Chapter 24: Even if I have to hurt you

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They created their own character avatar yesterday with the help and guidance of a professional gamer; the Crimson Princess, Helenia, and boosting them almost near our old player's level as I'm currently seeing on our party status. I recently realized that her level was higher than mine, she was level eighty-three and had a stronger class than mine. I suppose it's what she's been playing for years that she was able to surpass my countless hours of hard work just to become stronger in-game, and here I am bested by a princess singlehandedly. Waking up early and doing my daily quests was what I always do to maximize my time, I turned my SPS off since I'm done with the quests. As always, my mischievous sister resting on my chest again. Scolding her won't be effective 'cause she'd ignore me like she always does. Until today, I still can't forget what the Student Council President did to us, giving us a tea mixed with a sleeping pill and forcing me to act like I'm harassing her, and then use the recorded scene against me; only a fiend can pull such vile deeds. After I got home on that day, I placed my unconscious sister beside me when I was about to sleep. In this way, I can say she was stricken by a fever that caused her to blackout and make her believe I took her home early so that when she wakes up, everything will be fine. So even though she suspected that I'm lying since there's no way in hell that could happen without any factual reason, she still believed in me since I let her stay in my bedroom rather than dumping her in the living room. Now she's taking the liberty of staying here all the time just because I let her stay for once. "Reyler, my good morning kiss?" Kiana yawns extending her arms upwards, she pointed her cheeks knowing I can't resist spoiling her. "Here's a morning kiss." Instead of giving her a smooch, I flicked her broad forehead causing her to flinch. "Ouch!" She yelped. "Reyler I want my morning kiss!" Insisting on giving her attention, I kind of did the opposite and ignored her instead. "You can get your kiss if you prepare and cook our breakfast and lunch later." I had a headache today so I'm just passing the responsibility to my sister, I remained overwhelmed from the past few days of getting emotionally wrecked. "Really brother? I'll get ready right away!" Kiana gleefully dashed out of my bedroom going straight to the kitchen, upon hearing me that I'm entertaining her selfish request, she wouldn't say no once I have a demand in return. So I slept again for about ten more minutes, not wanting to leave this very soft bed of mine until the point came when my sister woke me up again. "Brother, come on, our breakfast is ready." Grinning joyfully as she drags me out of the bed, we both went to the kitchen, my eyes were blurry, I can't even walk properly unless she's there beside me. "This aroma..." I'd never mistake what we'll be having for breakfast after smelling the savory broth and shredded garlic mixing in harmonious traces in the air. "Ta-dah! Instant spicy noodles with two eggs! Let's eat now before it gets cold." Kiana cheered me up and so I sat in the opposite chair from where she relaxed. As expected, that's why she was so quick to prepare, she simply modified the instant noodles to make it better, truly perfect after getting out from the cold. Is that how she badly wants a morning kiss? She's grinning eagerly to willingly claim her reward, I hope this won't turn into her Pavlovian conditioning and actually expect something in return every morning. After finishing my mouthful breakfast, I tried avoiding her by going to the bathroom for me to have a shower while I'm at it. But, I simply couldn't escape my whimsical sister, I attempted to elude her yet she seized my arm as I walked, she used her hidden skill again called the puppy eyes; a behavior in which she wears her dejected face urging me into submission. "Please brother... I want it now." Kiana pushed me on the wall, she became aggressive knowing I can't turn against my words. "Ahh..." I'm cornered unable to escape the inevitable. She modestly closed her eyes and reached for me with her tiptoes, for her to close the gap between our height difference. Her pinkish cheeks were becoming red, awaiting recompense from me. Since we agreed on that, I guess it's only right for me to grant her request since she willingly had taken over the task. Gently but slowly, my lips touch her forehead; a simple yet sweet kiss that I usually give her whenever she's depressed was what I dispensed. There was nothing wrong with what I did, it's accurately the way I care for her. Just for my sister's pleasure, I'm willing to make her happy. She is also the reason why I still hope and strive for the better, maybe without her presence and warmth; I could've already ended my life. That's why I'm glad she's always clinging beside me even though she sometimes becomes bothersome and annoying. "Thanks for that brother! Hehe." Kiana giggled and went to the sink to wash the dishes. "All right, I'll take a shower for now," I replied and went to the bathroom. I mean, who's brother would dare to refuse when their cute step-sister asked for a kiss? I deeply respect her as my family, but my sister is really too charming and innocent I can't ignore her illogical demands. However, I really only think of her as my sister, nothing more or less. She's so precious to me that I'd turn against the world for her. I would protect her no matter what. So even if she’s spoiled, it won’t matter; because seeing her elated and comfortable is merely a latter part of my strength to move forward. In order for my sister to never get involved in jeopardy, I'd exert everything I can offer to avoid the Student Council President, Matilda at all costs. I had already seen what she can sacrifice just to uphold her delusional love; I'll never let her touch my sister again. Visualizing what she can do to my loved ones to get what she desired is terrifying, I won't yield to her and fall to her temptation ever again for real. Even if it means I have to hurt and teach her a lesson not to mess with the notorious delinquent of the Saint Legacy University; I guess it's time for me to strike back.
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