Chapter 16: I want you

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Eventually, now that I'm dozing up in my armchair relishing the slight breezes coming from a nearby window, I've been waiting for every second of the minute as to when the wall clock strikes the dismissal time. This subject is getting tiresome, I've never like research papers and I have to endure all of this for an entire afternoon. Even our professor's too old for this, one cough and he's done for. Clearing one's mind is of vital importance, maybe I should make a poem like I used to depend on what idea inspires me the most. Though I usually prefer something with a dark ending or tragic romances that puts anyone who read my piece in tears. I love to see how the love of two couples who have met by fate is revealed as they weave the red thread that keeps them together. Then, in the end, there will be a great tragedy and they will not live happily ever after, the dreams and hope they kept will become their own nightmare. There is nothing wrong with liking such kind of poetry, it just laments and pain tends to give us a lesson in life in which we can hold onto. The subject had ended and its time for me to go out for a while and possibly cut classes again; it's what I would have done if our adviser hadn't just instructed me to deliver these papers that I'm carrying now in the student council room. I think it's for upcoming school events and other important matters. The student council room is located on the ground floor so that if other teachers in other buildings send some documents, they can render any information instantly without going into the trouble of using an elevator or stairs. There is a student council room in each building just to make the papers and other documents on each strand and floor more organized and systematic. It is tough to be a Student Council President for real, it involves tedious work where one should become the teachers' assistant, in exchange for a good reputation and a scholarly recommendation, this means the Council President can pretty much choose any prestigious college or university after graduating. Fortunately, her family basically owns the Saint Legacy University, and going for another famous institution is a loss for them. "Excuse me." As soon as I knocked on the door, I went inside and saw Matilda sitting there exactly on her swivel chair which was quite close to the left window where there were two pots containing yellow irises were displayed as decorations. "Yes?" She's stern and serious, the way her personality changes way too drastic I can't tell if she's putting up a facade. "Student Council President. These documents came from our adviser. Where can I put them for you?" I noticed that she had a lot of papers lying on her desk that wasn't done yet, I guess it's the reason why she quickly went out of her way the moment the class was done, even our professor couldn't give the documents to her quick enough since she's always busy taking care of the paperwork. I salute her for what she does every day, Matilda can handle study, school, and home responsibilities altogether. I'd never imagined becoming accustomed to such a thing, she's one hell of a student I'm sure of it. "Put those right above the shelves over there." She pointed out and I just nodded and did what she told me to do. She had already contributed a lot for us and a simple helping-hand wouldn't hurt. "Alright," I inclined a positive response. "I'm sorry Reyler, the whole council committee is a bit busy." She's focusing on signing the papers one by one, It's obvious. But I'm amazed she can work fast enough while not rushing things ahead. "Tell me if you want help, I'm not doing anything right now." I can tell she brightens up to my offer. It's better than sleeping all day, after all, I can cut classes for a better cause. "Really? Thanks a lot, Reyler! Let's start by arranging these paper sheets alphabetically." She immediately handed me thick pieces of paper with the section and strand pointer. Truly, what a huge start for me, I guess I can get a taste of her work here. "If you're having a hard time you can just leave it there. I'll resume where you left off afterward." Matilda's such a diligent student, maybe it's one of the clear factors why her dark side was born; she's too stressed out that feasting on human desires became her only comfort. "All right I'll finish this in time, don't worry." I grinned at her so that she would feel better. As Matilda delicately signing the paper sheets, I stared at her for a while. I was literally stunned at how attractive she was, I behold how elegant her simple but attractive eyelashes were; I began to see her not as a fellow student, and rather as a strong-willed damsel. "Is there dust on my cheek?" She must've noticed me, I averted my eyes in the opposite direction. Now I'm a little embarrassed she had caught me blatantly staring at her. "Eh, no. I want to ask, how can you handle all of this?" I asked to divert the conversation. I should get rid of my tendency to gawk at others. "I'm simply doing my duty as Student Council President. Nothing else." Matilda's answer doesn't seem rational, but it passed as a reasonable response. I just kept quiet until there was no paperwork left. I hasten my work phase double the times because I'm starting to get chills, the air conditioner's unusually building up a very cold breeze here since I stepped in. "Thank you so much Reyler! We finished everything in time. Thank you so much again." All I did was organize the alphabetical arrangement of the papers per section and encode some documents. I should be the one who's showing my gratitude for her constant hard work. "It is my pleasure. My boredom is gone." I gave back the pen she lent me and place it on her pen holder above her desk. "Now that I remember, isn't our next subject's up? Are you cutting classes again?" Matilda raised one of her eyebrows, I couldn't come up with a great reason when I realized she's basically my classmate. "Then you're skipping classes as well? Well, it goes that I, too, also have a reason, just how you had your responsibility." I was already near the entrance about to leave her behind when she shoved me aside and locked the door out of nowhere. She was breathing deeply, her cheeks were beet-red and her leg was shaking. I can't possibly think of anything other than her currently trying to assault me. Please, not in her office, she already blocked my way out and there's no way I can escape her clutches. "Reyler... you said you would help me with anything, am I right?" Those seductive winks of hers, gentle gestures of her fingers, I won't mistake it; she's in heat right as of now. "What is it that you want?" I was so nervous I stepped backward, regretting my choice of words upon me dispensing my gratitude. I suppose she's been restraining herself since I came here, and when she found a loop-hole on my kindness, she swiftly takes advantage of it. I know this is what happens when we are left in a closed chamber so why did I let this happen again? I must inhale and exhale and try to figure my way out in the most peaceful way. The Student Council President's office is soundproof, which means no matter how I shout and call for help; none shall reach my voice as this situation is quite dire. She pulled the collar of my polo as our forehead press against each other, her face was so close to mine I could feel her gasps. I've only been through a lot so the idea that she could attack me again came completely off my thoughts. The pleasing fragrance of her scent, I still remember it; each of her gestures as she seeks me out, was so intense my heart throbs faster than it had ever been. She's stiff earlier ago performing her duties and now she unveiled her color and turned into a succubus. "Council President..." I was in the corner, she had pinned me down holding both of my forearms. "Call me by my name..." She whispered in her meek alluring voice. "Matilda... Let's stop–" As soon as I attempted to force my way out, a sudden burst of pleasure sank into my neck. Painful but delightful, she bit a part of my skin on my lower neck and gave me a sweet yet aggressive kiss. "Reyler I want you. Now." Matilda was offering herself to me. No words can match the ecstasy I had undergone. This cannot happen, not when I'm within my consciousness. Although her gentle touch kept the bitterness away in my heart.
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