Chapter 25: The answer I kept when I left you

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I found my friends playing Destiny Adventure Online or so to put it simply, DAO, both Ged and Ariel were sitting on the empty armchairs behind near my seat. I went to my resting spot outside the building earlier and went back before lunch as to not let the teachers think I'm skipping classes again. Good thing it's homeroom time so we can do anything of our own accord. "Woah, you two are already level 20 and above, that's a nice leveling phase." I glimpsed and saw from the way they play they became addicted, too much is really bad they say but I guess it's okay for them once in a while. "Hey! Kill the one in front of me Ged! Aren't you a warrior? What are you doing at the back?" Ariel's temper is going to reach a limit soon, pressing the buttons swiftly and vigorously the game console might break. "The goblins locked me on for a while, and aren't you an archer? Kill them while you're in range you dumbass!" Ged complained, he elbowed Ariel and the two of them began pushing each other. "Hell! I'm about to die!" Ariel stomped his feet as Ged's mercilessly pressing those buttons while they were still fighting over who would initiate the fight. They're playing the game without team coordination, which would bring their fall sooner or later for sure. "Argh! I don't care anymore! Take my arrows!" Ariel lost control over the battlefield, he randomly fired arrows all over the place, what a fool he is. "Here it is! Flaming Rage Sword!" And Ged kept using his mana, he should wait for the enemy to stay in place first. "Accept this Healing Arrow!" Ariel then used his skill, I have no clue what's going on anymore. "How come an arrow can heal?!" Ged's getting worked up to its logic when it's the game physics we're talking about. These friends of mine are really hopeless, they are about to lose and start all over again. But here I am wondering how come they can play an online game in the classroom freely. An instructor passed by the window and is definitely observing us play on our game consoles in an educational institution, but he wouldn't even dare to go inside and confiscate our gadgets nonetheless maybe because he's afraid of my presence. He went away after I gazed into his eyes for half a minute, not even the faculty members dare to stand in my way. Anyways, I still can't wrap around my head how they can be online right now. "Hey! How come you two can play DAO? This isn't the Gaming Club room." Both of them pointed something above us. "Have you forgotten? We're connected to the Gaming Club internet which is just above us. We're lucky the connection's reaching us!" Ariel explained to me, it makes sense now. "Care for a game? You're too strong so maybe you can help us with the next boss." This is the first time seeing Ged get interested in something other than girls. But when I stumbled on his SPS's screen, I witnessed the way he looks on his own female character avatar in the most provocative way. Now I'm not wondering why he loved the game since the player can look up under their character's skirt, exactly what he will do in secret or even in broad daylight. We played for the remaining time we have until we got tired, the next instructor should be here now since the homeroom is almost over. "Speaking of which Reyler..." Ariel pushed the bridge of his eyeglasses, he sounded so serious. "What is it?" I was intrigued, nodding to him that I'd listen. "The Student Council President requested you to go in her office after our homeroom. You should probably go now." He suggested. By the time I heard that it was as if coldness had streamed inside me from head to toe. I stood up so that they wouldn't notice I'm actually trembling so I attempted to change the topic in my favor. "Is that so? Then when you play next time, make sure to invite Sattela too." I calmed myself first, I couldn't guess she's making a move this early, that crazy girl. "Sure." Ged agreed and confidently called her out. "Hey, Sattela! Let's play." It's good for her to go out of her comfort zone once in a blue moon. "Ri-Right now?" Sattela stammered, embarrassed to bring out her SPS in the classroom. "Come with us, don't be shy." Ged's being pushy, I know that Sattela's confidence will have a foundation once she occasionally interacts with others. On the other hand, I left the scene before they suspect what's going on between me and the Student Council President, I should take this secret of ours until the day I die, she won't dictate what I have to do anymore; for I shall end her connections with me once and for all. As soon as I knocked on the council office, my hands and feet seemed to be shaking again as I held back. I'm getting agitated, why am I afraid to confront her? This isn't like me, I faced tougher ordeals than this, I should pull myself together and face her head-on. The time has come for me, with all my heart, I steeled up my resolve and opened the door confidently, but for some reason, the swivel chair's empty, Matilda's nowhere to be found. I thought she went out for a bit so I closed the door and as soon as I was going to sit on the chair for guests, the unexpected occurred before I could even react. The moment I tried to breathe, a tight hug enveloped me from behind, it was so warm I spaced out for a second. I would never forget her floral scented hair, her white complexion, and the way she considerately embraced me with everything she has; I remembered it all like the back of my palm as I desperately attempt to forget about her. "Matilda?!" I called her name. I truly loathe and hate her yet I can't break this embrace she wrapped around me. "Reyler..." She called me too in return, her voice was longing for my attention. Instead of turning away from her, I clenched my fists upon hearing her hopelessly crying. She's weeping sincerely behind the shadows, not letting me go, not even planning to get away from me even if I push her back; she's honestly remorseful of what she had committed for her own selfish desire. "Reyler... I'm sorry about the other day, I'm very sorry for what I have done... I'm sorry Reyler... I'm sorry..." Matilda kept apologizing to me endlessly all over again, she wasn't doing this just to ask for forgiveness, she called me here 'cause she regretted her choices. "Cut it out." I was reluctant but still patted her head. She ceased being a repetitive broken machine tightening her hold than ever. "But still... I'm sorry... Please don't hate me... I really do love you I swear..." Those teary sky eyes of her, just like a falling rain under the rainbow; she had me captivated under her pretense again. Even though I hate her, why do I seem to feel sorry? Maybe it’s just because of my weakness that I don’t want to see girls whenever they cry. I actually ached to hold her when I saw her sobbing, but I still don’t have enough courage to do it. "My hatred doesn't last that long..." I lied and I still can't forgive her for what she did. We ultimately break the embraces as we face each other, her eyes were all round and teary, I was dumbfounded by how elegant she was while her tears stream on her cheeks. Then when I left my guard off, she gave another heated and compassionate kiss right on my neck, it was a stimulating touch in which I found to have deep meaning. Her heartbeat was faster than mine that's been keeping up, each stroke and touches she gave me were tempestuous, the pleasures piercing right within my soul. The cold press of her tongue against my skin was surreal I experienced her love firsthand. I could neither speak nor move from her embrace. Right now, I'm letting her caress as she pleases, she even pinned me down on the doorway to illustrate her dominance. "Reyler please..." Matilda looked me in the eyes, she was mesmerizing and attractive. "What is it?" I asked and at that very moment, I thought the world stopped from moving. "Reyler... kiss me too, won't you?" Matilda whispered near my ear, I was tickled by her voice. The capacity of my brain to think was been rendered useless, I lost the ability to rationally think. All I did was cover my blushing face, deciding whether I'd grant her a risky request or not, and to that end; I already had the answer I've been keeping since I left her crying in her home all alone on that day.
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