Chapter 6

1007 Words
Chapter 6 Everyone in the palace has been more careful since the news of the queen's pregnancy spread. Security was doubled for those who wished to visit to greet the queen and king. Even the foods prepared are guaranteed not to interfere with the queen’s pregnancy. Examinations and consultations with the palace doctor are also often done to provide the queen with the most needed care. One day an unexpected visitor came to the palace, the soldier guarding the front gate could not speak when he saw Matilda approaching the palace. “Can you tell me the reason why are you here in the palace?” The guard blocked Matilda's entry. Matilda looked at the guard fiercely,  “the queen expected me so you better announce my arrival.” Matilda commanded. The soldier sent a guard to the queen's room to announce Matilda's arrival. “Your Highness, Matilda is outside the gate and says that you know her arrival.” The guard announced. The queen took a deep breath before ordering the guard to let Matilda in and take her to the garden where she would talk to her. “You can't wait to be summoned by Matilda and you immediately went here to the palace.” The Queen commented. “I decided to come here because everyone in the palace seems to be very happy with your pregnancy and you seem to have forgotten our agreement  so I came here to remind you.” Matilda sarcastically explained her presence. “You don’t have to remind me because I know what agreement we have. I will summon you when I have talked to the king about your stay here in the palace as the future guardian of our child.” Queen Yashiba assured. “Expect a princess as beautiful as you are My Queen.” Matilda disclosed. “ I am very happy whether a prince or a princess as long as it is my baby, if you have nothing more to say you may leave now and wait to be called.” Queen Yashiba responded. Matilda was pleased with what the queen said so after the conversation she said goodbye and reminded her to wait for her summons. For several days the queen was looking for time to talk to the king about Matilda, and the king noticed the queen was troubled. “Do you want to say something my queen? You seem to be worried these past few days?” The King asked. “I really want to talk to you seriously my king, I would like to request something once I gave birth I want Matilda to be here inside the palace.” Queen Yashiba requested. The king stared at Queen’s face looking for possible reasons for her request but he failed to see anything. “What could be the best and possible reason why you would ask Matilda to stay inside the palace?” asked the astonished King Devar. “I want to prove to the people of the Lemery Kingdom that a man and a witch like Matilda can have a good relationship, proving that the kingdom remains peaceful even though she lives and serves in the palace with us.” Queen Yashiba responded. The king was still not convinced by the queen's explanation but he could not object because he was concerned about her condition which could harm her pregnancy. The king tried to forget the queen's request and make sure to be on her side during her pregnancy. He witnessed how difficult the queen's pregnancy, from early morning sickness, to vomiting every morning, finding strange food and wanting to sleep all with king on her side hugging his arms. He witnessed how the queen managed it just to give him a child. The days and months passed quickly, that day, the sky was dark as if there was a storm and it was raining most of the day. The queen keep on walking inside her chamber trying to ease the pain in her belly when she could no longer bear the pain she called Adella to summone the palace doctor. “Your Highness I guess you will give birth now!” Adella Exclaimed in gladness. She led her to the bed to fix herself while waiting for the doctor and nurses to help with her delivery. Meanwhile, Adella quickly send a palace servant to king’s chamber  to inform the king of the queen's delivery. After hearing the news the king quickly went to the queen's room and waited to hear the baby's voice. The emotion of the king of those times is indescribable, eagerness, worry, fear, doubt but he tried to be steadfast and he believed that the queen would do it glorious giving birth. Uhhaaa…uhhaaa…uhhhaaa, the baby cries that makes the king’s heart jump in gladness, hearing the baby's voice could not contain the joy the king felt. King Devar immediately approached the queen and gently stroked her hair, “take a rest and strengthen yourself my queen our little princess will wait you to be held and embraced in your arms. The queen tried to smile at the king who she knew was very happy at that moment their long -awaited dream of having children has come true and now they can hold the baby they have been waiting for in their arms. The sound of the trumpet rang out throughout the kingdom informing to the whole Kingdom of Lemery the arrival of the baby in the kingdom. To the great joy of the people at the good news they all dance under the heavy rain for the safe birth of the queen except for Zenebe whose face seemed to be covered with concerns and worries. The queen did not know the agreement she had entered into. May the horrible vision I see not happen may the gods and goddesses continue to guide the whole Kingdom of Lemery especially the innocent child, Zenebe mumbled.    
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