Chapter Seventeen.

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Nick was on edge. His father had called an urgent meeting with the high ranking members of Scarlett River, and for some unknown reason, Nick had been called to join in as well. He was leaning against the back wall of his father’s office, as far away from the Alpha as possible. Nick was doing his best to be invisible, ignored. He had arrived on the heels of a group of his father’s lieutenants hoping to go unnoticed. But a few had still turned when he’d entered, turned and sniffed. Nick made sure to catch the eye of every single one and flash a warning, a challenge. “Don’t mention my scent.” His wolf growled. His dominance flared and they each turned away. For the first time, he was glad of his future alpha potential. The last thing he needed was to call attention to Kiara until he had figured out how to protect her from Marcus. Thinking of which, if Marcus Hunter had noticed the new scent mingled with his son’s, he didn’t show it. In fact, he hadn’t even glanced once at his son. When the last wolf arrived for the meeting, Marcus finally looked up from his phone. “So you all know,” The addressed the room, “I received information that the Rising Moon Alpha, Silver Blake, came within spitting distance of our boarders two days ago.” There was an uneasy stir through the room. “Then for some unknown reason, he simply turned around and left again.” The unease changed to hostile. As if the pack had suffered a great insult. “He’s clearly taunting us.” One of the women said. “How dare he?” A male grower under his breath. Nick shifted his weight uncomfortably. The tension in the room was building as the wolves around his muttered amongst themselves. He alone knew the real reason why Silver had almost breached their boarders. Telling the truth would defiantly put Kiara and himself in plain view of the pack. But not speaking up could have much deadlier consequences if his father let hostilities rise. After some brief thought, Nick settled somewhere in the middle. He cleared his throat, a dominant gesture to call the attention of the room. Several wolves looked his way, but not enough. He cleared his throat again. The effect was better this time. “Silver’s niece was injured the day before. I believe he is her legal guardian. And we all know that he is ridiculously sentimental and protective of the females under his care.” His gaze met his father’s narrowed eyes. Something silent passed between them. Then Nick looked away. “Not here. Not the right time.” He reminded himself. “Yet.” Growled the wolf in his head. “Then why did he simply turn and run?” Vaughn asked sceptical of Nick’s explanation. Staying calm, Nick shrugged one shoulder. “The injuries weren’t that bad. And it was the night of the full moon. Even Silver would admit there was no reason to come for something like that.” “Then why come at all?” Vaughn challenged. “How should I know?” He was losing the room, he could see it in the faces around him. “Amusing theory, but I’m still inclined to remain cautious.” Marcus’ tone was dark and condescending. “You still have a long way to go boy, if you ever hope to be an Alpha someday.” Many wolves smirked at this. Nick, however wasn’t amused. When he was finally released from the meeting Nick went straight back to the hotel. It was getting close to dinner time and the juveniles would be making their way to the dinning room. Despite wanting to keep his new relationship with Kiara a secret for now, Nick couldn’t help scanning the crowd for her on his way to the elevator. His eyes moved over the shifters as they filed past him but he didn’t see her. Kiara was probably already in the dinning room. When he finally entered his room, Nick plunked down on the lounge, his face in his hands. He groaned in frustration. The whole Silver thing was a mess and there was no one to blame but himself. Kiara heard Nick come in. She was in the bathroom of his suite, trying on some of her new purchases. She was nervous, not an emotion she experienced often. Especially under these kind of circumstances. She was wearing a forest green bralette set that she had initially tried on in black. She had brought both in the end. And she had just finished shaving her legs so they were smooth and silky. Her long black hair was down and she had even smeared a thin layer of lip gloss on her lips. Kiara studied herself in the mirror again. Even she had to admit that she looked good. But Kiara wasn’t feeling quiet confidant enough to greet Nick in only her underwear. Her new little black dress was out too. She was saving that for a romantic night out. Assuming that Nick ever got around to asking her on a proper date. One without little sisters and their friends. The only other option she had was one of Nick’s T-shirts. She had worn one to bed the night before and she knew Nick had really seemed to like it on her. She shrugged on the simple black T-shirt and padded barefoot out to the living room. Nick was sitting on the lounge with his head in his hands He looked up when he heard her enter. A growl of appreciation slipped from him when he caught sight of Kiara wearing his shirt. Nick loved seeing her in his T-shirts, and so did his wolf. “Mine” the wolf growled inside him. He noticed that she wasn’t naked under there though. He could see the faint outline of a textured bra. Interest peaked, he held his arms open for her. She came willingly. Swinging one leg over his and sitting in his lap, her arms resting loosely around his neck. Nick let out a moan as she seated herself on him. The hem of the T-shirt riding up to expose her beautiful bare thighs. His hands came to rest on her hips and she gave a little teasing thrust, grinding her intimate core against his hardening c**k. “Hey baby.” Kiara smiled before kissing him softly on the lips. Nick growled again. His pants were beginning to feel much too tight. His hands moved to brush lightly up and down her thighs. “I’ve missed you all day.” His voice was rough, strained, as his lust grew. “I missed you too.” She answered, and was a little bit surprised to find that it was true. For a brief moment, Nick was preparing to tell her about the pack meeting he had just came from. But just when he was about to mention it, his trailing fingers brushed the hem of the shirt higher and he caught sight of her green lacy panties. Nick had never seen Kiara wear anything like that before. The sight completely banished all other thoughts from his mind. “What are those?” he growled. Lust thick in his voice. His hands completely still on her thighs now. Kiara looked down at where she was pressed against the budging of his trousers. “Oh, these?” She asked innocently, lifting the hem of the T-shirt higher, giving him a complete un-interrupted view of her new panties. “The girls and I went shopping today.” Their eyes met. Kiara could see the burning lust in Nick’s gaze. It gave her a little rush, adding to her own s****l desire. “ Do you like them?” She asked, rocking her hips against him. Nick’s eyes closed and he breathed in her scent, deeply. When his eyes opened again he growled; “I f*****g love them.” One large hand slipped up her thigh to trace the dark green lace. It stood out beautifully against her tan skin. His fingers trailed along the top edge of the garment, stopping once her reached the middle. Then slowly, very slowly, his fingertips trailed downwards. Kiara held her breath as his fingers found the quickly dampening centre of the panties. She lent back, allowing him more access, as Nick traced the pattern of the lace. His light teasing touch felt amazing over her sensitive lower lips. Kiara wanted more, needed more, but she was unwilling to ask him for it. The wolf within her was too proud and dominant in nature to beg. Nick’s finger brushed over her small pink pearl and she gasped. He stroked her again and she moaned. Nick loved the soft little sounds Kiara made while he stroked her through the lace. He leaned forward to lick a long slow trail up her neck. Kiara’s responding moan shot right to his groin. He was so hard now, but he wasn’t done teasing his mate. He turned his gaze to her breasts, heaving and thrust forwards towards him. He knew what he would find under the T-shirt, but he was still excited to see just what she was wearing for him. Nicks fingers stopped their stroking and he gathered up the hem of the shirt. Slowly, he pulled it up over her head. Kiara’s long dark hair cascaded over her shoulders, framing the beautiful lacey bralette she wore. His breath caught as he took in the sight of her. “You’re beautiful.” He whispered. A shy blush spread over her cheeks. His right hand reached up to trace the edge of the cup, just like he had with her panties. Little bumps appeared over her breasts at the gentle teasing touch. Her n*****s hardened into twin points, pressing against the soft lace cups. Nick’s finger dipped to trace one tight peak through the green lace. Kiara’s gasp surging him on. But instead of tracing the other n****e with his finger, Nick cupped her right breast with his hand and brought hip lips to her instead. She moaned the instant his hot wet mouth enclosed around her lace clad n****e. Her hips rocked against him as he gently traced her n****e with his tongue. Nick worked his fingers and mouth together. Worshiping her breasts through the forest green lace that still covered them. Kiara never would have imagined that he could give her such unimaginable pleasure without actually touching her bare skin. Then as if to prove he could make her feel ever better, Nick slipped the soft lacy cup aside and took her erect n****e into his hot wet mouth. She moaned, pushing her breast into him. His other hand pinched the n****e it was teasing and he rolled his hips upwards to rub against her. The stimulation felt intense. Nick switched breasts, exposing and licking the left one while his hand dipped lower again. His fingers found her sensitive little bud and stroked her, still only touching her through the lace. It felt amazing, but still she needed more, needed him deeper. As if sensing her need, Nick’s hand stroked lower to her entrance. His fingers pushing into her. But the lacy barrier halted their progress much too soon. Kiara let out a sound of impatient frustration. Nick released her n****e to smile teasingly at her. “Need something Rabbit?” He asked innocently. Kiara growled, shaking her head. She wouldn’t ask. Wouldn’t beg. She shouldn’t have to. Nick should know what she needed and just give it to her. No matter how hornet she was, her wolf wasn’t ready to give into his. Instead, she reached down between them and gripped him, turning the tables. Nick moaned, the feel of her hand on his c**k was wonderful. Her fingers made quick work of his belt and trousers. Soon Nick’s hard shaft had sprung free and Kiara was stroking him as slowly as he had been stroking her. “That’s cheating.” He said, a little breathless. “Is it?” she replied in her innocent tone. But Nick wasn’t about to loose the upper hand. He gripped her waist and lifted her so she now hovered just above his waiting c**k. Kiara yelped in surprise at the sudden change in position. She could no longer reach him to stroke his hard length. But Nick’s shaft could reach her. He lowered her slightly so that the head of his c**k could press against her covered entrance. Kiara cursed the lacy barrier between Nick and the place she desperately needed him to be. She was aching. A feeling of deep emptiness only he could fill. Nick pushed against her again. His thick plum head sloping along her folds to caress her clit through the damp lace. “Let me in baby.” Nick’s deep voice rumbled in her ear. Kiara growled and moaned at the feel of him. She couldn’t believe he was making her submit to him like that. Even in that small way. He stroked her again, and again. Each time his c**k moved away from the place she needed it, the frustration grew. He thrust again and this time she knew it was over. Growling, Kiara reached one hand between them and tugged the saturated forest green lace aside. The next time Nick’s broad head pressed against her entrance, there was no more barrier. He slipped easily inside her, eliciting a pleasured moan from both of them. He lowered her down until she was completely seated onto him. His shaft completely engulfed by her hot wet channel. It was exactly what they had both been craving. What they both deeply needed. After a moment, they began to move. The pace was slow and steady, reaching deeply into both of them. Kiara placed her hands on Nick’s face and kissed him with slow, burning passion. Nothing else mattered in that moment but the two of them as they made sweat passionate love. And with a swell of emotion, Kiara finally realised that she really did love Nick. With that realisation, something else began to swell and grow inside her. Building up with the pleasure swelling inside her abdomen. The pleasure increased as they both climbed higher and higher towards release. Then, crashing like a powerful wave, pure pleasure washed over them both as they came. Kiara felt something locking into place inside her chest. A bond so strong that only death could break it. “Nick?” Kiara looked at him with wide uncertain eyes. Had he felt it too? Nick stroked her cheek. “It’s okay.” He reassured her.
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