Chapter 1

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♥☆♥☆♥☆♥☆♥☆♥☆♥☆♥☆♥☆♥☆♥☆ "But a mermaid has no tears, therefore she suffers so much more" ------Hans Christian Anderson, "The Little Mermaid" ♥☆♥☆♥☆♥☆♥☆♥☆♥☆♥☆♥☆♥☆♥☆ Chapter One ═══════ღஐ✿Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ✿ஐღ═════ "Are you sure absolutely sure you do not want to stay here for the summer? You are more than welcome to stay with me over the summer you know" My mother reminds me as she did her Jane Fonda work out DVD. Seeing my Mother in all her glory working out in 80's work out gear was not my idea of what a fun summer was. At least I was going to have a place to escape for the summer. "I am absolutely sure I want to go see Grandma. Besides if I do not go see her that means she will just come out here to see us" I cannot help but point out. That did the trick. A look of dismay crosses my Mother's face as I mention her Mother coming out to see us. I grin. "No thanks. I have enough I am dealing with. Hey, go get my address book. I promised your Father I would give him the number to the bakery shop today for his wedding" Mother demanded to me as she points to her address book that was over there on the book shelf. "Mother? Don't you find it odd to be planning your soon to be ex-husband's wedding? You should not be helping him! I would be smashing cake in his face and telling him to stuff cake where the sun does not shine!" I snap feeling anger come over me toward my own Father. "Now Sydney that is not a nice way to talk about your Father. We are still good friends. Besides in my Yoga class Chris tells me that it is not good to hold on to your anger. I keep telling you to come to class with me. Chris can help you get rid of those negative thoughts that you are holding onto" Mother puffs as she jumps up in down making a spectacle of herself. • ❤︎ •• ❤︎ • That was another reason I wanted to head out to Grandmas. Here lately these days my Mother wanted to be my best friend. Wanted to take Yoga classes. Painting, pottery classes. You name it. She wanted to go out there and do it. I was not in the mood for that. I was still trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my own life here. I had just gotten out of high school a few years ago. I had a whole year to myself which was grand. But now I had to figure out what to do with the rest of my life. One thing I knew I did not want to become my Mother's personal guidance counselor. Spending my days holding her hand telling her everything was going to be alright. That was not going to happen any time soon. As for her Yoga teacher Chris...he was a horse of another color. An odd ball. He was a tree hugger, peace lovin, give the world a chance kind of man. He could stand to use a haircut to. Ugh. Mom was out meeting these people. Giving her new life a "New Adventure". I wanted no part of that. "I still think that is weird. That the same people who made your wedding cake for your wedding is going to make wife number two's cake. I would never do that" I snap as I hand her the address book. "We are different that is all. You have a lot to learn about life still Sydney. That is all" Mom replies. I nod. Not from her. "I have to get packing. My flight leaves for tomorrow" I tell Mom. "Have a safe flight if I do not see you before I go to work in the morning okay? Please call me when you get there to let me know you are there. Send Grandma my love as well" Mom rambles on. "Sure" I agree as I head off to my room. • ❤︎ •• ❤︎ • I had two rooms. One at Mom's here. Then one at Dad's at our old home. Which soon to be wife number two redecorated our old home to make it her own already. Including my old room. And I hated how she redid my room. Dad was trying to get me to say nice things because wife number two (Vanessa) was wanting to become a designer or something. Not that I cared about his new bride to be. Vanessa was only twenty-three years of age. I was twenty going on twenty-one. This chick could be my sister! I really do not know what my Dad was thinking marrying this woman! He was suffering from a midlife crisis to it seemed like. I sigh as I drag my suite case out from under my bed. I had not even started to pack for my summer trip. I always left things to the last minute. My Mom hated it when I did that. We lived here in Michigan. I was looking forward to some warm beach weather down in North Carolina. I loved my annual trips to the ocean. It was a darn shame that I never took the time to learn how to swim. Maybe one of these days I was going to learn. I wanted to learn. Just I had this fear of the ocean. Of water really. Not the ocean. That I was going to drown in the water one day. Everyone has a fear. And well that is mine. Always has sense I was five years old. No one was watching me at my Uncle Raymond's house outside. I fell in their pool one fall day. I nearly did drown. So I never wanted to learn to swim. I knew it would be a good idea to learn. I just could not control my own fears. No matter how hard I tried to. I walk over to my dresser. There was a photo of my Grandmother and I on the beach by her sea side home. She and I are hugging each other smiling at the camera. Which I think my Mom took this one last year. That was the last year my Dad did not go with us to see Grandma. When he announced he had a girlfriend and was divorcing my Mom. Mom took things better than I have been. I really do not know how she does that. I would take Yoga classes with her. But Chris is too creepy to go to class. I smile as I set my photo back on my dresser. I head to my little closet. I begin to pick out things I was going to need for the whole summer. I had been thinking about moving down south with my Grandma. She was all alone sense Grandpa had passed away two years ago of a heart attack. I did not like it that she was there all alone. But she seemed to things just fine. I loved being down there. Maybe I would go to college there. Let my parents find themselves here. And live with my Grandma. My Grandma and I got along really well despite her kooky self. My Grandma still believed I thought the tooth fairy was real. Well not that extreme. But she is the type of person who will have a lock ness monster sighting from her back yard. And she believes there is a big foot. She had me going on big foot hunts in the woods when I was a little girl. She just was fun. Like for me to believe that anything could happen in this world. I just to believe the world was a big magical place. But now I think that the world is just nothing more than a big disappointment. If you want anything done you have to go out and do things for yourself. No fairy god mother can help you buy that dress now. My cell phone rings. It was my Grandmother. She must have known I was thinking about her. • ❤︎ •• ❤︎ • "Hello sugar pie" she greets me hello when I answer my cell phone. "Hey Grandma. I was just packing for my trip" I tell her with excitement. "Good to see somethings never change. Last minute packer" she jokes with me. "You know it. I really am looking forward to seeing you all summer" I say. "I am to sugar pie. I am too. Tell that Mother of yours I better see her before Christmas one of these days" she grumbles. "I tried Grandma. She is too busy doing Yoga with Chris" I snicker. "That Chris. He is not a good man for her to be around. Call it woman's instinct call it what you will. She will learn. The hard way. Mark my word" she tells me. "I know Grandma. I do not like him either. She never listens to me" I giggle. Grandma and I were peas in a pod almost. We rarely disagreed on anything. That was another thing I loved about my Grandma. Mother always told me that I was a lot like her. In many ways I knew I could be. "She never listens to anyone. Well no she listens to Chris. And the bull crap he spews" she sighs. "Maybe one day she will learn. Oh Grandma do you remember what time to pick me up from the airport tomorrow?" I ask her. "Three-thirty correct?" she asks me. "Yes please do not be late. I do not like being alone in those crowds" I remind her. "I know you don't. But life is an everyday adventure. Take things as they come. You never know who you are going to meet up with" she points out. I liked meeting new people. I could be a shy person. I just did not like being in big crowds. With a bunch of strangers watching your every move. That always made me feel uneasy. "You will be just fine. See you tomorrow sugar pie" Grandma says to me on the phone. "Tell that Mother of yours to call me once in a while" Grandma reminds me again before we hang up. "Will do. See you soon Grandma. Bye" I tell her as we hang up. "Are you off the phone now?" Mom asks me as she peaks her head inside of my room. "All clear!" I laugh. "Here is my credit card. To my bank. This is only for when you need it okay? You can buy a little something for you when you are there. I know things have been tough for you these days. But we will make things out when everything is all settled with" Mom tells me as she hands me her debit card. She hugs me. I smile as I hug her back. "I am looking forward to seeing Grandma this summer. Maybe I will learn to swim this summer" I say. "After all everyone is making changes with their life. Maybe I should to" I reflect. "That I would like to see" Mom laughs as she kisses my cheek before heading out of the room. It was time for summer adventures to begin... ♥☆♥☆♥☆♥☆♥☆♥☆♥☆♥☆♥☆♥☆♥☆
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