The Hammer Arrives

1040 Words
It didn’t take long for the knights to shout, scream, and point with their bows and arrows at me as well as mages creating magical circles in their hands for long-ranged magic. The squad is about I’d say fifty or so people. That’s actually quite a lot to send for this type of thing.  They really wanted firepower to deal with whatever killed their allies, or they wanted to have a big enough crew to destroy the civilians who dared to resist their masters. Or some of the knights heard they’d have a chance to cause some mayhem and do whatever they like to commoners… disgusting really, no matter the reason, under normal circumstances this would be overkill. There’s an obvious leader among them. The huge knight on the large white horse while his subordinates are riding black horses. His armour is a shining shade of silver filled with intricate and artistic plant patterns while carrying a giant blue mantle with a golden border on his back.  His face along with the other knights is concealed by a large rectangular helmet with a cross-shaped vizor. On his left arm is a large kite shield without any patterns, he takes his right arm and puts it to his left hip and pulls out a large sword. It’s pretty massive, a normal person would find it difficult to wield with a single hand. In this world where people can defy imagination, the unnatural becomes normal.  He points the tip of his blade towards me and his troops with spears and swords do the same. Now all of his entourage have their weapons on me. Man, after this morning seeing people pointing deadly things at my face isn’t as fear evoking as I thought it’d be. I really am getting used to this bullshit. That’s far scarier than the constant threats to my life and wellbeing. Well, it’s their turn to shout their obscenities and demands. Let’s see how they do… “Halt, stranger! Your appearance matches the reports we have gotten through interrogation of the townsfolk! Surrender yourself unto our authority and the hammer of the law and perhaps should you be found guilty, your death will be swift. If you are truly innocent you will not fear our presence. Attempts to flee and resist will be met with lethal force as we are authorised by Baron Fellspire, the ruler of this entire region. This is your last and only warning.” It’s not the worst I’ve heard, it’s certainly more professional than the stuff I’ve seen before. A lot of knights will drop the pretences and just commit to a show of power. I guess I should at least try to commit some semblance of negotiation but I highly doubt I’ll get any sympathy from them, but I’d like to think everyone should get a fair chance. Time to switch fully on to Zelo. “Mortals! If you are looking for the culprit of the deaths of the nobleman of this city, the deceased Phonom and his cohorts, then look no further, I alone slew them! I the Demon Khan, Zelo! They had been terrorising the people they were sworn to safeguard. Citizens of this nation and thus subjects of the baron you serve and the king above him. He had gone unpunished for too long! I took matters into my own hands because your superiors left those rabid dogs loose for far too long! Tell me you did not know of his monstrosities with a straight face. You practically consented to his villainy.”  A voice that broke the heavens. Corai was going all out with his amplify spell this time. An accusation with almost divine confidence. The leader of the knights takes a moment to collect himself but he does not waver.  “Forgive me for not giving you my name. I am Sir Agarde of the Hammer. I understand your motivations and I will not say I have no sympathy for the plight of the people who lived under Phonom, he was as you said, a cruel lord and a villain. Despite this, he was still their lord and an asset to the realm. If the citizens he killed were the property of the kingdom then so was he, and one of great value. Assaulting and killing a noble, no matter the reasons, the code of the laws of this land are that the perpetrators are to be detained and met with appropriate punishment. I offer you once more the chance to do the righteous thing and surrender to our authority. If you do, I shall acknowledge your testimony that you are the sole culprit and we shall leave with you as swiftly as possible. Nothing shall happen to this city.” The lesser knights murmur in what seemed to be frustration and complained in low tones, cursing under their breath that they would not be having fun today. Zelo looked completely composed but he too answered with a brief silence as he assessed and accepted the words thrown towards him. “Hmph, you are far more reasonable than many, but you still insist that the law take in a man who did what was necessary to save others? You still present yourself with the authority of the kingdom and use it to get your way… but I see your words are as sharp as your sword. You should know, I slew four B-Ranks on my own. I would hazard your allies would have a hard time taking me on, in fact, I’d say I’d slaughter them in seconds. They are mere C-Rankers. How about we deal with this one on one? I challenge you to a duel! If I win, you shall leave. If you win, I’ll follow you without further resistance.”  Sir Agarde leaps off his horse with incredible speed considering his size. “Finally, someone with courage and understanding. I will enjoy this! Men, I shall deal with this myself!”
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