Chapter 10: It's my turn

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A few days ago has passed, there were things that are still bugging my mind no matter how I cope up. Sattela's been acting weird these past few days, somehow I'm still worried about her as a classmate as well. As I kept saying to myself, we were on the same boat, for sure she must be under the pressure of something far bigger than she can handle. She's always bullied in our classroom to the point an action should be undertaken. She was also shunned like me, the other day I only noticed simple teasing, although before, when I did not know that she was my best friend, I could see that she was literally oppressed, like beating her using a book, they've pushed hard every time she walked and she would do nothing to them; I've seen the worst before they put bubble gum in her hair, thinking what they had done to her makes me want to pulverize their faces beyond recognition. Although I didn't care about her before since I'm blindly stupid, I guess I only worry about those I have connections with. Nevertheless, why they were bullying her when we are already in senior high school? Especially those three girls were always instigating on making fun of Sattela when she's doing nothing to them, the rest of my shallow-minded classmate including the class officers never step up to help her, they should all disappear without a trace. But I'm one to talk since I never protected her, but it's not my fault given the reputation I have, It'd be putting oil on burning fire once I get involved in it. Though I came up with an effective plan to get rid of her bullies; I'll go to school early, I'll sit on the armchair behind her so that those who bother her will get intimidated by my presence. Given my authority, I could sit anywhere and no one would dare go against me from what I wanted, except the Council President, I am the law here on campus whether they like it or not. Sattela's chair is in the middle-back the same row as me, if I'm not mistaken often or always, the three girls around her chair are also the one who's bullying her. Ever since I sat behind her, they have been frightened of me they thought I'd bite them off, so for the past days, no one said a word and no one tried to hurt her. But there is still a crazy student who dares to hurt her, I noticed the girl next to her smeared glue on Sattela's chair before recess' about to end; now the challenge for me is to remove the glue she put on it. I have no idea how I can help her without showing I care for her. It's complicated to remove without eliminating it. I have a plan up my sleeves, I won't tolerate such an act in my presence. I wore the mask of the devil and stiffened my countenance, I somber myself up and acted cool and all. It only happened yesterday, I pretended I'm not comfortable so I put my two feet in front of my chair which is Sattela's armchair, she's currently in Caféteria or somewhere so it's fine; now after I acted to be annoyed and irritated so what I did with my two feet, I turned her armchair upside-down after kicking it with great force; it reached up to the armchair in front, I grabbed everyone's attention and they thought I'm going berserk. After that, I stood up and arrange those chairs back as I used to. I messed it up and fixed it like a fool, but this is exactly what I want it to be. Bearing my great idea, this time, what I did, placing the armchairs back to where it was, I deliberately exchange Sattela's seat with the one in front of her, which means when she returns on her chair she'd never get glue on her skirt. The bullies could surely bring the arrangements back, but not when I'm around. The main reason was that I personally sat on Sattela's place and none shall get in my way. I glared at them in the most inconspicuous way and they backed off for the meantime. Once they try to attempt it again, I'll cut off their head and replace the chimes right above the entrance of our classroom. Welp, kidding aside if only they can live without hurting others, the world could have been a better place. The distraught written all over the three bullies' face were apparent, I'm definitely getting on their nerves and it means my scheme is effective. Once Sattela is here, I'd greet her and be back in the corner. It all happened as I predicted, and they could never escape from bothering my dearest friend. I'd watch them die on a stake and wait for the fire to agonize their existence. I snapped out of it and pinched my cheeks, my sadistic thoughts are taking over, I can visualize the most atrocious punishments when something bad had been done. Hopefully, these bullies better stay away from her, they aren't aware I side with Sattela and they merely thought I'm in a bad mood. No one suspected me that I did all of that on my own accord. But whether they like it or not, I shall end this farce once and for all. My classmate who is sitting next to me, I don't know her name since I don't care about any of them, I think those ignorant people are planning something again. I'll just have to crush them really well, they can whisper all day long, though none shall pass before me. They are too shallow-minded to be plotting an evil thing in the same room as I am. The rest were bystanders, those three girls were some sort of people who represents wickedness, their name isn't even worth knowing. They take delight in other people's suffering, and that's what I hated the most. Just like that, as Sattela is bashfully walking towards the locker room to get ready for the next subject, those band of girls blocked her line. They blocked her before she could even take a step to get her things. Not only that, a guy that looked like a gangster from the '80s who's usually up to no good. He dared hold her wrist with his gasp and pinned her down on the locker. It was the time I should undertake this situation before everything's too late. "I heard you aren't following her order, so how dare you–" I darted from behind them and gave them the most dreadful stare they could imagine, I won't stay put and act I don't care. "Unhand her at once." I clenched my fist so hard until the ballpen in my hand shattered, its ink got all over their uniform but they can't just yell at me. I can't believe I need to get a pen again on my way home; I should control myself more often. Besides, they never really learn. They want to taste my fiery blow so that they can reach the sky. I will deliver them directly to heaven if they wanted so badly. "Tsk." He backed off for a little, I can tell he's anxious and he's putting an act in front of the ladies. "What's your business here? Are you saying something Reyler? Did you just say I should tighten it more?" He grasped Sattela's forearm tighter than before. Is this son of a bastard mocking me? My seething rage dwells within, he wanted to die young. "Ahh! It hurts..." She's trying not to make a scene, it's too late as everyone in our room already noticed the disturbance. "Release him otherwise..." I shook my hands and let go of the remnants of ink before I prepared a stance. "Otherwise what?" He was confident I won't hit him in our classroom, little did he know he'd regret talking back to me. I could not stand it anymore, he threatened me by putting Sattela in jeopardy, he dared to fight the ruthless delinquent of the campus, my name will be shattered to pieces again, but can he escape in this situation not shedding blood? "Die." I charged at him in between his breath and blink to get him off guard. I accumulated all of my rages and handed it all over with my fist, which I rammed right on his guts, he fell on his knees and found himself below me. Even the three ladies scurried away before they taste the might of my wrath. He should be thankful I only punched him once, if I wasn't in the mood I could've beaten him until the mirror won't be able to reflect the face imprinted on his identity card. "Argh..." He was lying on the floor, trying to stand up and leave the scene. "W-What happened?" One of my classmates didn't see what I did from all the commotion. "Where's the Student Council President? If only she was here." The girl behind the crowd was right, the Council President was in her office performing her responsibilities. It'd be bad if she was here, she'd easily sweep this mess in no time. Instead of judging my violence upon my classmates, can't they see that I did the right thing? I no longer want to hear their useless beliefs. These forsaken classmates of mine don't understand how I really feel. As my ego is getting crushed by them, I kicked one of the locker storage and bent its outer protection, and I seize Sattela's hand and dragged her out of the classroom. Even Ged and Ariel reached out for us though I can't seem to hear their voices, my mind's ignoring all of the noise around me as I leave them behind. We went and run until we reached the rooftop, and at that time we were very tired. "Ahh... argh... Reyler..." Sattela grabbed my shoulders, we're both gasping non-stop. "Sattela are you okay? Does your wrist hurt?" I was just worried about her. Nothing good nothing bad, the important thing was that the way that stupid gangster grip on her forearm never left a bruise. "Reyler... I was scared..." She trembled and got on her knees, I widened my eyes in pain, I didn't even consider how she must've felt and acted on my own. After showing her my darkest side, I guess I can understand she's frightened of me. "You... you... you're the same as them!" I retorted and turn around as I can't accept this situation any further. She was shedding tears profusely when I exclaimed those heavy words at her. I simply can't see her cry, I pounded my chest with my fist and prevented myself from getting too emotional. In the end, a storm shall always rage below the blue skies, I teared up behind her like a fool. It's been a long time since I wept like this, not even my sister had seen me in such a disheartening state. I was in the right yet they only see the wrong in me. Having no one to understand what I had done, I was going to leave Sattela when she gave me the warmest embrace I encountered. She was sobbing just like me, it's as if the ego within me completely vaporized, it left the empty shell that I am, a student the same as everyone who shunned my existence. "No...! You're wrong! I'm afraid that they might hurt you. They can do whatever they want with me but I can't take it if they bully you too! I don't want you to suffer what I went through before. Now that destiny has brought us together again, I will not let you stay away from me! And even more when others hurt you..." Her tears stream across her reddened cheeks, I clearly heard her beating heart pulsating than ever. This is the first time anyone was worried about me other than my sister. She's troubled yet I accused her that she's the same as others who are afraid of me. I'm the worst. She must have hated me for jumping to a conclusion without assessing what she meant. "You must hate me now..." I averted my face sideways, I couldn't look at her kind eyes. "Because you are my only best friend; I can never hate you, Reyler." Sattela held my hands, she was cold and seeking my warmth too. Even though I almost ended our friendship together, she never changed wearing the same kind grin she showed me when we were still innocent kids. A smile of sincerity, her tears were the proof of her innocence untarnished by the malice of the world. "I'm sorry, Sattela... I'm sorry..." It was all I could say, she was stroking my hair as I am resting on her chest. She embraced me for who I am, she's truly my best friend. Back then when we're still young, she must've been lonely too and we covered for each other's sadness. At least someday, I can make her happy as my best friend. We just stayed on the rooftop all day and talked about our lives; sometimes we were silent, sometimes we laughed together, we wasted our time just so we could make up for the time we weren't united. "See you tomorrow..." She was going downstairs when I called her name. "Sattela." I was confident. "Yes? Reyler?" She turned around. Her long black hair was swept by the unyielding wind. "We'll go to school together tomorrow... it's my turn to protect you!" After I declared that, I ran downstairs ahead and proceeded before her. I guess I'm still not comfortable talking to girls aside from my sister. But I did my part, didn't I? It was pretty embarrassing though I'm just returning the favor for giving me comfort all day long. "What?" Sattela's countenance was blank, she didn't understand what I meant so she chased me down on the way home.
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