To Surpass Dao chapter 5: Planning for life outside

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In rescuing a beauty make sure that they make a heavenly dao oath to never look for you or discuss what happens if they break the promise and heavenly dao acts out and obliterates their soul. If they meet they should be strangers, and that is the logic he plans to use in this cruel cultivation world. Getting benefits, forget unnecessary attachments to future enemies, and crush an enemy before they become a threat. “ why would a beauty come from nowhere and need rescuing? Are you foolish to rush there young master” Luo Ping detests Main characters like that from “Arifureta: From commonplace to world's strongest’ Instead of being rude and sticking to their principle of minding own business, he is just a “tsundere”. Finally, the most important thing is attracting too much attention and having even just one beauty around. That is a crime in the cultivation world, if by mistake your woman becomes a beauty or you never knew then prepare her disguise. If you happen to become handsome overnight, return to normal or find a proper way to hide it.  Once done thinking of all that he decided to look for a beauty that matched his requirements. He also decided to get involved in body cultivation at fourteen to avoid his appearance becoming too handsome. Just normal would do. “Like that would happen to someone with a system.” Luo Ping faced reality and kept his practice. With enough strength, he could not fear anyone forcing him into anything. He also became excited he had no family at the start otherwise he would have faced a stupid plot.  “ I probably would have been a genius, and my parents made a marriage contract with another family for their daughter till I suddenly lost my cultivation talent. In that case, I could be the first to ask for the marriage to be canceled since I became a waste even if the system returned. People would probably discuss the situation but since it saves the other family’s face, the conflicts at the beginning become solved.” Luo Ping had been sleeping near the lake dreaming up several scenarios on his resting day.  He has only one-third of the time he planned to stay in the place and thus decided to look at things more clearly so as to live more in the cultivation world. Being a minor character is also a good thing since he can still enjoy life and if he makes an enemy it couldn’t make any waves thus could easily dispose of them. His plan to leave the forest once he reached the peak of the foundation establishment already changed.  He can only survive in the world if strong enough. Lack of background is a good thing but can make people decide to bully him. He decided to become strong and hide strength so as to deal with anyone that might threaten him. He also checked out all the cultivation novels and they head towards the same direction of comprehending laws. He plans to utilize the system of Swallowed Star without changing anything since it is easier.  He also remembered that Qi cultivation reaches a stage that is plagued with lighting tribulations and in some lower worlds such a situation only leads to death. “ I shall start once I reach the peak of foundation establishment to utilize the approach in Swallowed Star. As long as I comprehend laws to the highest level and create a technique matching it, I have a stable foundation. Increasing spiritual energy can use external aid without suffering damage.” He then made plans to increase the efficiency of training since he needed to improve his realm and physique to the limit without any cultivation technique.  Once a technique was added he could improve physical strength to a level acceptable to practice a different cultivation system. The waterfall had yet to play its role so he plans to reach the peak of foundation establishment and use it to tamper physique like the gravity rooms. The development of a soul is necessary since it can allow a body as well as soul development aspect. In the most basic understanding, dual cultivation of body and soul. “Instead of focusing on entering the gold core my main agenda should be becoming a star traveller and even obtaining a lifespan of over 1000 years. Once done then develop my gold core peak and develop a blackhole in my soul instead of a nascent soul.Achieving the second star traveller realm by the soul then improve from there.  The process all depends on my physical condition and speed being able to match up to the requirements. The waterfall seems dangerous but the environment could prove very beneficial in my development. The most important thing is to move closer to the centre by using the body to withstand the pressure generated by the water.” Luo Ping had complaints and that had something to do with lacking a place to obtain sufficient energy to develop physique. By utilizing the waterfall then his physique could improve to a certain extent before adding the help of the body cultivation technique.  He decided to take a risk some time and go hunting once he starts using the waterfall to refine himself.  Just like that, punching exercises, running, climbing trees, holding breath underwater and stalking beasts, time passed till he had reached ten years old. He managed to reach the eight stage of foundation establishment and thus intensified his practice by increasing the difficulty. Over time he stopped caring about the issue of leaving the forest until he reached thirteen and discovered he had reached the peak of foundation establishment.  He then started to check out beasts more frequently and decided to have alternate routes so as to make them think he ran outwards when he went back to the central part of the forest. Some beasts might have spies and if they recognized the place had no owner then his life might end so quickly.  Just like that it reached six months later before he decided to fix the waterfall in his exercise schedule.
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