
The legendary mage

another world

The light and dark regions of the world are always clashing with each other

the peace keepers organization maintaining peace and defending the light region

as war rages through the world what will be the fate of Bill

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In a secluded area behind the tall mountain of "the white bird", there was a cave at the foot of the mountaun that has a beautiful pond right in front of it, there was a big rock with a very lengthy height with the sound of a very beautiful flute symphony playing that cool the heart and refresh the mind of anyone listening, when taking a closer look you would see the sight of a young woman sitting cross legged while her hand is dancing on the flute, she has a very beautiful face that would make countries fall, and a slender yet well developed body, suddenly she stopped playing and looked downward with a serene and lovable look while saying "Bill be careful while you are playing in the pond" there was a child who was swimming and playing in the water his age around 5-6 years, he looked somewhat similar to the woman sitting on the rock he said "Mom, I will be careful" , she then said "Ok I will go prepare your dinner , it will be your favorite catfish" , Bill was hopping up and down in the water from happiness "yay you are the best mom in the world" , the woman suddenly beamed then stood up and jumped from the large rock before landing there was a gentle wind that slowed her descent then she went to other side of the pond picked her flute and played a gentle tune, strangely after a while there were bubbles on the surface of water as fish started jumping out to the shore while twitching Bill ran to his mother's side "wow" he was amazed while watching this sight suddenly there was a very big fish around 1.5 meter tall weighting 30 kg with a large mouth jumping from the pond, Bill didn't panic instead he was very excited saying "Mom! look the catfish is finally out hurry and catch it!", the woman gave the flute to Bill while picking up the large bucket that was already prepared on the side then caught that large fish and put it inside the deep bucket and then did the same to the other fish then she looked at Bill while smiling "lets cook them with my secret recipe" and then laughed when she saw the anticipating gaze in Bill's eye she went to the cave, picked up some dry branches and arranged them together before chanting a magical spell that lit the fire then skewered the fish on the fire while adding salt and spices when Bill smelled the barbeque he was swallowing his drool while his stomach making noisy sounds implying how hungry he was suddenly Bill looked at the fire and told his mother "when are you going to teach me this magic spell" , his mother looked at him while smiling saying "soon my child when your body is well developed and can take and produce mana" Bill asked"what is mana?"  his mother said"it is the elemental energy that is produced from the natural environment and used by the living organisms to produce magic whatever it's type" "Oh,what are the types of magic other than water and fire magic?"said Bill while scratching his head his mother smiled "there are many other types like: wind,lightining,earth,healing,illusion,light and...(sigh) darkness" Bill was greatly surprised from all these magic types "i want to learn them all mom can i?" his mom laughed from his naive and cute look "Bill that is impossible to learn all these magics at the same time , the human being is born with elemental affinity to one or two elements and in some rare cases three elements or the legendary four elementals who rule countinents" Bill was so excited "then how can i know my elemental affinity?" "you should place your palm on the elemental rock of each element at the age of 6" "but i'm yet to reach that age" said Bill while looking disappointed "it will take you one more month don't worry at that time i will test your elemental affinity" laughed his mother , Bill's face brightened again when he heard that after eating their meal Bill's mother told Bill to sleep and then walked out of the cave at night while looking at the blue sky she then took her flute and played a symphony suddenly she heared a voice "you are very good at playing the flute" she was startled and looked at the dark shadow below the tree at the distance "so you have found me" said while putting the flute down on her leg the shadow sighed "it took us six years to find you yet you were hiding at the border in this secluded area truly a clever woman" she said "how is he?" the shadow didn't reply instead he approached the woman "come with me and don't resist your master may have defended you last time but you are alone this time" she said with a lonely and sad look as if she was remembering the past "you are right iam all alone now" the shadow was about to complete his words when he saw a boy standing on the entrance of the cave he was astonished "impossible, his face!? how?" then realized something saying "i will take him also with me" the woman was terrified "No, Bill go run!!" she picked her flute and started her symphony which made the shadow stand without moving as if he has turned into a statue Bill was still standing looking confused then he heared a voice in his mind "run Bill and don't look back mommy will be alright" "No i cant leave you alone mom" said while crying "We don't have much time go now" the woman had a troubled look while playing the flute suddenly the man started to move "you have learned the third technique in six short years truly that man disciple unfortunatley i have come prepared this time" suddenly there was a dark halo enveloping Bill capturing him the woman panicked and her attention was diverted from the shadow "a pity you now have a precious thing to worry about so you became weak as a result" the man was freed at that moment then tapped on a ring he was wearing that produced shadow tentacles that took the flute and held the woman's hands the shadow put the flute away while walking slowly towards Bill "what a cute young fella" Bill screamed "help me mommy"

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