Everyone In Places

1838 Words

Like an inescapable tidal wave, the blackness surged, Swallowing, no! Devouring all, as was its elemental Nature. Right before it engulfed her, she finally saw him, at the epicenter of it all. An entity she could not catch up to, much less stop. “Spare-” The last word that she had uttered in her life may have sounded like a selfish plea, but if she had gotten the chance to speak just one more word, perhaps she would have been able to stir a cord in his detached, merciless heart. If only, like everything else that she had done, she was not too slow this time to say “Them”. … In a swift motion, he erased tens of kilometers, wiping out all the Wild Beasts, adventurous humans and two small tribes in the vicinity. Of course, it was within his power to cause greater catastrophe. The defen

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