The Alpha is my Dad?

1028 Words
Amelia’s POV It took me a while to process the information I was being fed. Nothing made any sense. Tomorrow was meant to be an exciting time for me turning sixteen. Now all I was filled with was dread and anxiety. I couldn’t breathe properly. I don’t know what I was meant to do or say but I didn’t want to face them or anyone for that matter. I kept myself locked away until dinner time my mother knocked softly on my bedroom door. “Amelia you have a visitor. “ “Tell her to go away.” I seethed angrily. How dare she even come near to me. I knew who it was straight away. I could smell her sorry ass the second she entered our driveway. “Come on darling let’s talk about this. You need to understand what is going to happen…!” I jumped up from off the bed and flung open my bedroom door to reveal my tearful mother and my so called best friend standing side by side. Neither one looked at me in the eyes and I was glad because I could already feel my anger beginning to boil. It scared me how furious I was becoming. But they had both lied to me and they were supposed to be important people in my life. “Oh Milly Moo please don’t be mad at me.” “I want nothing to do with the likes of you. You cheating bitch.” I spat at her in disgust. “Please hear me out. I found out just yesterday that Jake is my mate. I can’t help the mate bond it is so strong. Please forgive me. We never wanted to hurt you.“ she sobbed. “I can’t just reject him.” What the hell was she talking about. Mates and mate bond. Was I dreaming? “What are you talking about mate bond. Such rubbish!” I spouted and it was so hard for me to resist the urge of clawing her eyes out. She disgusted me and I hated how she and Jake had betrayed me and lied. “Jake and Alissa are mates. It is what the moon goddess chose.” I turned to my mother and sneered. They must all be on drugs because this was too crazy to be reality. “It’s true Amelia and tomorrow you will see for yourself when you get your own wolf.” Alissa said seriously. I stared at her and my mother and suddenly let out a laugh. They looked surprised at my reaction but then Alissa got mad and insisted that it was the truth. “I don’t believe it. You are all liars and I hate you all. Get out of my sight!” I screamed. “No you stupid i***t. You listen to me. I’ve had to live my life in silence about what we really are because of you. Stop being a spoilt little b***h and open your eyes to what you really are.” I glared in horror as Alissa stepped in front of me and I instantly pushed her away causing her to fall backwards into the wall. She screamed as a loud thud was heard and she ended up in a heap on the floor. I was shocked by my strength. Dad and some strange guy who I had never seen before came rushing up the stairs to see what all the commotion was about. “Amelia darling please calm down right now. We all need to talk and clear this whole situation up.” I didn’t care for talking to any of them. “I have nothing to say.” I stated crossing my arms and glaring childishly. The strange man stepped forward and I gasped when I saw him. The guy was about my dads age but he looked familiar. Tall and muscly, this guy was huge and had an aurora of authority about him. But he had the exact same brown eyes as me, thick curly black hair and a small nose. I stepped back in fright. He walked closer to me and didn’t take his eyes off of me which caused me to hide in a corner of my bedroom. “Whhhooo … who are you?” I stammered through my tears. But I knew who he was already. “I’m your father and I am the alpha of Rock Creek Mountain. You are my daughter.” He spoke softly and reached out a hand for me. I hesitated but slowly allowed him to help me up. “Please give us a a moment!” He said without turning to the other three. They immediately left for downstairs leaving me alone with this man. His lips slowly turned into a smile and his eyes looked abit teary as he pulled me into a hug. “My dear child. I have missed you so very much over these years. I am sure you have many unanswered questions. I am here to take you home and answer anything you would like to know. You are completely safe with me. “ It took a while to really take in what this man was saying to me but as crazy as it seemed I was beginning to believe it could be true. “So I’m a werewolf?” I questioned. He let out a small chuckle and nodded his head. “I appreciate it is a lot to take in but your mother dying when you were a baby was a big shock and adjustment. We did the best thing and giving you to your mothers best friend to bring you up and out of harms way was the right decision.” “What do you mean harms way?” I wanted to know. He closed his eyes and sighed before telling me about some gifts that I have which make me extra special from most werewolves. I could not believe this was happening to me. I almost forgot that my ex best friend was sitting downstairs with my parents. “Tonight you will be coming back to the pack house with me.”
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