Visiting my In-laws

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Aneesa  It was a Saturday morning and I was ready to go to ammal's house, i got ready and ya hafiz drove me to their house in maitama. I stood there staring at the huge Building In front of me, it was really beautiful. As I was thinking of that amal walked out "finally you're here!" I smiled widely at the look of excitement on her face "yes I just arrived." "ok come in everyone is waiting for you." She grabs onto my wrist pulling me inside, I went into the house and there I met her mom and dad, I said my greetings and went upstairs to her room.  "I've been waiting for you to come, I was so bored." She groaned throwing herself on her bed "yeah i was so bored at home too, I couldn't wait be here" I smiled at the girl who's libs were spread all over the bed. We were talking when a girl came, about the same age as we are. She didn't say  anything  to me, in fact she was glaring. she fetched her phone charger and left. "who is that?" I asked mildly irritated  "hm that's nafisa, she's my cousin." Sue replied standoffish "oh sorry for being rude." I cursed myself for speaking up rudely  "no don't be I don't get along with her and I actually don't like her." Amal hissed which surprised me "do you think that's why she hates me too?" I found myself inquiring  "no that's not it, she actually likes ya haleefa, she thought that you know they were going to be a thing but your wedding was announced. When I told her you were coming she just hissed and left the room, she has loved him like since she was young."  "oh so that why? Wow that's really sad though." I guess one mans food is another mans poison  "yeah I guess, your hubby is still sleeping though" Amal wiggled her eyebrows at me " hubby Kuma? I'm curious about  something though" my mind racing as I remember my conversation with Her brier her few days ago "what is it" she turned giving me her undivided attention  "well I asked haleefa if he had any health issues and he said as long as we got along you'll tell me, what does he mean exactly?" Her eyes widen disbelief as she tenses up  "m-m i'm not sure what he means, I don't know." She stammered looking uncomfortable, she wasn't going to tell me. "oh okay then." I shrug not wanting to make her uncomfortable  After magrib we all sat at the same table to eat, That so called nafisa sat next to haleefa grinning like an i***t, I rolled my eyes at her antics. b***h was really trying to make me jealous? She had something coming her way as I'm not interested in him whatsoever. After dinner i  was waiting for ya hafiz to come pick me up while i chat with amal. "didn't I tell you that nafisa was cunning? did you see how nice she was to you in front of mama and Abba." Amal spoke with disdain clear in her voice  "yes it was pretty surprising, it was like she was a different person." we were talking about that when haleefa walked in, amal immediately stood up and left the room.  "I heard you've been here since morning?"  "yeah your mom invited me to come over for dinner" I kept my answer short  "I'm sorry we didn't get to talk up until now, I'm kinda feeling sick so I took a sleeping pill hoping that when I wake up it'll get better but I was wrong..." he massages his temple with a sigh "how many hours of sleep do you get in a day?" I found myself asking  "hmm 5-6 hours.." he mumbled thinking "and how many bottles of water do you drink in a day?" He stared at me answering with "4-5" "you need to get at least 8 hours of sleep a day and take at least 10 bottles  of water a day." I advised  "right I forgot you're a doctor." "a psychologist actually." I corrected him "that's even more interesting, you know our wedding is in 4 months right?" He smiled with those sinful lips of his  "yes I've heard." I rolled my eyes as my mood plummeted "can't wait" he mumbled sarcastically, We talked for a bit before ya hafiz came to pick me up.  .... 3 months to the wedding....  I was in my room when mama called me to come down stairs, there i saw amal standing with a lot of boxes in front of her while her mom and mine were busy chatting with their friends in the living room, my mom came out and found me starring in disbelief "looks like an kawo kayan lefe"  "what am I going to do with 12 boxes?" I asked in awe "you Remember when mama traveled a month ago right?  I guess this is why." I was speechless "you better come in everyone is waiting" my mom rubs my arm in encouragement  I went In and the first box was of shoes and bags, they all brought it out and admired it . Before I knew it everywhere was filled with things, the couch, carpet bed, stool, it was filled with shoes and bags, oh my God, it's too much!!! 
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