
2664 Words

After eating the roasted fish and drinking their juices, the young Krikitories and little Liz played in the lake’s water for a hour or so. Afterwards, Zax informed little Liz that she needs to go to sleep since tomorrow him and Anet are taking her back home. The next day, Kingdom Earth. “Did you have fun sweetheart?” Laylen asked little Liz in her hands. “Yes, mommy. Big sis Shulip made yummy fishies, here”. She blew a warm breath on her mother’s nose so she could smell the sweetness of the fish’s skin that Shulip dipped in a fruit sauce before roasting, but instead, Laylen only smelled the chocolate bar she packed for her daughter before Zax took her to Valgarel. When they returned to Kingdom Earth Anet headed to her home and before going back to Eden formation. Zax spent the last da

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