Chapter Four

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I was back at work. I get my work shirt on pulling it over my head. Ready to go give my tours for the afternoon. I could not help but wonder about my necklace. And why it began to glow when I got close to that glass tank. What connection did the two have? And with me? I tossed and turned all night thinking about the necklace. I tried searching for a similar necklace online. But never came close enough to finding another beautiful necklace like it. • ❤︎ •• ❤︎ • I place my name tag on. As I was someone sneaks up on me causing me to jump. "Where do you think you are off to??" Gary wants to know. "To do my job. To give tours" I remark back at him. He shakes his head. "You know to much and now you are taking Belinda's place. You work where I work" he demands. I groan. "I do not want to be stuck with janitor duty" I moan. "But you have to. Until the project is brought to surface. We can't have Belinda knowing and you. Someone will find out. Someone will want it" he warns me. "We have to protect that thing in there. At all costs" "What is the thing?" I ask him. "Hey guys! Ready for our tours?" Kandice asks coming up to us. Gary grabs me then whisks me away to where we were working the other day. He locks the door behind us. Kandice knocks on the door. "Guys come on! Let me in!" she is demanding. "Go away!!" orders Gary sternly. "So now I am a janitor? That is a demotion" I grumble with anger. He sighs. "Just until the project is revealed. Then you go back to being a tour guide. Besides I know you love learning about this stuff. Ocean life. And all" he reminds me. "I thought I was not supposed to know what is in that tank?" I quip back at him sarcastically. He rolls his eyes at me. "Elissa come on. Do you want in on this or not?" he demands to know. I glance curiously over at the tank. "I am in" I deicide with a nod. "Alright" he tells me. He walks over to the tank. He flicks on a light. A brighter light shines in the tank. • ❤︎ •• ❤︎ • I suck in my breath. I expected to see a whale. Or a new kind of fish. But not this! The "thing" was asleep. Chained to the tank. The "thing" was beautiful. Nothing like any creature I had ever seen before in all my life. I could not take my eyes off the creature. "A merman?" I breath out finally allowing myself to exhale out. "A real merman!?" He was beautiful. His long-scaled tail flopped in front of him. His scales were green if light hit them they turned blue. His tail, it was so long. As long as me maybe. With a whip of that tail he could knock me out! He had a perfect chest. Athletic like. Sculpted to the finest. His arms were muscled. He was fair skinned. He had dark hair. It hung in his eyes. I could not see the color of his eyes. For he was sleeping. I wander closer to the tank. My heart hammering in my chest. It was so loud I thought I might wake the sleeping merman with it. I press my hands on the tank. And look more closely. I feel it. I feel a warm heat near my neckline. I gasp. I glance down to see my necklace glowing again down in my shirt where I had it hid away. I normally tucked it in so I did not lose the charm off it when I worked. Then I notice it glowing. The merman had the same necklace I did. The one of a kind necklace. It was glowing. My eyes grow wide. I look down at mine. • ❤︎ •• ❤︎ • "Weird'" mutters Gary. "What is weird?" I ask him. "Every time you are near the tank the necklace of his glows!" he exclaims. "How odd is that?" I laugh nervously. Thankfully Gary had no clue I had a necklace just like it. Something told me deep in my heart not to share it with anyone else. I was not sure why. But I knew I was not to share that with the world. I stare at the merman's glowing replica necklace. His heart monitor begins to bing and bong like crazy. Gary rushes over to check on the merman. Why did I have a connection with this merman? A being I never knew was created? His eyes. They flutter open. They look right into mine. I am mesmerized by looking into his piercing blue eyes. His eyes grow wide with surprise as he sees me there. He suddenly balls his hands into a fist. And begins to tug to get free of his restrenghts that held him back. The tank began to shake. He was powerful. His muscles flexed as he pulled. As he tugged harder and harder. Water sloshes out of the tank. Falling right on my head. I scream with alarm. My hair is now all wet. More workers come rushing in to calm the merman down. • ❤︎ •• ❤︎ • "Get the shot ready!" someone is yelling. More drugs.  They were going to drug the poor creature again! I felt pain. Anxiety. Like I could hardly breath. I felt empowered. Some divers begin going down in the tank where the merman was. The merman whips his scaled tail at them. One man flies out of the tank. Landing near me. I scream in alarm. I check on the poor diver. He was passed out but alive laying there on the floor. The merman manages to break free. Men swim to get away from him. I watch mesmerized by this creature of the sea. How strong and powerful he was. I never saw anything like him before. He was truly out of this world. This new being brought into my life. BLAM! I jump. The merman was beside me at the tank. His beautiful blue eyes were wild with a passion I did not know could exists. He slams his body into the tank again. He was trying to get to me. Desperate to be near me. I was stunned. Why me? Was it because I was a woman? Or because I had this necklace that was connected to the merman? BLAM! • ❤︎ •• ❤︎ • "Stop!" I scream with horror. I could not run. I froze with fear. Terrified by the events. I see a diver manage to sneak up to the merman. They jab him with a needle in his right shoulder. The mermen's wild eyes look right into mine. I would never forget it. How wild like the sea those eyes really were. An all mighty powerful being he was. Creature of the sea. Pain shoots in my right shoulder to. I gasp and grasp my arm with my hand. The mermen slams his body into the glass tank one more time. Then his eyes close. He passes out falling to the floor once more. The divers swim down together. They grab the merman then they begin to tie him back over where he had originally been. I feel lightheaded to. Was the merman using his powers on me? So, I could feel what he was feeling? I feel like I could pass out to. I lean on the tank watching them tie up the poor helpless merman. • ❤︎ •• ❤︎ • "Elissa are you alright?" Gary asks me as he comes up to me. "He went wild when he saw you! Wow! Maybe he never saw a woman before" he laughs. "Maybe!" I agree. The room begins to spin. Gary holds me up. "Whoa there kiddo" he tells me as he holds me up. "Gary?" I ask. "Yes Elissa?" he asks me. He leads me over to a table. He has me sit down. "Do I have to work back here?" I ask. I now felt a little bit frightened. "Please we need you now! The mermen ignored us all. He would not eat a thing. Maybe you can help us with him so that way he can be shown to the world!" Gary begs of me. "But Gary he is not just a fish. He is part human. We can't treat a human this way! Being chained and drugged. It is not right of you guys to do" I warn him. "That thing is a fish with a tail" Gary laughs. "Gary, he has a human body on the upperpart. I am sure he has human feelings like you or me" I argue back. I knew fish had feelings to. It always pissed me off that fish were so overlooked in this world. Many animals were these days. "I am sorry Elissa that thing is a fish. He has a tail. No, you are not going to win this argument with me" he warns me. "Fine. I will work back here. Try to help that poor creature out. Only if things get to deep for me then I want out" I demand sternly. "I do not want to get hurt" "Deal!" says Gary. We shake on it. I glance over at the poor merman who was now asleep. Someone hands me a towel so I could dry off. I was a bit wet from today's events. Maybe if I was allowed to, I could try to talk to the merman. Maybe I could get through to him. Seeing that he was enthralled by me and all. It was worth a shot. Someone had to help that merman. None of these men cared enough to do it. Even though they wanted to keep this poor thing captive.  • ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •
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