To Surpass Dao chapter 37 : Soul evolution technique

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Luo Ping started analysing the purple stone characteristic and the information he had obtained seemed useful. the evolution of the Soul had already begun. the situation seemed beneficial to him, thus he passed out after having gathered enough data. with perfected laws it could become easier to comprehend the technique. He also figured out away to develop the technique. by the time he woke up it had been close to eight days. his soul had improved considerably with almost a quarter turning purple. the laws he had comprehended seemed to be fused with part of the soul. " I have managed to obtain necessary information on the purple stone and I'm impressed at how it functions. once the salt turns purple it improve it's quality as well as comprehension ability. a purple soul seems to Surpass even laws." Luo Ping had greater goals and they could be obtained in this way. " if the technique I create can be upgraded several times using the system to provide a higher tire one then it could be very beneficial to reaching higher levels in comprehension. the the 3000 laws will eventually become just a stepping stone to achieving greater things in the future." The more I thought about it, the excited he became at the situation. he started creating the technique from the data he had gathered. through trial and error numerous techniques created and combined. the process took more than 6 months and the time Yao seemed to spend a time comprehending other laws. she however only managed to improve the comprehension of the location previously grasped. while in the room he kept trying the techniques before combining and making sure that they could utilise the laws to gain even more benefits. he then went ahead and upgraded it until his experience points had been exhausted. the level of technique produced had reached a very high level and could require a long time to comprehend to perfection. given the couples existing consciousness index they could easily deal with the issues without much of a problem. "to be honest this is the highest level of technique I have created and upgraded using the system. it could be said to have the capability to defy the heavens." he kept thinking to himself. the only reason there was no lightning tribulation is the fact that the system had upgraded the technique. such a situation makes it such that it seems to be a product of the system rather than something made by someone. " with our current level of comprehension we might end up taking close to 3 years to finish cultivating this technique. the benefit from this technique is that it consumes energy from the cosmos evolve the soul." "to reach perfection I might require close to 6 months, attributed to the fact that my soul has already began changing to purple that is not the same for Yaoer. " "Yaoer might require an entire year to comprehend the technique if slower thus three years can said to be enough. Cultivating it for more than the time is also OK as long as it does not Surpass 10 years." he kept making calculations. Since they had no goals or mission to accomplish they could cultivate slowly for period of 10 years to reach perfection in their soul and obtain benefits. the truth is the technique he has created is a cheat to comprehending the existing laws. Looking at the all cultivators they might gain some opportunities to sort out issues but their situation is very unique. once the technique completed he started looking at the future just came up with a plan to create another technique to refine the soul and compress it. the time the God realmhad to be spend on shrinking their souls. The the higher the purity the smaller the size they could attain before attempting an actual tribulation. to temper their souls they have to stay in a lighting zone and use it to clear impurities. Other areas with extreme Environmental situations such as cold or heat could prove very useful in cleansing of the soul. the most logical is to ask his father-in-law on various zones that meet that criteria. putting the issue aside informed his wife to come in the room and they started studying the technique. once done each hard to deal with their own comprehension and then cultivate it. the more they learnt the technique the simplest became to understand. after spending less than 3 months he had reached perfection in an in comprehension while she took about 7 months which is commendable. the process of cultivation ended up taking more time. in the next 4 years he had managed to convert his soul into purple,. For Yao it took more than 7 years to reach that level. At this time she managed to acquire a purple soul, she become shocked dine laws had become very clear to her. In that time she focused more on comprehending the rest of the 3000 daos. LuonPimg at this time had taken inntiative to create a technique to refine their souls using lighting and thus it took him another year to complete it and upgrade it to match the soul evolution technique. Since the had to refine their souls it had been based in all the techniques he created especially for refinement of bones. The information was useful and the technique just like the one they had cultivated to change their soul color could be used for refinement to the next stage once they had finished with the first refinement. The soul could also take a golden color, that is the next level and the third level also seemed to exist but the technique couldn't support that level. He had to upgrade obce they reached the second stage. He therefore spend time in creating it and making exp points through alchemy and refinement. Converting the pills he had obtained from the dragon secret realm after figuring out their materials and developing formula. In this time Yao had almost reached the end in comprehending that 3000 daos. She only had less than forty and the ones she had perfected had. Imprinted themselves on her soul. Luo Ping also started to perfect the daos since he had managed to comprehend them all just not to perfection. He used the same method as Yao. Cutting off his senses and comprehending them. In another six years they both had finished comprehending laws to perfection and even fused them on their souls that started to have golden color. Though hardy visible unless someone looks seriously their existed a golden hue. They then kept using the soul evolution technique and Luo Ping even passed the refinement technique to Yao to comprehend. Once done they spend some time getting familiar with the laws. In the next five years they lived as a couple and did everything but, the most of the time went into the llsea to catch creatures for meals. After that they decided it had reached a period to go back. Before that, they toured the rest of the ocean for another four years and at that time managed to cultivate their souls slowly to the golden color.
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