36. Whose is it?

1166 Words
BETH. "About that, I think there might be something else wrong with you." "Uhm, what do you mean?" "You're a month and three weeks gone." She said. "Excuse me?" "You're pregnant, miss." She simply added. "What?!" I stared at my phone in shock, trying to process the piece of information I had just heard. The shock I felt when she said that was unexplainable. How in the world was I pregnant? The last time I had s*x with anyone was when Lara ditched Tony on their wedding night. And if you ask me, that whole thing was too simple to even make a baby. I scoffed, still unable to believe it. "This is a prank, right? Right? You're joking, right?" I asked her, hoping that she'd say she was joking and just wanted to see my reaction. But she didn't say so. She wasn't joking at all. "I'm being serious, Miss Elizabeth. You're a month and three weeks pregnant now," she said again. Luca looked at my phone confusedly, then at me, and I also looked at him. I could tell how surprised he was from the look on his face. "Yeah, thank you ma'am" I said, still trying to process the whole thing I had just heard. I stood up slowly, and Luca also did. "You're welcome. Don't forget everything I said about your meds. And don't stress yourself too much," she said. "You'll have to come see me sometime too, so I could inform you about the things you have to do and to stop doing now that you have a baby in you." "Yeah, I will. Thanks." I placed my hand on my forehead as I felt a sharp pain in my head. I was having a headache from nowhere. It was probably from the shock due to the news. "Are you okay?" Luca asked me and I simply nodded. "Oh, and Miss Elizabeth." The doctor called again. "Yes, ma'am?" I replied. "I'll make sure to text your mother the good news. She must be so happy to hear that she'd be a grandmother soon!" My eyes went wide open, as I thought of everything that could go wrong if she tells my mum. She wouldn't blame me for getting pregnant, she would be happy even. But the thing was that she would want to know who the father is. And that was where the actual problem is. If she knows I'm pregnant for Lara's fiancé, she would not like it at all. She had always warned me to not make the mistake she did. She always told me she would not want me to live the type of life she's living as someone's mistress. I sighed, thinking of all this. "Uh, no, please," I blurted out sharply. "I'll let her know by myself. I want to make it a surprise." I said to her. "Oh, that would be so lovely. Enjoy your day then. Take good care of yourselves," she said and hung up the call. The drive back home was silent. I knew Luca wanted to ask me a lot of questions, but he chose not to. And he also chose not to say any word to me about the whole pregnancy thing. I appreciated it, but I felt uncomfortable at the same time. I badly wanted him to ask so I could just tell him everything and ask him what to do. I was so clueless at the moment and I didn't know what to think. "We'll be at your place in a couple of minutes. Make sure you take your meds the way the doctor prescribed," he said to me. "And don't drink. You know what you have at stake at the moment." "Luca," I called. If he wasn't going to talk about it, I will. "Yes?" He replied to me, not looking at me but focusing on the road. "Everything okay?" He added. "Can you keep this between us?" I blurted out. I wasn't ready for the girls or anyone else to know about it yet, most especially Tony. Tony might be able to guess that he owns the child. And he could go crazy knowing that he has impregnated two best friends, even though he doesn't know the child Lara claimed to be his isn't his. He chuckled lightly. "Who would I go and tell it to? Lara? My brother? It's your choice to tell people about what's going on in your life. I have nothing to do with it." He replied. "Aren't you going to ask me about the pregnancy? About who owns the child? Aren't you curious to know who it is?" I asked him, a serious look on my face. I knew he was curious, but he just didn't want to be too forward. "Why do I have to know, Beth? If you deem it fit to let me know, then tell me." He said and paused. "I just really hope it's not who I think it is." "And who do you think it is?" "I don't know. Who is it?" He asked me, still not facing me. "Just tell me who you think it is. You might even be wrong. Let me cancel out your assumptions, okay? Who do you think it is?" I pestered him. He suddenly pressed the brake, and he stopped the car immediately. This came as a shock to me, as we were already some houses away from my house. "Why did you stop?" "You were going to tell me something, weren't you? So, what's it?" His eyes moved from my eyes to my stomach. "Whose baby is it?" I stared at him. I didn't know what it was, but it seemed like I saw a look of pain on his face. But it vanished as quickly as it came. It seemed like he was trying to mask his expressions and remain cool. "It's Tony, isn't it?" He asked calmly. My heart skipped a beat as he asked, and my hands got sweaty. I was beginning to get anxious and scared. I couldn't possibly tell Luca the truth about it. He was still helping me get over Tony and now, a pregnancy? I'm sure it would be too hard for him to help me this time. "It's him, isn't it?" "Luca—" "The look on your face says it all." He said and started the car immediately. "Let's end the discussion there. You're home." He stopped the car in front of my house. "Have a nice day," he said and stretched his hand from the driver's seat to open my door for him. "Luca—" "Beth, I have to go somewhere urgent. We'll talk later, okay?" I knew that was a lie, but I let it be. I wondered why he was pushing me away and not wanting to discuss it with me. But it's fine. He has tried anyway. "Thanks for today," I muttered before getting down from his car and heading towards my house door.
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