Chapter 3

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Fertillas Forest becomes an open place for everyone where people can get wild berries and fruits after the King and Matilda agreed to never invade each other's life. Winsconcia community is very grateful for the king's effort to secure their safety and privilege as part Lemery Kingdom. "Our king is a great king and an outstanding leader how I wish the queen soon conceive  a child so throne will be inherited by someone like them who looks for their people ." Zephyr commented. “Let us conduct a vigil prayer and pray together for our queen to bear a child.” The oldest one in the group suggested. “ That’s a good idea.” Zephyr agreed. It's the longest dream that the queen wishes to have in her heart to have a child whom she can embrace and dance with joy. She always prays to have one even in all the Gods and Goddess but still the heaven never grants her prayers. Standing in front of the window the queen witnessed a group of children playing happily outside the palace gate the sound of their laughter is like music that plays in her ears, their face full of life gives every mother a reason to smile. "Your Highness are you alright? Is there anything that bothers you" Adella asked when she saw the queen looking outside the window with tears in her eyes. " Adella I really feel so empty, it is my longest dream to have a little one to play with, a little angel in my arms whom I can embrace so hard but no matter how hard I pray to all the gods and goddess still I don't even have one. I don't want to question God but it makes me feel sad and frustrated." Queen Yashiba admitted. "I can request the palace doctor to see you, maybe he can find or suggest something that you can try to concieve ." Adella suggested. With the ardent desire to Queen Yashiba agreed and Adella commanded the other palace servant to request the palace doctor to be at Queen’s chamber the soonest. "Your Highness, based on my examination still I don't see anything wrong with you or even with the king, both of you are healthy and anytime if the heaven will grant you can conceive and have a healthy baby" The palace doctor declared. "It's been five long years of waiting and still I don't have one The king and I strictly follow your advice regarding what to eat, what to do, and even when to do it and yet…...." the queen commented out of frustration. "I'm sorry Your Highness but we are all doing the best thing we can do to be of help." The palace doctor said in a very low voice. Out of pity Adella comes nearer to Queen Yashiba and console her aching heart. "Your Highness it is not good for you to feel that way, maybe there are reasons why heaven test your patience on how long you can wait to conceive but I am pretty sure once you have it, it will be the brightest, the cutest and the most lovable baby in the whole Kingdom of Lemery and everyone will be shouting in joy for that blessing from heaven above. " Adella claimed. Queen Yashiba can't say even a single word for her heart is still in pain, she just cries and cries until the last drop of tears in her eyes. It's the only way she can ease the pain, after that she needs to compose herself as a strong and powerful queen. "Thank you Adella for your always here to comfort me, without you all this will be much harder to handle." The queen mentioned. "Your Highness, it's a great honor to serve you and I am willing to offer even my own life to protect and serve you ." Adella replied with all honesty in her heart.  "I want you to help me Adella, if the palace doctor can't help look for someone outside the palace maybe we can find some help. Anyone who can help me conceive a child will be given the reward he/she wants. I want to give the  greatest gift to my king and that is to have a child who will inherit his throne." The queen requested. How can Adella denied the queen’s request so that day she went outside the palace and look for some help then somebody told her to ask Zenebe the folk healer, so she went to Humptulips to look for Zenebe’s house and the soldier who accompany her announce her presence. “What could be the reason to bring the palace servant here.” The folk healer Zenebe asked. “I know everyone is aware of the queen’s desire to have a child though she is capable of conceiving a child still she can’t even have one so as the folk healer in this kingdom would you mind if I ask you some if you could help our queen?” Adella asked. "I want to help the queen but I am a mere folk healer and not a god to grant your desire. If not from Heaven maybe a magic spell can help." Zenebe suggested. "Anyone you know you can who can conduct a magic spell?" Adella questioned. "It will be a dangerous activity and the queen must think it twice before making any decision because it's only a witch-like Matilda can use her magic spell ." Zenebe admitted. Upon hearing what Zenebe told, Adella finds it too difficult to decide whether she will tell the queen the possible solution to conceive a child that involves the freakish witch Matilda or deny that she can't find any help that will surely dishearten the queen. “Why are so quiet Adella?” The soldier asked. Adella looks with the soldier and said, "I want to help the queen with her problem but I also don't want to compromise the queen's safety." She commented. "The queen is a woman of conviction and I believe she can choose the right decision all you can do is, be honest and everything will go well." The soldier suggested. With the words from the soldier, Adella decided to tell the truth to the queen.
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