core forming beast

1026 Words
when Bill heard the roars he instantly knew that it belonged to a wild beast Bill was hesitating whether to go inside or return to the hut area but then he remembered that little koky was still inside by himself so he threw the hare that was in his hand and chose to go inside the cave as he went inside the surroundings were still and dark no noise came except from the low roars at the end of the cave so Bill decided to run as quickly as possible towards the end of the cave while he was quickly approaching the source of the sound it was going louder "i hope little koky is safe" when he reached the end of the cave he was horrified to see a big dark green wolf that was about 2 meters long and 1 meter tall it's body filled with muscles and it has really big jaw filled with barbered teeth that could grind the bones to powder it was standing there roaring at the blood pond as if hesitating for some reason but when it heard Bill approaching it turned it's red eyes on him it's eyes were savage and bloodthirsty describing how deadly and dangerous that wolf is Bill instantly knew he was in danger but still shouted "koky! koky! are you there?!" but got no answer the wolf now is approaching Bill slowly while opening it's jaw revealing it's shockingly sharp teeth as if wanting to jump on him and swallow him in one go! Bill was now retreating slowly and thinking of solution to turn the whole matter he felt from the wolf the same sensation he felt from the green python but the wolf was weaker even if by a small friction "this wolf is a core forming beast!" he instantly came to this realization he instantly began to look for any king of thing to defend himself or attack with while his eyes was darting all over the place to look for any object he was still keeping an eye on the slowly approaching wolf but he didn't find anything to defend himself then he noticed as if there was ridicule and a slight of human emotion in the eye of the wolf that was looking at him with contempt and arrogance the wolf decided to attack as it roared first then jumped on Bill with it's jaw threatening to smash his head but Bill did his best to dodge it by a friction as his clothes were slightly torn by it's sharp fangs he was still calling for koky hoping to see it whie dodging the wolf constantly he was tired and exhausted but then saw a little head peek on him from inside the small bond Bill was instantly overjoyed that he forgot about the wolf that was behind him"koky you are alright!" koky chirped to Bill when it saw him and there was a trace of worry in it's small eyes Bill sensed the wolf jumping on it from behind his back so he rolled on the ground and smashed into the cave wall but then saw a sharp rock laying beside that has sharp edge on it's end he quickly picked it up then he stood up with his aching body while staggering as if he was about to fall at any moment the wolf was toying with him he was sure that if it wanted to kill him it would have done that long ago "you want to toy with me because iam weak right" he was shouting at it " i will die for sure but i will inflict an injury on you to remember me everytime you look at it!" he readied his body and then bolted towards the wolf with his maximum speed and rotated his mana around his body crazily fast the wolf sensed slight danger from him as it's eyes turned serious for a moment  but before it was about to raise it's claws on Bill it sensed something small on it's head trying to attack even with a very small power but the wolf's fur ws very hard so it didn't sense anything more than a touch but that was enough for it to be distracted for a moment meanwhile Bill was raising his sharp stone and stabbed the wolf deep into it's green eye the wolf howled in agony "awooo!!" as blood continued to fall from his eye he was shaking his head from agony little koky couldn't hold onto his head and fall but Bill caught him in time before he fell to the ground "great team work koky!" Bill said while smiling brightly little koky was chirping happily while swinging it's small wings "let's get out of here before that beast regains it's clearity of mind" said Bill while running with little koky in his hand the wolf continued to howl in agony but after some time it opened it's remaining eye that was filled with hate and anger as it searched for Bill and the little bird but didn't see them so it began to move out of the cave searching for them by the smell of Bill's blood Bill and koky were continuing there escape towards the outer region as Bill was trying to get to his hut and safe area When he heard the slight tremors on ground as if something running and it was growing closer and closer he knew that he would be in danger if that wolf caught up to them but couldn't do anything more as he was reaching his body limit and would soon be exhausted "are we going to die here?" Bill said helplessly and soon the wolf caught up to them as it jumped in front of Bill that stopped from shock and fear, it was staring at him with it's one eye in extreme anger and hate while baring it's fangs "GRRRR.." little koky wasn't afraid on the contrary it was calm and relaxed but then it looked up to the sky suddenly while chirping in happiness as if it saw something amusing Bill noticed it's actions "what are you looking at koky?" while raising his head as well the wolf was even more angry as it saw there actions of ignoring it so it readied it's body to attack Bill and then jumped!.
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