Chapter 11: Crush

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It was already going smoothly but my tongue slipped and I asked Sattela herself for us to go to the school together, I have no idea what came to my head, all I know was that it was a decision I wouldn't take if it wasn't for the best. In reality, I'd just want to be with her again just as she wanted, that's why we were walking side-by-side through the entrance together, she and I were already grabbing everyone's attention, they are whispering amongst each other, early in the morning and they have nothing important to do than spread news about me. What will it be now? I threatened a gullible and fragile introvert into submitting to me, that's exactly how they see me and Sattela. I don't care though, letting them disparage my good reputation and scornfully think I'm a bad guy was for the best too. We have already had gone into our designated building, it just happened that my sister also tagged along our way and this unbearable awkward situation is unnerving. She's eyeing me for a while, I don't need to read what's she couldn't say to me I can already tell from the dangerous aura beside me that she's upset. I came and waited for another lady without properly telling Kiana which made her grumpy, we waited at the second street of their sub-division and that's still far from Sattela's residence. Now that I mention it, I haven't been to their new house yet. Maybe next time I'll visit them to pay my respect, for now, I have to first overcome this unbearable atmosphere that I just want to die and disappear in shame. Even though Sattela is my dearest childhood friend, I can't blame her few years had already passed and we were very young when we became acquainted, we literally met again when we are in senior high, to be precise it was yesterday. Of course, there was a distance between us since we were grown up. She's a girl and I'm a boy, the fact I am with her is a sin, there is a chance something unprecedented might develop if we became close enough like we used to be. We're in our adolescent phase, for me to think we were still little kids playing around the house was a mistake, and it should be me to take the blame once I hurt her again. "Oh well, time sure flies fast! We're already here in our classroom, so we'll go first, get better on your studies, see you, Kiana!" I pushed my sister telling her we can go by on our own. First off, I have to put them on friendly terms, it looks like she doesn't want Sattela with me. She easily gets jealous so this is also the reason why I don't have female friends even for someone who didn't know my bad reputation, well not that I'm against it. "I'll study well... good luck too, big bro..." Kiana had low spirits, she proceeded to their classroom in melancholy. She seems sick, her eyebags were visible, though I think she watched dramas yesterday all night long, she wasn't in my bedroom maybe it's the reason why. "Go to the clinic in case you get dizzy okay?" Sattela tried to care for her well-being. My sister obviously slammed the door as if saying she doesn't care. "Our class is about to start. Let's give her time for now." I suggested to Sattela and she agreed in a nod as we both proceeded to the rear entrance since our seats were on the back rows. I just wish my sister would be okay today. That's not the way she replies to me so there must be something that she wasn't telling me. I sat in my own lonely place deluding myself I can get over this day sooner or later. I just prefer to forget those around me so that I can enter my imaginary world. Often, whenever I'm by myself, I'm able to compose an extraordinary poem that I didn't expect to do. The theme of the poem I usually write is mostly about fantasy, tragedy, or sometimes romance mixed with a bitter ending where none of them survives in the ending. My pieces were inspired by watching movies or animated series, but there are times I based it on real-life and recreate that reality into the world of fantasy. The way I want the characters in my poems to suffer for the sake of a lesson truly reflects the personality I possessed, yet each time I write, the fragment I gave makes me complete in another way around. On another note, I certainly didn't listen to our professor until the morning classes had ended, the two of my friend came rushing towards me ready to grill me right on. They both placed their arm on my shoulders at the same time for the confrontation, "Hey Reyler! They said Sattela is your friend now? Really? For real?" Ariel caught on the news, I'm not surprised, we're classmates after all. "I have no idea what's going on, but is it real? You became friends with a girl?" Ged asked as if it was my first time having a female friend, though it was the truth. They were getting curious unless I say anything they won't stop clinging onto me for the time being. "Yes? She's my childhood friend." I directly told them what is true, they were stunned gaping, the two of them stared at each other as their shocked countenance was priceless. "You had a childhood friend, Reyler? This isn't a dream right?" Ariel crossed his claws over his cheeks, I'd like to try hitting his head and prove in the middle of the day where the sun shines its ultraviolet light the most that he's not dreaming. "Of course," I answered and flickered his forehead, he's unfazed. "Wait, what happened to you two? Not to mention you also suddenly walked out yesterday with Sattela! Tell me the truth Reyler?! I forgot to tell you that I had a crush on Sattela!" Ariel declared right in front of our face, his voice was too loud he basically announced it in our classroom. I think his voice also echoed from the outside, but more importantly, he had a crush on her? That's news to me and he never told us about it. I'll see what will be his explanation for it.
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