Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 The newly born baby was named Princess Amira Zaida with symbolizes prosperity or fortune, a healthy and angelic baby gave joy and life to the palace everyone is eager to see the gentle face of the baby as if its smile has charm and brings a light feeling to everyone. “The little princess seemed to be sleeping very soundly as if she wanted to be in my arms.” King Devar whispered while watching the princess in her sleep. “Our little princess is uniquely beautiful, I am sure many in our neighboring kingdom will be delighted and desire to be liked by the princess in the future.” Queen Yashiba commented. “I don't want to think about those things, what I want now is to enjoy every single moment  with the princess that we have been waiting for so long.” King Devar replied. “My king, in the coming days' Matilda will be part of the palace and I hope you will allow me to do this.” Queen Yashiba pleaded. “I want to tell you the truth my queen,  I don't like the idea that Matilda is inside the palace I have a feeling that something bad will happen but as my wife I trust and I want to believe that you are doing this to make everyone believes that we can be in harmony even with our indifferences.” The king mentioned. Even though the queen was anxious about her request to the king, she had to show her determination to what she wanted to happen. She needs to safeguard the princess at all costs. A few days later, the queen sent a message to Matilda informing her that she could go to the palace to serve as the princess's servant and guardian. Matilda could not hide the joy she felt after reading the queen's order given by the palace servant. He had long dreamed of staying inside the palace for a long time and that would come true at that moment. “I also want to come and stay at the palace with you My Lord.” Bodhi requested. “I can't take you to the palace in your true appearance, you can only be with me if you change into an ordinary bird instead of a scary bat,” Matilda told sarcastically. “I'll agree, but if there’s a chance that you could bring me back to my true form promise me that you will do so in that I can still enjoy being a bat and not a disgusting bird.”Bodhi requested. By chanting a few Latin words while striking the magic wand the formerly scary bat is now one of the most beautiful and attractive birds in the Kingdom of Lemery. Bodhi looks at himself with so much disappointment because he didn't like his transformation, he preferred his scary looks and he didn't like the colorful feathers which for him would only get people's attention more and could even cause him to get caught. But what else he can do? He needs to withstand and endure the situation if he wants to stay in the palace with Matilda. “Are we going to the palace now?” Bodhi asked. “Isn’t obvious? the guards are patiently waiting for us to come out outside so fix yourself and we'll leave.” Matilda scolded. A few chants and striking of Matilda’s magic wand into the air and everything inside the cave slowly vanish into the air. “Shall we go now?” The palace guard signaled the palace servant to assist Matilda in riding the carriage. “Is this all the stuff you take with you?” The palace servant asked. Matilda raised only its eyebrow in response to the palace servant never asked again and began to travel. While traveling Matilda thinks about how her life will change from the cave where she lives to a spacious, steady, and solid palace surrounded by many guards and servants, her surroundings that surrounded by trees within the forest with animals and strange creatures will soon become huge walls with people he used to rarely see because they were afraid of her. It took them about a day to travel back to the palace and it was almost night when they entered the palace. The king and queen patiently waited to see and welcome her so she immediately paid respect and greeted them. “Greetings Your Majesty and Your Highness.” Matilda greeted. “You have traveled a long way, I know you are tired  Adella will take you to your room so that you can rest.” Queen Yashiba suggested. Matilda did not refuse because she also felt at that time that she wanted to rest so Adella accompanied her to her room. Even though she was tired that night, Matilda could not sleep, she just thought that maybe it was new to her experience that she was now lying on the soft bed that used to be just hardwood covered with dry leaves she just uttered a few magic words and put some magic potion into her drinks to help herself fall asleep. Matilda's first night in the palace was peaceful while Bodhi at that time was busy wandering around the palace and one by one he peeked at the rooms as if looking for someone until he found the room he was looking for. Bodhi's red eyes shone when he saw the princess sleeping soundly in her crib next to the caretaker Adella even a bat-like her seemed enchanted by the gentle and angelic face of the princess. He tried to enter and get closer to Princess Amiza Zaida and he succeeded but when he was about to land on her, he was dazzled to see the amulet on her arm. He felt the strange warmth of being close to the princess that he knew would burn his whole body the moment he touched or clung to her and it was caused by the amulet on her wrist that he knew it is her protection against evil spirits and other creatures like him. My lord needs to know that Princess Amira has an amulet and he needs to be careful, Bodhi whispered. Bodhi quickly left that place and returned to Matilda's room before Adella woke up and struck him in shock.  
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