Chapter 2

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A palace messenger together with a dozen of soldiers was dispatched to visit Matilda's place and send the king's order. No one dares to visit the Fertillas Forest in a small group for it was known as the enchanted forest where Matilda and other unusual entity lives but since the king order to deliver the message the only thing they can do is to request some soldiers to accompany them. “Receive the king’s message.” Announced the palace messenger in front of the cave where Matilda live. “Your Highness somebody from the outside world disturb you? do you want to punish or  make fun of them?” Bodhi commented. Annoyed with Bodhi, Matilda glared at him and slowly went into the cave’s entrance, and in just a blink of an eye and some magic spell the huge rock that covers the entrance move in motion. Matilda is now able to see who’s calling outside her house. Scared and terrified seeing how the rock move on its own the messenger handed the message without a single word and with his trembling hands. “What is this?” Matilda drastically asked. "It's an order from the king to see you tomorrow at Orion Falls." The messenger answered fearfully. Matilda looked and read the letter without any reaction on her face. Concluding that the message was already delivered the palace messenger and the group of soldiers announce their leaving. The king requested to see me tomorrow morning at Orio Falls, Matilda murmured. “What could be the king’s reason to meet you?” Bodhi asked. “What do you think?” Matilda responded to Bodhi’s question. “Does he like you to replace the queen? are you the chosen one? or you were called to capture and beaten to death?" with a silly smile Bodhi replied. Annoyed and irritated Matilda smashes and strikes Bodhi who skillfully avoided each of her attacks. "Forgive me your highness I just want to make you smile ." Bodhi shouted in fear as Matilda continuously attacks him using anything she can throw at him. "I don't have time for your corny jokes!" Matilda burst in anger she continuously attacks Bodhi who hide behind the bed. The poor bat pleaded for Matilda’s forgiveness so Matilda just throws a piece of cloth showing that she give up on attacking her loyal servant. The next day was the day requested by the king to meet him at the Orion Falls. Matilda composed and convinced herself that whatever the king's reason for meeting her she'll make sure that it will never be her disadvantage. Riding on her broomstick she explores the sky and enjoys the beautiful scenery of Lemery Kingdom, the fresh air, the virgin forest, and the peaceful place where she dreams to establish her kingdom. Riding in his white horse the king arrived at Orion Falls with his faithful servant Sebastian and a group of soldiers almost the same time when Matilda also arrived.  “It’s been ten long years since the last time I see you, Your Majesty." Matilda greeted the king. She remembered how the king befriend to her when they are little kids. He was so nice and kind to her. He was his protector when other kids try to hurt her, the king might not recognize her but Matilda remembered everything clearly. The king look straightly into the eyes of Matilda, he witnessed how the color of the eyes keep changing and any ordinary man who can see this will surely run in fear but not him. He calmly looks at her before he speaks. "You might be thinking the reason why I asked you to meet me, I have no other reason rather than reminding you that the Fertillas Forest is part of Lemery Kingdom and it's been reported that you and other creatures make fun of those people tend to visit the place to look for some wild berries and fruits for their families. They are not harming you so I am commanding you to do the same if you don't want to create any more problems or misunderstanding. "I never hurt anyone who wishes to visit the Fertillas Forest ." Matilda exclaimed. "You never hurt anyone but they are trembling in fear every time you make fun and toyed them. You get their things and let them get tired of looking everywhere and for you, it's just for fun. So if you want me to leave you in peace, you also do the same, remember that no one owns the Fertillas Forest so let everyone freely enjoy and explore the forest without fear in their heart." The king ordered. Matilda cannot respond even a single word because she witnesses how the king controlled his anger. One mistake and surely the king will never hesitate to strike her heart with his sword. How lonely the situation she is facing right now the man who protects her before stands in front of her and any wrong move or decision will surely end her life. “I Agreed.” She responds. After hearing her answer the king leave the place with his companions and went back to the palace for she promises the queen to be at the palace once he is done dealing with Matilda. Queen Yashiba patiently waited at the palace seeing the flag bearer and the group of horses rashly going back, calm the queen because it is a sign that the king safely arrived. " I'm glad Your Majesty you arrived soon than I expected and thanks to God you are safe." The Queen commented. “You have nothing to worry my queen, I have my trusted servant Sebastian and the best and well-trained soldier of the palace.” The King bragged. "Still I cannot help but worried we both know how Matilda can simply use her magic spell to control all of you and it makes me wonder why she chooses to compromise and agreed with you." The Queen commented. “Whatever the reason the good thing is that the palace will be peaceful again and the people from Winsconcia can freely visit the Fertillas Forest without hesitation and worries.” The king replied.
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