Sentient And Awakening

1951 Words

To say Zax was gratified will be an understatement. Bin Bin’s preparation benefited on several accounts. Firstly, it healed his injuries with only his spirit still crouched but at least not kneeling anymore. Secondly, he opened the hidden chamber of the second Savage Cave without endangering, basically the world, as he nearly did at the c****x of his battle with the Horned Eel. Thirdly, the Godly Law Template’s aura had not escape yet the chamber, allowing him a chance to study it if not the template itself – Gogenta preferred for him not to waste time on something that might deviate his intended path as the inheritor to Legacy Of The One’s Path. Lastly, Bin Bin’s droplets of windy element energy were spent after barring the gravitational and savage forces of the cave, healing him and

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