
1850 Words

A multitude of emotion drowned Boijent and Kindel. As the immensity of the Three Valleys overwhelmed them, the tidbits in the exposure for Gods and Immortals’ existence shook them to their cores. Afterwards, came the basic explanation on the three mortal realms, which made them realize how insignificant their accomplishments from before they met their “Teacher” are. After eight hours, the period it took them to digest everything, with Zax’s assistance, the two looked miserably despondent. “Teacher, you are…” Kindel hesitantly asked. He and Boijent did not yet understand the powers of the three aspects in the mortal realm, much less the Immortal’s, so they both estimated Zax at somewhere in the Martial Mortal realm. “An Immortal”. Zax shattered their expectations. “Don’t be mistaken.

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