to do is follow his steps. Not one step behind, always beside him… Vin is somewhere around here, doing his duty to the best that he can. He told me I could just press the large button on my watch if I needed his help, and he’d rush in an instant. Perhaps it was the thing he asked Vienna to install on my watch. “Oh, it’s the President!” The employees began muttering while they watched Alvarez and I strut across the place. Everyone was doing their designated tasks, and they seemed to be really doing well. Meanwhile, the two of us are flashing our fake smiles as we head for the office. The higher-ups present here right now have only been informed of our visit an hour ago, so we’re sure that there isn’t much of a surprise waiting for us there. “Sir! Madam!” Ah, speaking of… There was a man who approached us, and we both kept our distance. We made sure that he wouldn’t feel our hostility by smiling, but it seems we should have acted more nicely… The guy stood far from us as he gestured for us to follow him, and we did! The site is nice, but compared to the others I have visited so far, it’s not that grand. Either way, the architects and engineers are doing a pretty good job considering the…crappy location. Anyway, we were greeted by the employees who seemed to have only prepared a little celebration. Damn, they really went on their way to prepare all of this despite not being asked to. I gotta hand it to them for wanting to please both of us. They did a pretty good job with such short notice. Alvarez and I mingled with them because this is the first time we have actually visited this place. Everything was going well, except I felt that there was something amiss. “Diaz, poke my arm if you receive a message from Vin,” Alvarez whispered to me as he greeted everyone who walked past us. I nodded and checked my phone. There isn’t something yet, but I get the feeling that he’s also noticed that something is happening behind our backs. Ah, of course. This guy is already taking care of it on his own. He was probably watching us from afar and noticed that we were already antsy. He just sent me a message… Stay there. I’ll take care of this.
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