37. Extremely Hurt.

1215 Words
LUCA. "It's Tony, isn't it?" "Luca—" "The look on your face says it all," I said and started the car immediately. "Let's end the discussion there. You're home." I stopped the car in front of her house. "Have a nice day," I said and stretched his hand from the driver's seat to open my door for her. "Luca—" "Beth, I have to go somewhere urgent. We'll talk later, okay?" "Thanks for today." She said and got down from my car, heading towards her house door. I zoomed off from the front of her house and when I was down her street, I parked beside the road. I whined up all four glasses of the car and placed my head on the steering wheel. I was hurt. I was extremely hurt. I've had feelings for Beth since high school, and now that I met her again, I thought this was fate's way of bringing us together. When she told me she wanted to get over Tony, I was more than happy. I did everything to make sure she gets over him, thinking she would maybe fall for me in the process. But everything keeps getting worse. With everything she had told me about her life before we met again, I knew immediately the doctor pronounced her pregnant that she was carrying Tony's child. I was too flustered to even know what to do next. I loved her a lot, but this was another stumbling block for me. This is like a dead end, and I wasn't ready to get myself in the whole thing involving them in any way. "Ahhh!" I groaned as I hit myself on the leg. "Maybe I shouldn't have cut contact with her then. Maybe we would have been together," I muttered to myself. Remaining in that position for about twenty minutes more, I became calmer with each minute that passed. My phone rang and I raised my head to see who the caller was. It was Tony. I rolled my eyes and picked it up. "Yeah?" "Where are you at?" He asked. "Why are you suddenly looking for me? Is anything up?" "Oh, it's just my girl. She wants to throw a little get-together again and she said to ask if you'd be available." I thought about whether or not to go. I didn't have anything to do, but I was just not ready to be in the same room with Tony and Beth, or even Lara at the same time. So, I refused the invitation. "Nah, I have to be somewhere. Catch you guys some other time." "Uh, where are you—" He was saying before I hung up the call. I dropped my phone on the seat next to me and started the car. Then I left for home. I zoomed into our compound and parked the car. Immediately, I got down and headed for the front door. I banged the door and stormed in, only to find Lara and Tony making out in the sitting room. The way I banged the door and entered interrupted them, and it seemed to piss Lara off a bit. "Hey! You shouldn't barge in like that!" She yelled. There was one thing I noticed about Lara too. She liked being bossy, probably because she was beautiful and she knew it. She doesn't like to take corrections and if she's wrong, she doesn't like to apologize. From the times I was helping Beth get over Tony, she told me a lot of times about how Lara had said things or done things to hurt her, but she had always waved it off because she didn't want a fight between both of them. I asked her why she didn't want a fight, saying if she never speaks up to her and let her know she hates how she behaves sometimes, she'd never really change. Beth said she'd still be the one to apologize to Lara in the end, because Lara would never want to apologize despite the whole thing being her fault. I wonder how my brother copes with her though. Things we do for love, I guess. "Uh, last I checked, here is my brother's house and I live here. I don't think I have to knock or send a letter before walking in." I replied calmly and shrugged. "Still, you should have—" She was saying when Tony cut in. "Bro, thought you said you were going somewhere?" Tony asked me, trying to change the discussion. "Yeah. I have, and I'm back now. Besides, you said you had a get-together to attend, yeah? Why are you two still here?" I asked them. "Because the get-together is going to hold here, duh," Lara replied and rolled her eyes at me. "Here? What the heck?" I asked with a frown on my face. "The whole place will be noisy. Why can't you all do it in someone else's house, or perhaps a bar or something?" "What's with you? This isn't your place, after all, it's Tony's. We have picked this place as the location and that's that." Lara said and faced Tony. "Babe, let's go inside." "Whatever," I replied and began to walk in. Then, I remembered something. I turned back to look at them and I saw that they were kissing already. "Ew. You two should go to Tony's room or something. Anyone could enter, and seeing you two like that isn't very…" I stopped, not knowing which word to use. "Why are you even interrupting us?" Lara snapped. I chuckled as I stared at her. I was going to annoy her even more, but I let it go. She was probably horny at the moment and me disturbing their little thing going on was making her pissed off. "Anyway, that aside. I hope you didn't invite Beth?" I asked. Lara scoffed. "And why wouldn't we? She might be a goody two shoes, but she's not a party pooper like you. You're the only one that said you ain't coming." "Why would you even invite Beth?" I asked, looking at her in disbelief. Then, I looked at Tony. "And you let her invite Beth? Really?" "Why? Anything wrong with inviting her?" Tony asked, looking uninterested in Lara and I's back and forth. "Dude, she's sick, and you're aware of that! The doctor just prescribed a series of meds for her to take. She would need rest after she takes them. Why the heck would you invite her? Besides, did she say she was going to come?" "Yeahhh," Tony said and facepalmed himself. "Totally forgot about that." "Last I checked, you aren't her. And she'll make her decisions herself, not you making it for her." Lara replied. She was about to walk out of the sitting room and head to the dining room when she paused to look at me as if her brain just processed what I said. "Wait, what? Beth is sick? She went to the hospital? It's that bad?" "You didn't know?" Tony and I chorused, looking at her in utmost disbelief. "For real? She's like, really sick?" She asked again. I shook my head at her. "Some best friend you are," I said before walking further into the house, not waiting for her reply.
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