To Surpass Dao chapter 38: information from water region

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Moving around the ocean region, Lou Ping kept inquiring about existence of any waterfalls and since the creatures in the water could have more information. The advantages of a waterfall could have to their cultivation might not be big but very beneficial to their souls. The pressure and impact could make their souls increasingly study. The best place to also cultivate the soul refinement techniques since their soul might be facing some pounding continously. Obtaining information on the biggest waterfalls could be very useful and thus the four years they spend in the water region they were focused on it. In the third year they managed to obtain the information they wanted and also had been cultivating the soul refinement technique most of the time. In that time they had managed to shrink it to a third its original size but it still had yet to change the sized in a big way. In their travels they also managed to obtain some insights in some of the laws they had. Improving their use and Luo Ping suggested mixing them together to produce something new. Since they had grasped all the 3000 laws and their soul evolved again it ended up being very easy. In a period of six months they combined all the laws to generate something new, it could almost be mistaken for chaotic force. Using the new force they refined their souls and it even worked faster and the rate of compression seemed to keep increasing. The more powerful it become and the impurities kept being discarded. The color become even more golden and thus they just focused on it. Over time they also started using the force to refine their bones blood and skin. Though very painful unlike the soul it ended up beneficial too. In their edventures they could stop for more than ten years to carry out refinement and thus had spend about sixth years in the god realm and more than forty of them in the water region. Using force for refinement allowed their strength to be elevated and the golden soul become incomparably study. Stronger than even the purple stone he once obtained. Such a soul could remain undamaged even from a full attach of Dao realm experts. The more he compressed the harder it become but that is due to using force from all the laws to refine it and the purity kept rising. They had already obtained information about the waterfall and thus lived close to the region but focused on their refinement of the boy and soul. The more study their physique become it could support a strong conciuousness and soul. In the time they had managed to get their soul to shrink to a millionth of its precious size. The process continued until they brought it to close to ninety meters. since Yao had a slightly smaller one it had reached about fifty meters. Such souls had study nature and even looked stronger and imposing than Dao realm expert bodies. They moved to the waterfall and decided to use the rest of the time in the water region to tamper their souls there. The waterfall seemed enormous and compared to that in the mortal realm, it could be like water from a child's hand dripping and a heavenly river flowing. The couple moved to the waterfall and released their golden souls and they looked very shiny. The pressure the souks produced also increased the more they shrunk. The cultivation and refinement using force with impact of the waterfall proved more beneficial to even the bodies. The reason they had managed to only exude slight pressure was from the aura restraint techniques but the pressure emmited non the less could be said to be enormous. It is like bloodline pressure for the beasts. The soul pressure had nothing to do with intentional release rather the existence of superior soul seems to put pressure on everyone in the water region. The barriers that previously blocked their senses now seemed useless. Over time their souls shrinked considerably but the couple seemed less worried since they already had an idea about the situation once they underwent a tribulation. Their souls might even Surpass their previous size. That though is not a bad thing since it would have become very study and they could have to fuse it in the god domain in the future. The powerful the soul at the time the more beneficial and terrifying the god domain. The impact and refinement reached a point that it no longer benefited them so they took their souls back and decided to move out of the water region. What the couple had no idea of is that their refinement of the soul over the years had made life difficult for the ocean creatures especially the powerful races such as poseidon. The mermaid ancestor is a colosial but among the strongest people in the water region thus amoth those that felf more pressured. Once they recovered they felt a sense of relief and some benefited from the soul pressure. when they decided to investigate the couple had already teleported to the dragon territory. The current Luo Ping and Yao can move in the heavenly realm unhidered but that seemed less important they had to locate the lightening region. The information from the dragon clan might be somehow useful. As a clan with strong bodies some refinement in preparation for tribulations could require them to have access to such regions. Moving slowly they reached the headed towards their peak and contacted the patriarch. He also seemed to have entered the region the a cestors used for seclusion. The couple teleported there and discovered some individuals seemed close to breakthrough. Luo Ping set up an array with a though covering the entire dragon clan and thus it become difficult for anyone to know someone had broken through even from the clan. In the future though, they would have to deal with the tribulation. "I have managed to set up some array, those that have to breakthrough can do it but it is better to comprehend laws to a higher level before breakthrough. In such a case your strength could be very terrifying." Taking some material from the storage, passing it to Yao. Luo Ping instructed her to infuse laws that fit the dragon clan and she put close to sixty laws then set up a small formation so that everyone in the room could co. Prehend it regardless of their distance from it.
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